Death Notice

Chapter 689

"Haha, it's not fun to explore the dark area now, is it?" During the camping, Gilliam said rudely to Qin Lun and others, "but now, I can't help it. It's here. We will not return to the camp until the supplies are consumed! "

"I don't know how the dark elves of prehistory adapted when they were just expelled from the surface into the dark area!" "In this environment, it doesn't take me a month to become insane," martasha muttered with a wry smile

"Don't you think the drow elves today have mental disorders and mental distortions?" Idriya rolled her eyes and couldn't help saying.

"However, I'd like to tell you the good news. According to several prospecting experts in the team, we should be not far from the miyingting mine." Lorraine came to the campfire and said mysteriously.

"That's good!" The dwarf's words relieved everyone, including the apostles.

In fact, the surprise came faster than people expected. On the afternoon of the next day, several prospecting experts in front of us sent us good news. The exploration team reached the periphery of the myityinting mining area!

"It's really hard to walk here!" The female apostle of Weiss's group held up her staff, bent over and panted. Among all the people, her constitution is the worst, not even the black robed mage.

As for the other women in the team, elisting is a druid. Although she looks soft and weak, every Druid has a high constitution. They are close to nature and are used to living alone in the forest. How can her constitution be poor.

Martasha is a highland elf. She was born in the highland. Her constitution is comparable to that of female barbarians. Otherwise, other elves would not call them barbarians.

Edria, needless to say, is a knight or a believer of lawita. Any painful experience will be regarded as the training of her faith.

"Need a hand, Miss Lolita!" Qin Lun looked back at her and said with a very gentlemanly smile.

After the joint battle of the rat tribe, the two groups of Apostles had a lot of harmony in the relationship, and everyone had a new understanding. The female apostle of Weiss team is Lolita, the black robed mage is Romon, the shield guard is Newton, and the thief nicknamed monkey is Biba.

The vicar shook her head and declined. As a second-order apostle, she had her own pride and didn't want to be a burden to the team.

However, it can not be blamed that the vicar 's physique is too poor. It is true that the exploration team is now on a bumpy road.

They are now walking a winding "mountain road", which is said to be a mountain road. In fact, there is no road at all, just a little better than climbing a cliff. Everyone is using both hands and feet. They are climbing up on the rough rocks less than a foot under their feet. Some of the footholds are even the size of palms, while some of the corners are even hanging in the air.

If not all the members of the exploration team were professionals, and the legendary strong and druids were always watching, it would have killed several people.

The terrain of the dark area is much more complex than that of the earth's surface. Qin Lun has lost his sense of direction since he came here. On the whole, the terrain of this dark area gives them the feeling of groups of giant bubbles formed between rock layers.

Some of these bubbles are even as wide as the plain, others are just like the pores in cheese, just like the rat man cave they have seen. These bubbles and the tunnels connecting them form the landform of this dark area.

They are now climbing up the edge of a rock layer with big bubbles. Fortunately, this rock layer is not a 90 degree cliff or a concave arch, otherwise it will be more difficult.

According to Lorraine, after climbing this rock, we should be able to find a mining area in miyin hall. With the materials brought by the exploration team, they may be able to find future campsites in the mining area.

This camp will play an important role in defeating the shadow dragon and the grey dwarf and occupying the secret silver hall. On the Apostles' side, as long as one of Gilliam and Lorraine confirmed the mining area of myityenne and returned safely to the previous camp, their task would be completed successfully.

To everyone's surprise, the rock stratum in front of them failed to climb to the top. The dwarf prospecting expert leading the way in front, when he was about to see the top of the rock, actually led his team into a deep tunnel.

The tunnel was zigzag and narrow, and the members of the exploration team could barely crawl on the ground, which made Qin Lun cry.

The two fairies and beauties in the team turned blue and began to talk nonsense. They only felt that the narrow rock wall around them seemed to collapse and bury everyone alive.

Qin Lun sighed, winked at Rand behind him, and stunned Martha and Alistair. The two beauties were obviously a little claustrophobic. If we let them continue to climb down the tunnel, it will leave a great psychological shadow in the future.

The tunnel of this rock stratum is a little wet. Qin Lun climbs for a while, and then feels wet all over. Fortunately, this section of road is not long. After climbing up nearly hundreds of meters, the tunnel finally began to expand, and a huge Zhongru cave appeared in front of it.The cave is huge in area. Qin Lun looks at it and preliminarily estimates the size of a football field. There are more than ten tunnels, big and small, connected with the surrounding rock walls.

"My head hurts!" Elistin, who was sandwiched under Qin Lun's armpit, woke up with his head rubbed and looked around him blankly.

However, the Elf Druid soon woke up and stood up with a red face.

"Eh, there seems to be a wind nearby!" Cried the genie, who was very sensitive to the elements of wind.

"Well, it seems that it's not far from the destination of the dwarfs!" Looking at the front twitter, a excited dwarves, Qin Lun premeditated what, said with a smile.

"Ferrar, we found it!" It turns out that Qin Lun's premonition was right, and Lorraine soon ran over with a face full of excitement.

"Have you found the fork that connects the mine?" The apostles, including Qinlun, were relieved.

"Well, although it hasn't been confirmed, two tunnels in this cave show signs of" heavy water "burning!" Lorraine grinned.

"Heavy water?" Qin Lun was puzzled. The professional words in the Dwarfs' mouths could not translate even the broken stars. Of course, he did not understand them.

"Oh, heavy water is the ore solvent that we use for preliminary processing after collecting the ore." Luo Lin didn't care. He explained it to Qin Lun and other listening companions.

"When some newly dug ores are too large to be broken with pickaxes, we will use heavy water to melt away impurities." Lorraine shrugged and continued, "however, heavy water is very corrosive. The channels that drain heavy water usually leave indelible traces, which are found in the tunnels here."

"Is there any danger?" Asked Wei Si, who was of a steady nature.

"No, although there will be some poisonous gas when the heavy water evaporates, our ancestors paid great attention to the ventilation conditions." Lorraine said confidently, "besides, those two tunnels have been abandoned for hundreds of years, where there will be heavy water residues."

"Ferrar!" After the discussion with the mining experts, Gilliam came easily from a distance. "Moradin is on, thank you for your help. We are finally going to succeed!"

"This is what we should do!" Qin Lun replied modestly.

"Ferrar, I apologize for the misunderstanding. All the way you tried to make all the dwarfs see it." The old dwarf looked very happy, blowing his beard and yelling, "although you are like all the elves, you are sincere when your friends really need you!"

"Lord gilem, should I apologize for that?" Qin Lun touched his nose with a wry smile. The dwarf's words sounded more sarcastic than praising.

"Call me Gilliam, all the shield dwarfs are your friends, Ferrar!" For the first time, the old dwarf's stare at his beard makes people feel simple and lovely.

"Well, Gilliam!" Qin Lun nodded with a smile and asked tentatively, "when are you going to attack miyin hall after you find it?"

"It depends on Bruno's arrangement, but I don't think it will be that fast." After pondering for a while, the old dwarf decided to tell the truth, "there are not only Shadow Dragons in the silver hall, but also the king of the grey dwarf and the whole tribe of the grey dwarf. The next war may last for months."

The old dwarf shook his head, as if to get rid of his worries, smiled and said, "you'd better not participate in the later affairs. Your friendship with the shield dwarves is enough for the dwarves king to consider alliance with the Anke fairy court. After all, elves are dwarves' allies against evil in ancient times, which we have never forgotten. "

"Gilliam, have you forgotten that you just said that I treat my friends sincerely." Qin Lun said with a calm face, "if you think I have done so many things just for the purpose of alliance, you will despise me too much. Whatever my purpose, at least in helping my friends, I will stick to it, even if it takes my life. "

You're kidding! Qin Lun's efforts to this day are not only for the front branch of an epic plot, but also for getting the world's keepsake and coming back to complete the plot of miyin hall!

Despite the breakthrough of the exploration team, the dwarfs didn't let the joy go to their heads. Today's exploration has exhausted everyone's energy. They plan to rest in the cave for a day and then explore the tunnel full of heavy water corrosion traces.

Twelve hours passed in a hurry. The exploration team packed again and entered the tunnel which is considered as heavy water channel.

Qin Lun found many long and thin pits on the surface of the tunnel, which were really like traces of corrosive liquid flowing. The tunnel called heavy channel by the dwarfs was not long, but at the exit edge of the tunnel, a few dwarfs who were exploring the road in front of them ran back in a hurry.

After receiving the report, Gilliam soon regained his composure and walked towards Qinlun.

"Gilliam, what's the matter?" Qin Lun's heart sank and he felt that something he had worried about a few days ago had happened.

"Ferrar, I need your help!" Said the old dwarf, looking at an apostle behind him.