Dare Not Provoke My Lovely Mommy

Chapter 758

He went a little too far this time.

After all, no woman wants to see someone she likes tweet like this.

Yan Shu pointed to the side of her mobile phone and looked at their dialog box irritably. She didn\'t know whether Fu Yunjian was busy or what he was doing. She didn\'t reply for a long time.

She called Fu Yunjian again, but no one answered.

Yan Shu calls Zhang tezhu.

"Hello, Miss Yan." Zhang tezhu answered the phone quickly.

"What are you always busy with? Why can\'t you get through?" Yan Shu frowned and asked, "you ask him to answer my phone."

"Er... I\'m not in the company."

Zhang tezhu finished saying, and carefully asked Yan Shu, "Miss Yan, are you in conflict with Mr. Fu?"

"No." Yan Shu rubbed her forehead and said in silence, "what is he doing? Suddenly, he posted such a microblog. How can a person in his thirties be like a child!"

Zhang tezhu held his breath for a moment, "Miss Yan, Fu always really wants to marry Miss Yan Jing..."

Yan Shu immediately froze, "what?"

"Fu is not teasing you. He is really getting married tomorrow." Zhang tezhu said carefully, "he sent me to follow Yan Jing to choose wedding dresses and rings..."

Not to mention Yan Shu, Zhang tezhu is also confused.

At first, he thought that Fu Yunjian was joking, but he really asked him to accompany Yan Jing to pick out the wedding dress. He also had to call the people of banyan tree hotel to contact the wedding design.

"Miss Yan, Mr. Fu is in the company." Zhang tezhu said, "why don\'t you go to the company and ask?"

Yan Shu found her voice for a long time, "No."

Fu Yunjian also posted a microblog to announce his marriage to Yan Jing and asked Zhang tezhu to accompany Yan Jing to choose a wedding dress, which was too much.

If she went to Fu\'s office to ask Fu Yun for advice, she would only make the company see jokes.

Yan Shu hung up the phone and put her pocket. She quickly adjusted her mood and went on working without expression.

At 4 p.m., Yan Shu picked up the car from the garage and went to the kindergarten.

At 4:30, when the kindergarten was out of school, there were a lot of children and many parents outside.

Yan Xiaosui came out of the kindergarten holding hands with his brother. Seeing that there was only Yan Shu, he said, "Mommy, didn\'t dad come?"

"Well, he\'s busy." Yan Shu said, open the door and let the two children up.

Yan Shu drove back to Fu\'s house.

In the living room, old Fu\'s face was angry and anxious. It was obvious that she had seen the news.

Seeing Yan Shu coming back with her children, the old lady asked Jing Yan to take her sister to play,

She held Yan Shu\'s hand tightly and said softly, "Shu Shu, those bastards posted on Weibo must be kidding. Don\'t take it seriously. I can\'t spare him when he comes back!"

Usually, Fu Yunjian can come back soon after she calls, but today Fu Yunjian\'s phone has been blocked.

She was almost exhorted by Fu Yun to myocardial infarction!

Yan Shu saw the old lady protecting herself so much, pursed her lips and said, "Zhang tezhu accompanied Yan Jing to choose a wedding dress and ring."

"What?" The old lady stared round. "Damn boy!"

Soon, Fu Yunchen also hurried back.

When he entered the room, he asked Yan Shu, "what\'s the matter with my sister-in-law, and how does my brother tweet like that?"

Yan Shu shook her head, "I don\'t know."

"Hurry up, call him and see where he is!" The old lady told Fu Yunchen, with an angry face.

"I called my brother after I saw the microblog, but no one answered!" Fuyunchen said, feeling out his mobile phone, he dialed out again.

Vaguely, Fu Yunchen heard the phone ring out of the door.

He hurried to the porch and opened the door. He saw Fu Yunchen standing outside the door. His shirt was brown, as if it were coffee stains.

His face was so flat that he couldn\'t distinguish between joy and anger.