Death Notice

Chapter 693

"There are not many creatures that can cause similar wounds in the dark area, and even fewer of them can kill the Minotaur independently." With a sigh and a heavy face, Gilliam said to the curious eyes of all the people, "at least there is only one kind in my impression, spider spirit!"

Spider spirit is a kind of half spider and half human evil creature. They were originally drow spirit, but they were transformed into spider spirit by spider God for various reasons. Usually, after the end of the family ranking war in the underground city, there will be many spider spirits, which is the treatment of some losers.

When drow is transformed into spider spirits, they will lose their humanoid wisdom and become fierce and cruel beasts. The spider spirit belongs to the depraved creature, and can only live in the endless abyss of the dark area.

The endless abyss in the dark area is a bottomless ditch. Except for the spider spirits, there are almost no underground creatures living there. It is said that there is a kingdom after the spider God, and the spider spirit is the watchdog of the kingdom.

The spider spirit has no wisdom and can't be accepted as a summoning beast by any creature. Only the spider God can enslave them.

"No way. If it's a spider spirit, then it's related to the spider God. How can he care about a Minotaur's nest?" In a low voice, martasha exclaimed that she had learned about the secrets behind spider God in the materials of harpist alliance.

"No matter what the truth is, we can't flinch now, or we will have to give up our previous efforts and go back to the ground to find other ground fissures." Said Gilliam with a heavy heart.

In fact, after the dwarf King Bruno and his shield dwarf returned from the ice wind Valley, he vowed to retake the secret silver hall from the shadow dragon's hands, which was not only a hot slogan for a while, but also a must. Up to now, the shield dwarves have no real foothold.

Now this time is different from the period of elves' rule. Even in the peak period, elves' population is not too large. In this era, the main ruler of the continent is human beings, with extremely strong fecundity.

Although it seems that human beings can only coexist with other intelligent races on the mainland at present, they have in fact occupied the most fertile shores of Jianwan, zhuxinghai, and the steam lake. Agriculture, handicraft industry and Commerce have reached the peak of the mainland history.

Although other intelligent races and wild creatures occupy most of Phelan, they are barren, barren, wild, primeval forests and rugged mountains.

As a race, unless the shield dwarves enter the dark area to fight with drow to rob the existing dungeon. Otherwise, cities can only be built in some inaccessible mountains. However, the shield dwarfs are not the former sunata dwarfs. Their resources are not enough to rebuild a magnificent mountain city.

Therefore, we have to choose the existing dwarf castle, of which the silver hall is the best choice.

In fact, when Lorraine arrived in the north, the dwarf king also had the idea of iron star castle. The relics passed by Qin Lun and others were once a great dwarf city.

However, tiexingbao is too far away from the north, and miyin hall is the hometown of Warhammer family, so the dwarf King finally only took tiexingbao as a spare tire.

Of course, if they want to recapture the secret silver hall, Gilliam and others must speed up their pace, because the longer they delay, the more resources the shield dwarfs will consume for this purpose. When winter comes, if they haven't occupied the secret silver hall, the shield dwarfs will be frozen.

"Then move on!" Since the shield dwarfs were reluctant to give up, the apostles certainly had no opinion. However, their next exploration is more cautious.

"Come and see!" Qin Lun, who was exploring the front of the team, soon found something.

Qin Lun looked up at the top of the passage, where there was a huge breach. The top of the labyrinth castle is a rock layer more than one meter thick. In addition to the possible traps, they have never thought of directly penetrating into the core of the labyrinth from the top, but Gilliam's conjectured spider elves seem not to care about these.

"There is a pungent smell on the edge of the breach, as if it were some kind of strongly corrosive liquid." One of the dwarfs in the team jumped into the breach, observed for a while, and then conveyed the message to the crowd.

"As far as I know, although spiders can secrete corrosive weak toxins, they want to corrode such a big breach It's kind of weird! " Said Martha in surprise.

"It's not the work of Spiderman elves. I guess there may be priests after Spiderman in the team attacking the Minotaur. Those black skinned elves can use all kinds of dark magic." Said Gilliam firmly.

"Every drow priest is the backbone of the dungeon. They should be surrounded by other drow warriors!" Said martasha with a heavy heart.

Soldiers, priests, and the fearless spider spirit! Qin Lun and Weiss looked at each other, but they were helpless. The plot of the task they took was not easy to do.

The more difficult the task is, the richer the income will be. Qin Lun and Wei Si are not cowardly apostles, but they prefer to take advantage of the situation and fight with their brains. In other words, most of the apostles are of this type. Those who work hard can hardly live in a few task worlds.After seeing the first breach at the top of the maze, they soon found more and more breaches, some of which could even see clear cutting marks.

"There are at least 30 spider spirits. If you cooperate with the drow priest No wonder those Minotaurs can't hold up! " Gilliam's voice grew more and more solemn, his eyes twinkling and he stopped.

"No, we have to quit first. This exploration is over. Although I don't know why the Minotaur provoked the spiders, the beasts will not stay so close to the earth's surface forever. Maybe by the time we get here next time, they'll have cleared the Minotaur nest and left. "

The apostles were worried. They had spent about ten days now. They had to quit and come back. They didn't have enough time.

"Gilliam, we haven't seen the enemy yet, so we quit..." Qin Lun frowned against it.

"Ferrar, I must be responsible for you. You have helped us a lot. I can't let you leave your life here." Said Gilliam solemnly and firmly.

"Lord gilem, I'm not used to giving up halfway. If you must go out, I'll take my people to stay alone." Qin Lun said, grimacing and expressionless, "you have already said that it is very close to the miyingting mining area. At this position, I believe that even without the guidance of mining experts, we can find the mining area's secret way."

"Oh..." Qin Lun's icy tone made the old dwarf not react for a moment, and stared at the silver elf in a daze. For the first time, he found out that there was an elf in the world who was more stubborn than their dwarves.

"Hey, thin guy with sharp ears, what are you talking about!" At last, the old dwarf reacted, and he was furious. He didn't think of his good intentions, but he was treated as a donkey's liver and lung by the prince of elves.

"Do you want to hear it again, bearded stone pier!" Qin Lun, holding his chest in both hands, said with an inclined eye and a disdainful face, "if I say you are afraid of death, I'll hurry to go home with my tail in my hand. I'll give you a road map when I find the miyingting mining area through maze castle!"

"You..." The old dwarf's eyes were round, his beard was raised, and he grasped the back of his hand like a snake.

Lorraine and the other dwarfs stared at the old dwarf nervously, for fear that he would be stimulated, and the Elven prince in front of him would fight.

Compared with their strength, they are more grumpy. They have a long, ironic face, but they are easy to touch and explode. Especially in the drinking carnival, it often becomes a group fight.

"Dada!" When the atmosphere was frozen, there was a sound like a finger hitting the glass at the end of the passage, and a huge thing stuck out half of its body from the corner.

They could not help but turn their heads and look at them. They saw a head more than two meters high, with a human shape in the upper half, a spider in the lower half, and creatures with two arms like sickle claws.

"Ouch..." This creature's eyes have no pupils, showing a gray white, the lower body of eight spider legs like dragonflies on the ground. After seeing Qin Lun and others, he crouched down slightly, arched his huge abdomen, opened his mouth to reveal a serrated fangs, and shouted at them.

At the next moment, it jumped lightly onto the wall on the left side of the passage, as if it had got rid of the influence of gravity, and rushed towards the crowd at full speed.

"Whoosh..." Just as the people were about to make a defensive gesture, a strong wind blew past them. Before they could get back to God, gillim's figure appeared in front of the spider spirit.

"Bang!" The spider spirit only had time to raise the claws of his right arm, and was cut right by Gilliam's wide faced double-edged axe. A claw with a burr splashed black liquid and flew into the air.

The high-speed spider spirit seems to have been hit by a truck, directly lifted by a huge force, and hit the wall at the end of the passage. The wall immediately sinks in, surrounded by dense cracks like a spider's web.

Gillim stares at the eyes of the bronze bell, takes a deep breath in the middle of the air, puffs up his chest high, and kicks his right foot against the wall, bouncing back all the impact force they just had.

"Boom!" The wall on the left side of the passage suddenly burst into a big hole, while the figure of the old dwarf appeared in front of the spider spirit again like lightning, which had not yet slipped from the concave wall.

"Ouch..." The spider spirit only uttered a half scream. From his left shoulder to his right rib, he broke into two pieces, which were cut into two pieces by gillim's axe.

However, the life force of the spider spirit is strong. At the critical moment of life and death, it still raises the remaining claw and cuts it towards the old dwarf's head.

"Zhi..." The sharp claws, like knives, made a harsh friction sound on Gilliam's helmet, and a series of dazzling sparks exploded in the dark.