Dare Not Provoke My Lovely Mommy

Chapter 757

He looked at the man\'s back as he hurried away, full of question marks: five minutes ago, the boss was still showing off the clothes Mrs. Fu chose for him. What\'s the matter?

Does he want to follow up?

Although Yan Jing is from Beijing and her father\'s company is also in Beijing, many of the group\'s companies are in Yuncheng and her aunt is also in Yuncheng.

During this period, she lived in aunt Yuncheng\'s house and attended various parties with her sisters.

In the morning, Yan Jing was sleeping heavily in the bedroom. Suddenly, someone grabbed her hair and pulled her out of bed.

Her scalp hurt when the other party pulled it.

Yan Jing screamed with pain. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Fu Yunjian\'s terrifying face.

Her whole body just shook, and she was not awake.

Fu Yunjian grabbed her by the neck and hit her on the back wall, with a strong killing intention in his eyes, "where is the person?"

Yan Jing was pinched by him and almost rolled her eyes. Her hands kept picking the hands that stuck her neck.

After Fu Yun\'s remonstrance loosened his hand, Yan Jing retched twice in pain and looked at him in fear, "I, I don\'t know who... I didn\'t do anything to Yan Shu..."

Although she came out of Fu that day and thought of Yan Shu robbing her man, Yan Jing was very angry, and countless ideas flashed in her mind.

But she also knew Fu Yunjian\'s means, so she just thought about it.

Dare not do anything.

Seeing Fu Yunjian\'s coldness all over, it seemed that there was an idea to wring his neck, and Yan Jing cried in horror.

"I really didn\'t do anything, sobbing..."

At this time, Fu Yunjian\'s cell phone rang in his other hand.

He slides to answer and sticks his cell phone to his ear.

Yan jingtrembled like a drowning dog, watching fuyunjian answer the phone in fear. He didn\'t say a word for a long time, as if he were listening to the other party.

Soon, the man was not cold, but full of murderous intent.

Fu Yunjian said gloomily, "if anything happens to him, no matter where you hide, I will find you out and make your life worse than death!"

Yan Jing shivered again.

After answering the phone, Fu Yun admonished him to let go.

Yan jingruan sat on the ground with a muddy body, and he didn\'t even have the strength to stand up.

Fu Yunjian lowered his eyes, looked coldly at Yan Jing sitting on the ground, and said coldly, "now change your clothes, contact me to help you choose your wedding dress and ring."

"Tomorrow, we get married." He put down his words and left with heavy steps.

Yan Jing shrinks there, and her brain is confused.

He, what did he just say?

When Yan Shu finished her work and returned to the lobby, a receptionist standing behind the stage suddenly ran over and looked at her carefully.

"Banquet Manager, did you quarrel with Mr. Fu?"

"No." Yan Shu frowned at her expression and said, "what\'s the matter?"

What the front desk wants to say seems hard to explain, "now go to Weibo and have a look."

What did Fu Yunjian send again?

Thinking of the last time Fu Yunjian shouted at her on Weibo, Yan Shu was angry and funny. She turned on her mobile phone and went on Weibo.

She saw that hot search was all about Fu Yunjian\'s marriage.

Yan Shu clicked into Fu Yunjian\'s Weibo homepage and saw a message he sent half an hour ago:

[miss Yan Jing and I will have a wedding in banyan tree tree of Yuncheng tomorrow morning. We sincerely invite people from all walks of life and the media to attend.]

Yan Shu carefully read this Weibo, stunned, and then sent a message to Fu Yunjian.

[Fu Yunjian, did you deliberately?]

Didn\'t he say before that whether he got married or not was up to her? Now he\'s unhappy and angry with other women?