Death Notice

Chapter 688

"Unfortunately, if the rat man can have several long-range attack classes, even if it's just a first-class Archer, your followers won't be so relaxed." Luo Lin did not know when he came to Qin Lun and looked at the battlefield below and commented.

"After all, rat man is just a kind of inferior human creature. If their wisdom is enough to grow into a variety of professional races, how can they be at the bottom of the biological community in the dark area?" Qin Lun looked at the mice in the distance and said disdainfully.

"When will the signal be sent, Lord Gilliam, and their forwards have entered the ambush circle?"

"I guess we have to wait. The number of rat people is a little more than our burden now!" Said Lorraine, less confident.

Because of the original intention of rescuing the trapped dwarves, Gilliam's exploration team is stronger than the previous team, with a number of more than 20 people. Besides his legendary strength, there are several middle and high-level strong ones, whose strength is three or four times that of the previous exploration team.

Qin Lun saw several heavy soldiers with arms bigger than the waist of elistine in the team. Different from human beings and elves, the elves' heavy warriors often move at a low speed, while the dwarves' heavy warriors are faster than ordinary dwarves.

Dwarfs are born with short legs, but dwarven heavy warriors have a kind of "jump and hit" jump and chop skills, which make up for the short board to a certain extent.

This kind of dwarf high-level warrior is a nightmare for all professions in close combat. They are heavily armored and hold heavy double-edged axes or war hammers. Once they launch the skill of jumping and beheading, they are as powerful as the siege hammers. Even the team MT of the apostles can not bear it.

"Almost!" The battle circle of the rat man slowly moved to this side. Qin Lun stood high and looked far away. He had seen the dwarves in a roundabout way by the mushroom forest at the back of the battle circle.

Qin Lun took out the "frost of chasing the wind weapon box" from the storage space. With a slight shake in one hand, the weapon box opened into a long bow of the world tree. He took out a dozen long arrows from the quiver, and put them on the mushroom cover under his feet one by one, so that he could take them at will.

Qin Lun pulled out his long bow steadily, and pasted the ring finger on his cheek. The first arrow he used was the secret silver magic arrow made by elder Adeline for him, which was one of the two priests of the rat man tribe for the first time.

The secret silver arrow on the long bow of the world tree is slowly deflected with the movement of a rat man priest. Just as the roar of Gilliam's battle came out, the black secret Silver Arrow disappeared on the back of the bow.

One of the rat priests standing behind the rat man enclosure showed an egg shell shield, but with a flash of black light of the secret silver long arrow, "bang!" Its ugly head exploded like a watermelon, and the headless body fell to the ground with a dance.

And the rat man in charge of the guard beside him was still dazed with blood, and did not know what had happened just now.

In a short time, a priest with magical power was killed. The spirit archer who uses the Magic Arrow of secret silver is the key to all low and medium level legal system professions.

When the sound of breaking the air sounded again, the guards around the rat man priest finally came back to their senses. A man with a big arm and a round waist roared and laid his body in front of another priest.

"Poof!" The long arrow from the high place passed through his chest without any politeness. With great force, he took the body of the rat man and hit the priest behind him. The two rat men immediately rolled into a ball.

"Moradin is on it!" The roar of dwarves was heard in all directions. In addition to more than ten dwarves with weaker strength drawing their net pockets in the outer circle, Gilliam rushed with other dwarves and split the rat man's encirclement like a battle axe.

"Kill!" Weiss finally pulled off the camouflage and covered his body with pale bone armour. He jumped to the last priest behind the rat man.

This time, there was no need for Martha to command again. The originally formed defensive formation of the apostles rushed out in all directions. They don't think they're trapped, they just patiently gather their prey around.

The guard of Weiss team took a deep breath, and was the exit of "war horn". In fact, this roar skill is only a dull roar in the ear of the companion, but it is no less than a thunder in the ear of the rat and the human, as if there is a moment's blank in the mind.

After the war bugle frightens a group of rat people in front of him, the shield guard flattens the tower shield in his hand and sweeps across his waist. The ground drill at the lower part of the tower shield is like a horse or a knife. It cuts the three rat people in front of it into two parts, and the belly flows to the ground. Others who stand a little closer to each other are also fractured and disabled.

Martasha, the black robed mage, and hill and Rand no longer kept their hands.

Martha launched the archery skill that had been used in front of Qin Lun - hunting. The nimble body leaps and bounds between the giant mushroom, the long bow in the hand throws out a piece of dead silver. Although the accuracy has declined, the attack coverage has greatly increased. For a while, almost all the rat people seem to face the arrow shadow of death.

The attack efficiency of hill and the black robed mage is not as terrible as that of the highland elves, but under the panic of the rats' sudden ambush, their spells have achieved better damage effect than before. Especially in the "dark words: pain" of the rat, at this time the will judgment is more difficult to pass.Rand is no longer working with thieves, and his task is heavier than anyone else. Because the scope of the lava ball is the largest after the eruption, people let him control the lava to block the route of rat man's escape, so that rat man can only run in the direction of the main attack of dwarves.

The only leisure in the team is the monkey and the vicar. The monkey needs to protect the vicar from being attacked by the rat thieves. There are only a few Rat Man thieves left in this battle, which will become the last variable.

Qin Lun jumped from the mushroom cover, and the world tree bow in his hand has been replaced by a legendary double gun light and dark funeral!

He now has some experience in switching between the world tree longbow and light and dark funeral. When sniping a single target and needing the power of breaking the devil, he usually chooses the world tree Longbow to match with the secret silver magic arrow.

But in the chaos war and the chaos war, he will basically choose the light and dark funeral. Seriously speaking, several weapon skills of legendary twin guns are more important to him than bow and arrow.

However, the use of light and darkness for funeral needs to consume energy, while the world tree Longbow will consume arrows, and the energy consumption is basically small. A little consumption is also due to the skill consumption of "weak spot".

As for the body skill of light and dark funeral, "light and dark funeral", its power is no less than breaking Magic Arrow, but this skill is too dynamic and consuming, which is not suitable for dark sniper. It can only be used for strong attack.

The battle ended very quickly, and when wesdan stood in the middle of the field with the head of the last rat priest in his hand, the rat people collapsed. Although there are more than 80 of them at this time, this timid race is so.

Once there is no hope of victory, they will choose to escape from the battlefield. In the past, this move was not good. The dark area is the home of the rat people. As long as they go to any tunnel, other creatures have no chance to find them again.

However, this time, the rat people were too deep into the ambush circle. In addition to the fire net under the randebus and the net pocket of the dwarfs, most of the rat people were left behind and became a rat corpse.

At the end of the battle, only more than 20 porpoises escaped. The others, including two porpoises and all the mud monsters, became the fruits of the apostles and dwarfs.

Although not perfect, the battle has achieved the desired results. There are no priests or mud monsters among more than 20 mouse people, which can no longer cause trouble to the dwarves.

At the end of the battle, Qin Lun had an idea and told the thieves to sneak up with several rat people who fled to the nest.

If they don't find the bodies of the previous dwarven explorers, I'm afraid that Gilliam will stay here for a while, and the time is what the apostles lack most.

Qin Lun's idea is correct. After the battle, the dwarves really want to search the rat man's nest. If it wasn't for the thieves to guide them, find the rat man's food storehouse, the tunnel network with all kinds of holes, I don't know how much time they would waste.

After bringing out the bodies of more than ten dwarfs, the exploration team raided the treasure house of the rat man casually.

Rat people like to collect all kinds of shiny objects. Most of the things in the treasure house are worthless in the eyes of dwarves and apostles. They only take some gems and magic cores.

However, in the distribution of spoils, there was a small Wulong.

Gillim gave the gem to Weiss and others, and left the magic core and crystal. Maybe in the eyes of dwarves, Weiss and others, as mercenaries, should prefer gems.

Therefore, Qin Lun had to use the magician's need for magic core and magic crystal as an excuse to research materials, and took these useless gems from Gilliam's hands to replace the magic core and magic crystal.

Although each of these things can only get thousands of broken crystals, it is better than nothing.

After that, the explorers delayed for another half day, cremated the dead dwarves, and then they began to get back on their way.

About a natural day later, Gilliam's team finally walked out of the mushroom forest plain, and set foot on the dark area that had not been explored before for the first time.

After crossing the mushroom forest, the team's speed of progress slowed down greatly. Every time the dwarfs moved on, they would stop and ask several prospecting experts in the team to collect rock samples, and then give a fuzzy direction.

This kind of guidance often needs to be repeated, so that the team can determine the right route. The exploration team started the boring exploration of two steps forward and two steps backward. Sometimes, whenever Qin Lun went to any place, he felt that he had come.

After three or four days' journey, the whole team was exhausted except for the dwarves. The regular life of the apostles is tolerable, but the three beauties, elistin, Martha and Idria, are almost on the verge of collapse. The curiosity at the beginning of exploration has long been swallowed up by the darkness in the dark area!