Death Notice

Chapter 683

"Rand, where are you now?" When Qin Lun thought about it, he asked his friends in the rear.

Rand quickly said his position, Qin Lun recalled, and found that the dwarven exploration team led by gillim was less than an hour away from a few of his own.

After Qinlun set out in the camp before, in fact, Gilliam immediately gathered the team. Because of the need to prepare materials, it took almost half an hour to start.

In this way, their travel speed in this half day is even faster than that of the dwarven exploration team. Considering the fighting time with the Talon beast not long ago, they have been nearly half an hour away.

It's no surprise to think that the speed of the dwarves' journey is not so fast. In addition, they have to bear the burden of exploring materials. Naturally, they are not as relaxed as these people.

"Then wait for them. The distance is too wide. In case of irresistible danger, it will be more troublesome." After discussing with the others, Qin Lun decided to wait for the army.

Now that they have lost the blood trace, they have cleaned up two Talon fearing beasts along the way. They have made great achievements. They should be able to explain it to Gilliam.

Although they decided to wait for the exploration team, they were reluctant to do nothing. Qin Lun and hill each release a stone ghost and continue to search ahead. If they can find something, they don't have to wait.

After the release of the stone ghost, Qin Lun and others retreated for a long distance and recuperated near a disordered stone heap. The thieves set up a few small traps around them. The environment in the moss area in front is a little strange. They need to be careful.

"You seem to be well prepared!" Weiss was surprised to see the ghost flying into the dark.

As an alchemy creature, stone ghost has night vision ability, which is a good way to explore in the dark.

"It just happened!" Qin Lun smiled. When they first entered torrell's world, they didn't expect to enter the dark area. However, seeing that Weiss's expression was obviously unbelievable, he didn't explain too much.

After some rest, Hill suddenly opened his eyes, frowned and said, "it seems that my stone ghost has found something!"

Qin Lun and others have entered into the dark area, which is quite far-reaching, and the surrounding environment is like a network of secret ways. The two stone ghosts did not explore in the same direction, so Qin Lun could not sense Hill's stone ghost.

Hill feeds back the image that the ghost saw to the team channel, and the others immediately see a strange picture.

At present, the stone ghost is in a vast plain area, and can't see the edge of the plain from its vision. This underground plain is full of plants that look like mushrooms.

This kind of thing has the same canopy as mushrooms, but the proportion of strains below is relatively long, which looks like strange trees. This kind of forest composed of big mushrooms can't be seen in the sight of the stone statue ghost. It's preliminarily estimated to be at least dozens of square kilometers.

They are surrounded by a kind of pink smoke, which makes people unable to observe the situation inside the forest. It seems mysterious and weird.

"Mushroom forest land!" After seeing this image, Qin Lun and others looked at each other for a few times, and there was a trace of strangeness on their faces.

I didn't expect that after they gave up to move forward, the stone statue ghost released casually gave a surprise.

"Go and have a look?" The thief is a little eager to try.

When he was exploring in the camp two days ago, he knew that the previous groups of dwarven exploration teams had just arrived here, and had not really broken through the mushroom forest area. Since we didn't see the trapped dwarves along the way, these guys should be in the mushroom forest.

Of course, this is not to say that Qin Lun's first exploration caught up with the dwarf's progress in recent months. They can come here now, which is the result of tracking blood. The dwarfs are purposefully moving towards the secret silver hall, which is totally different.

"Captain Weiss, what do you mean?" Qin Lun didn't immediately decide. He asked the only high-ranking apostle in the team friendly.

Weiss looks at Qin Lun and smiles. He knows that the other side wants to improve the relationship between the two sides and make them become teammates.

However, he didn't refuse the good intention. From these days' trial, it can be seen that the strength of the three Qin Lun in the apostles is insufficient, and they need their assistance to get a higher degree of task completion.

And they also need Qin Lun's plot identity, so as to further explore the mission plot. What's more, Qin Lun's three people's strength is also very good in his view, and they are qualified to share the task revenue with them.

Most importantly, Weiss himself had a private idea. Torrell world is a big world, in which there are countless hidden epic plots. At this time, they have betrayed the society of santalin, and then enter the world, which is equal to starting anew.

But if we can build a relationship with Qin Lun, we can join the current plot camp. In the future, if they have the chance to enter torrell, they will be able to participate in the silver moon alliance, the shield dwarves, and even the plot line of the future king court of the moon. It's obviously a matter of making money without losing money. Why not do it.

"Go and have a look! However, it's better not to go deep into the mushroom forest. Let's explore outside. What can trap a whole dwarven exploration team will also pose a great threat to us. " Weiss thought about it and said.Qin Lun nodded and promised to give another stone ghost the idea of returning, so he took them forward. Because they have a clear target location, they can slightly bypass the moss area in front of them to avoid the potential risks.

About an hour later, Qin Lun and others finally came to the vast plain where mushroom forest is located.

Standing on the rock cliff nearest to the plain, Qin Lun and others found that the mushroom in this mushroom forest was much larger than they had seen before. Not to mention the giant mushroom in the center of the mushroom forest, even those outside, almost 10 meters high, with a cap radius of about three meters.

"Rand, do you have any information about the mushroom forest?" Qin asked on the team channel.

Before they set out, they asked Rand to spy on the dwarves about the mushroom forest. Because this is not a secret in the dwarf camp, the dwarves did not hide it.

Mushroom forest is a kind of special biological community in the dark area, most of which belong to plants, just like mushrooms. But a large area of mushroom forest will also give birth to a kind of intelligent creature similar to forest tree demon, called mushroom man.

Mushroom people are a bit like tree demons. They are gentle and don't like fighting. They even allow many underground creatures to feed on plant mushrooms. As long as they don't destroy mushroom forests in large areas, they basically ignore foreign creatures.

However, in terms of combat ability, individual mushroom man and tree demon can not be compared. They don't have the defences, power and slowness of the tree demon.

They have two main fighting skills, one is to spit out body fluids. It's a very corrosive acid with a lot of toxic damage. Another method is to stimulate mushroom forest to send out a kind of spore cloud, which is extremely sharp.

There are two types of spore cloud in mushroom forest, one is non-toxic, the other is highly hallucinogenic, which is equivalent to nerve agent. Even if higher-order organisms inhale the spore cloud, they will faint in a short time and eventually rot in the mushroom forest.

Rand finally reminded Qin Lun and others that the dwarves knew about the habits of mushroom people. The previous exploration of mushroom forest did not disturb mushroom people. The unknown attack may not have been done by the mushroom man, or once the spore cloud is activated, the dwarf will not escape.

"So it seems that the dwarfs may have been attacked by other underground creatures in the mushroom forest?" Qin Lun felt the tip of his nose and thought.

Mushroom forest is the same as the forest on the surface. Because mushroom people allow other underground creatures to eat mushroom, there may be other biological nests nearby. If the dwarves are unlucky, they may be attacked by these underground creatures.

"Well, it's possible, but I don't know what kind of underground creatures they meet!" Several people looked at the message from Rand and felt a little bit tricky.

The resources in the dark area are poor, especially the food. Most of the underground creatures are omnivorous, so there are many kinds of nests near the mushroom forest. From the high-level Minotaur, scorpion lion, to the middle-level salamander, even the low-level rat man and cave man, we can't make a specific judgment.

"Let the gargoyles go in and spy!" Qin Lun said helplessly, "it's good to meet the Lord creature, but it can disperse and escape. If you come across a Taurus or a salamander living in groups, it's a lot of fun. "

"The size of the stone ghost is too large. Most of the underground creatures have night vision ability. In case of a scare, it will bring unnecessary trouble to the follow-up exploration." Weiss cautioned cautiously.

"Then What's the good advice of commander Weiss? " Qin Lun asked with a smile that since Weiss had put forward this problem, he had other solutions.

After a few days together, Qin Lun had a further understanding of the high-ranking apostle. Weiss was different from several high-ranking apostles he had ever met. His personality was extremely stable, even called tardiness.

Along the way, most of his suggestions did not ask for merit but for nothing. Perhaps this is the main reason why his team was able to retreat and make up for some of the losses when the plan of santalin club was defeated in Yinyue city.

Qin Lun didn't like Weiss's character very much. It didn't agree with his nature. However, he admits that such an apostle is difficult to deal with, leaving aside the benefits of the mission, and perhaps in the dangerous torrell world, Weiss is more suitable for adventure missions than him.

"Like you, we have entered torrell's world for the second time. Because the land is in the north, there are also some articles to explore the dark area. " Weiss laughs and takes out two palms of alchemy creatures from the storage space.

"This is a light bat. It not only has the ultrasonic detection ability of bats and makes them form images, but also can fly at subsonic speed." Weiss threw up two bats the size of palms, and the heads of the people exploded, and the two bats disappeared instantly.