Death Notice

Chapter 694

Gilliam's chest heaved a few times, and then he picked up his double-edged axe and severely cut off the head of the spider spirit.

"Well, I hate creatures with sharp ears!" The old dwarf turned his head to stare at Qin Lun, blew his beard, and turned into the other side of the passage. However, there was no further return.

The dwarfs looked at each other, shrugged at each other, and quickly followed. Martha and elistin smiled silently, and of course they knew that the Dwarfs' words were not aimed at all the elves.

"Ha, it seems that you are angry with elder Gilliam!" Luo Lin patted Qin Lun on the shoulder and said with a smile, "good luck. I was afraid that you would be beaten by him just now!"

Qin Lun opened his hand and smiled easily. Without stimulating Gilliam, even if the task is over, he is helpless.

All the people passed by the spider spirit, which was split into two pieces by gillim. They could not stop to check it. The old dwarf's technique is very clean, the body section of the spider spirit is very neat, and the spider shell covering the ribs can even see the horny texture.

However, the strong vitality of spider spirit can be seen at this time. Even if it has died, the eight spider legs of its lower body will twitch from time to time, so that people passing by can't help being careful, for fear that they will be hanged by claws with barbs.

"These spider spirits are really hard to deal with!" After examining the two mutilated bodies, Weiss frowned.

Although Gilliam's two axes just solved the spider spirit, the fighting process is not simple. The old dwarfs are legendary warriors, and they are just in a state of rage.

Qin Lun and Wei Si looked very carefully. The two attacks of the old dwarf left little space for the spiders to adjust. Otherwise, the fighting process would be delayed for several rounds.

After the first attack, he should take a little rest, but with the strength of the legendary warrior, Gilliam carried the reaction force of the impact, which was equal to the high-speed impact of the spider spirit.

If the fighters are replaced by others in the team, they will definitely suffer some internal injuries, even the high-ranking apostle Weiss.

This is just a spider spirit. What if Gilliam is surrounded by two or several spider spirits? They have just passed through the breach at the top of the maze, but they have speculated that there are more than 30 spiders.

"Well, the drow priests and warriors!" Qin Lun said worriedly, "let Romon and hill come here. We need a wide range of magic skills to support the fight!"

"I have informed them!" Weiss nodded silently. Now the whole dwarven exploration team has entered the Minotaur's maze fortress, except for more than ten low-level soldiers and mining experts, other middle and high-level strong men and apostles.

"Lorraine, you go..." Qin Lun drags Luo Lin and quietly points to the old dwarf in front of him.

"Well, I see!" Luo Lin listened to Qin Lun's advice, but hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

When Lorraine found Gilliam, the old dwarf couldn't help but look back at Qin Lun. However, he just let out a vent on the spider spirit, and his mood was slightly stable. After thinking about it, he stayed in the same place, touched the meat cake and ate with water.

They need to wait here for several other apostles, because the traps along the way have been eliminated, and they are guided by Qin Lun and others. Hill and others didn't linger for days like they did, only two hours later, they came to Qin Lun's place.

Seeing that Romon, hill, the monkey and the vicar had all arrived, Gilliam stood up silently, shouldered his double-edged axe on his shoulder, and led the way at the front of the line.

"Don't you need me to scout ahead?" The thief asked in some doubt.

"Gilliam is a legendary strong man. Although perception is not a strong point of physical fighting profession, most soldiers above the senior level have passive feelings similar to the sixth sense. Once they get close to a certain critical line, they will definitely find out."

Weiss said thoughtfully, "what's more, the dwarves are still legendary and strong. They should have domain skills. It seems that the enemy is not far away."

"The realm of warriors doesn't necessarily detect rogues!" The monkey murmured, but only in private. The thieves who can save the domain exploration have basically entered into the legend, and the spider spirit and the Tauren are obviously not among them.

Weiss's judgment is very accurate. From here on, Gilliam hardly explored the surrounding environment, and every time he reached the corner of the passage, he chose one of the directions without hesitation.

The team also encountered several traps along the way, but it didn't work for them at this time. After all, after the concentration of personnel, the team's strength was very strong, and a small number of trap mechanisms failed to stop their pace at all.

Since the appearance of the spider spirit, they haven't met any other spider spirit. It's speculated that the spider spirit should belong to the outer patrol, and there should be no second one in its area.

When people think of this, they are relieved. It's worth the explosion. At least, it didn't let the spider spirit on patrol give an early warning.

"Ah!" Qin Lun suddenly exhaled in pain. He only felt a sharp pain in his mind, as if an awl had been knocked into the back of his head.He was surprised to see that a few people in the team, such as Weiss and hill, looked around warily for fear of being attacked by the unknown.

It's a pity that everything around is calm. Only Qin Lun kneels on one knee, props up the wall with one hand and covers his head with the other hand. His whole body is shaking slightly.

"Ferrar, what's the matter with you?" Elisting held Qin Lun and asked with concern.

"It's nothing. It's estimated that the pupil skill is used too frequently these days, which leads to the backfire of spells!" Qin Lun lowered his head, unable to see the expression on his face, but his trembling body began to calm down.

"That's good!" Elistin breathed a sigh of relief and pulled Qin Lun off the ground.

But she didn't see Qin Lun lowering his head, and the three hands in the silver dial of his right eye were spinning wildly. When Qin Lun raised his head, the silver dial had quietly faded away, except for the pale face full of cold sweat, as if that scene had never appeared.

"All right!" Weiss frowned a little and asked questionably on the team channel.

You can only cheat the characters of the plot if you use magic to backfire. The apostles rely on the mana value to drive their skills. Without the mana, they can use medicine to recover. If they don't have the last resort, they can't lead to spell backfire in normal times.

"There's something wrong with your body. It's ok now!" Qin Lun can't be as perfunctory to Weiss as to illistine, so he has to disclose part of the truth. He believes Weiss won't continue to ask.

As expected, Weiss just nodded and didn't ask again. Each apostle has its own secret. Although they are now in a cooperative relationship, they do not belong to a real team mate, so it is not convenient for them to continue to ask.

"Qin Lun?" Hill and Rand alertly restricted the group channel's affiliates, each greeting.

"It's a mental problem!" Qin Lun hesitated for a moment and finally told them the truth.

"Oh!" Rand frowned slightly, but did not ask. In the view of fireworks, it was already personal privacy, so it was inconvenient for him to ask again.

The same is true of hill. The mental problems of the five killers are basically the most taboo scales. Unless they say it, no one else will ask.

"Hill, wait!" However, when the shepherd gave up, Qin Lun stopped him alone and gave him a look.

"What did you find?" Hill's eyes flashed, and he was two steps behind, walking side by side with Qin Lun.

"I didn't find anything. I have something for you!" Qin Lun leaned slightly and flashed a light on his hand. He put a meat like thing into Hill's hand.

Hill didn't see what it was, and when he turned it with one hand, he took it into the storage space. What Qin Lun gave him obviously didn't want to be seen by others, so he didn't hand it over through the team warehouse.

"This is Do you really want to give me this? " Hill's face finally changed when he glanced at the new items in his storage space.

"Well, just in case!" Qin Lun's face sank like water, hesitated and said, "I will disappear soon..."

"Yes Joey foster! " Hill frowned tightly, with a faint foreboding.

"Not Joey, he disappeared before me!" Qin Lun smiled helplessly. "I should have noticed it. I thought I had enough time to finish the world task, but now..."

"Will you come back?" Hill took a look at Qin Lun and asked cautiously, "those servants in your family..."

At last the shepherd realized something and his face began to change.

"I'll come back. It's just a period of time. I don't know how long it will take. After this happens, the interval will be longer than the previous one." Qin Lun's eyes were dazed, which was the only thing he could not control.

"Just come back." Hill sighed in relief and said with a smile, "I can't see that you pay so much attention to the three servants, and you are willing to give me such precious props as a reward for them. I see. I'll take care of frank and them! "

"No, you don't understand. I didn't give you this for them!" Qin Lun suddenly frowned again, as if he was enduring some kind of great pain. The sweat on his face kept dripping and his face was complicated You and Rand have to be careful next, 'I'm no longer trustworthy.'

"I see!" Hill's pupil shrank and nodded.

"Besides, I need you to help me..." Qin Lun's voice was getting lower and less audible, while Hill's face was getting worse and worse. Finally, he nodded with difficulty.