Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 902

It's dark. It's not safe for a girl to go back by herself. Even if you call a taxi, can you rest assured that there are only you and the driver? "

"Girls who go out must be careful." The old lady also said, "especially a few days ago, there were so many things about special bus drivers hurting girls. We should be more careful, not to say that we can definitely encounter it, but we should be more careful when there are certain dangers. "

Lin Lige nodded: "so, let me give it to you."

Li Xiaoyun

So who is the theorem?

But looking at this posture, Li Xiaoyun knows that he can't refuse.

She never thought that one day she could have a relationship with the Zhao family.

Of course, this time is enough.

She really didn't want to be familiar with the Zhao family.

Zhao said: "the elders are right. I'll give it to you."

Li Xiaoyun now finally knows who the "theorem" in the old lady's and Lin Lige's words and the "fourth uncle" in Ye Fei's words are.

It turned out to be the one who had just been sitting beside her.

It should be called Zhao theorem.

Li Xiaoyun was particularly embarrassed and said: "then I'll trouble you. "

"Nothing." Zhao theorem said, "our cars are all parked together, first go to the car there?"

So they went to their parking place first.

"Here's my car." Zhao Xiaoyun comes with Li Xiaoyun.

The old lady said, "send Xiaoyun back first."

Li Xiaoyun did not expect that the old lady called her so intimate.

Is the old lady so enthusiastic?

They haven't seen each other in all.

Li Xiaoyun said goodbye to all the people and went around to the co pilot.

Just about to open the door, who knows there is a hand in front of her faster than one step to open the door first.

Li Xiaoyun turns his head in surprise and sees that Zhao has been following her all the time.

Even followed her to the co pilot's side.

At this time, Li Yun stood at the back of her chest.

It's very stiff in the suit.

Li Xiaoyun also sniffed the perfume of his perfume, with the aroma of cedar wood and the refreshing aroma of lemon.

Let the original some heavy wood fragrance in more light.

It smells good.

let Li Xiao Yun smell and smell, can not help but some fascinated, secretly inhaled, sniff the smell of perfume.

Next, Li Xiaoyun felt that his head was covered with a shallow shadow.

It was Zhao theorem who was good at blocking her head to avoid hitting her when she was in the car.

Li Xiaoyun really didn't expect that there was such a gentleman now.

Don't say they are good at protecting the woman's head, even those who take the initiative to open the door are a little bit.

One out of 100?

Maybe not one in 100.

Anyway, Li Xiaoyun lived 27 years before he met Zhao Xiaoyun.

When he got into the car, Li Xiaoyun still thought about it.

Zhao is a handsome and gentlemanly man. Besides being older, he is an immortal man.

How did she know Zhao was old?

Ye Fei calls him fourth uncle. He must be very old.

Although it looks young, it is estimated that it is well maintained.

Zhao Xiaoyun closed the door for Li Xiaoyun and then went back to the driver's seat.

When Zhao Xiaoyun drove away with Li Xiaoyun, the old lady asked Lin Lige, "how do you want to let him go?"

The old lady would say that Zhao Guxian and Li Xiaoyun are more suitable in age.

Lin Lige turned a white eye at Zhao Guxian, who hated the iron but didn't make the steel: "do you think I don't want Gu Xian to send you?"

"I can't help him if he doesn't win. It's also fate. It's not his turn. " Lin Lige sighed and said, "you didn't notice, but I saw it all."

"Miss Li is sitting beside the theorem today. When she got there, she had a little trouble with the theorem because she bought some snacks for Xiaomo."

"Later, Miss Li scolded Zhuang Mingyan all the time because of the fact that ye Fei was targeted by Zhuang Mingyan."

The old lady nodded, "I heard that, too."

Later, she scolded with a loudspeaker, and the old lady heard it clearly.

Even when he didn't take the loudspeaker, Li Xiaoyun's voice was not small.

Although the old lady and Li Xiaoyun were separated by several places, she also heard a few words intermittently.

The old lady can hear it like this. It can be imagined that Li Xiaoyun really scolds her.

"A good boy!" The old lady nodded with a smile and sighed.

Li Xiaoyun said that he did not scold, but protested.

Because Li Xiaoyun didn't spit dirty words.This shows Li Xiaoyun's upbringing.

Especially with the little guy sitting next to her, Li Xiaoyun is even less likely to swear. Pay attention to everything.

The more the old lady thinks that Li Xiaoyun is good.

Because Li Xiaoyun is so excited, it's also because ye Fei.

What an outspoken girl!

"But do you know the theorem? How impatient he is for girls to chatter beside him?" Lin Lige said.

"Usually girls don't talk loudly around him, but they are mean and mean. If they talk a little too much, he dislikes people's noise." Lin Lige said.

Of course, Zhao theorem will not be so impolite to say it directly.

But he can go away and have little or no contact in the future.

In the past, both the old lady and her family introduced girls to Zhao.

But There's no more.

When asked why he didn't get along, he said he didn't like the noise.

At first, the old lady and Lin Lige thought that girls were really quarrelling.

Although I was puzzled, the girls they introduced were guaranteed in their education and quality.

How can it make people feel noisy?

But I also thought that maybe girls are not the same in front of their elders.

In front of the elders, maybe they are more introverted.

Therefore, in the future, they will introduce a quiet girl to Zhao.

Who knows, I still think people are noisy.

The old lady and Lin Lige are strange.

So quiet girls are tired of noise.

Can't you just introduce someone who doesn't like to talk to me?

As a result, they later learned that Zhao's definition of quarrel is different from that of ordinary people.

A little talk makes him dislike noise.

But when we get along, we can't say nothing, can we?

Sometimes when there is nothing to talk about, the girls are looking for something to talk about.

It turned out to be noisy.

Is that reasonable?

Lin Lige said to the old lady, "but just like that, he doesn't think Miss Li is noisy, and he is very patient with others."

"Yes, I can prove that." Zhao gu Xian suddenly turned to gossip.

Old lady: "I'm not sure."

This boy, is it really good to love gossip so much?

Why can't you take out the strength of gossip to find a girlfriend?