Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 901

"If there is no you, only me, because of being bullied and lost the game, I will certainly be sad, will not be reconciled." Ye Fei said.

"I lost the game and was bullied by others. I'm weak. It takes a lot of effort to seek justice. I'm alone in everything. I don't have anyone who wants to cry. " Ye Fei said.

"In that case, I would be sad. The more you are alone, the easier it is to think. They may complain about the injustice of fate, the bad nature of the other party, this and that. " Ye Fei said.

"But now it's different. I know that my family supports me and protects me. I'm sorry. You're sorry before me He even said that ye Fei was sad.

Ye Fei has nothing to say. She feels so sad that she can't go on.

"I know I won't be wronged in vain. My family will get justice for me." Ye Fei said, "I'm not alone. Under such circumstances, I don't feel sad."

"Maybe I'm not reconciled at first. I've been preparing for the final for a long time

"If it's a loss, I don't think so." Ye Fei said, "but it's because of the obvious aim. When it came out, I really couldn't accept it."

After all, it's really hard to accept the sudden situation.

Who has such a good mentality and can adjust it immediately?

"But now, I really don't care." Ye Fei said, "the game is over, and it's over."

"It's not over." Zhao Gushen said, "I won't just forget about Zhuang Mingyan."

Originally, Li Xiaoyun also wanted to celebrate Ye Fei after the game.

Li Xiaoyun has great confidence in Ye Fei.

I think ye Fei is very likely to win the championship.

Even if I didn't win the championship, the second place was stable.

Whether it's champion or second, it's a good result.

Enough to celebrate.

But I didn't expect such a result.

Now there is no mood to celebrate.

Li Xiaoyun said to Ye Fei, "Ye Fei, I'll go first. At the end of the game, you're free. We'll have a good chat later. "

Li Xiaoyun came all the way to see her play.

In addition to speaking backstage for a while before the game, there was no chance to talk with Li Xiaoyun more.

Although today's situation, I'm really not in the mood for a party.

There's still a mess to deal with.

But let Li Xiaoyun so go back, ye Fei always feel empty in the heart.

Ye Fei is about to say something to Li Xiaoyun. Who knows that Yu Guang is not so good, he catches a glimpse of Zhao Guxian.

I think of the old lady and Lin Lige worrying about Zhao Gu Xian's leaving the old house during the Spring Festival.

Lin Lige also asked Ye Fei to pay attention.

But ye Fei has only one Li Xiaoyun around him.

Li Xiaoyun, 27, is the same age as Zhao Guxian, but he doesn't know whose birthday is bigger.

But these details don't matter.

It's just that they are quite suitable in age.

Is it right for Gu to send Zhao Xiaoxian?

After all, she hasn't told Lin Lige about this idea. She thinks Li Xiaoyun is very good, but it depends on whether Lin lige is happy or not.

Otherwise, it will hurt li Xiaoyun.

Not to mention the long-term marriage.

It's too early to even confirm the association.

Let's just say whether there is a good feeling between the two sides.

But in any case, as long as it is based on the premise of marriage, it is not just about two people.

Two families.

Lin lige is definitely not a person with a family view.

But it's still up to the eye.

But didn't expect, leaf Fei is hesitating of time, pour is Lin Li Song opened first.

See Lin Lige said with a smile: "let me send you."

Who is the theorem?

Li Xiaoyun is a question mark on his head.

Ye Fei takes a puff from the corner of her mouth and looks at Lin Lige.

Lin Lige didn't take a fancy to Li Xiaoyun, so he threw the pot to Zhao?

But it's not like watching Lin Li Ge.

Lin Lige's smiling face is full of gossip, and Li Xiaoyun's kind face. Obviously, he still likes Li Xiaoyun very much.

Is it

The old lady knows more about Lin Lige.

Although we haven't made clear the cause and effect of the matter, the detailed process.

But the first time he agreed with Lin Lige, nodded heavily and said: "yes, let me send you. You come all the way to watch the game, and you can't go back alone. We don't feel at ease."

Li Xiaoyun

She wants to say that she used to go back alone.

"Let the fourth uncle give you a ride." Ye Fei also said.Now that the old lady has spoken, it must be true.

"Didn't you drive here?" Ye Fei said.

Li Xiaoyun was too busy to take the subway, so he didn't drive here.

Besides, it's so convenient to call a taxi now.

If you don't even bother to go to the subway station, just click the software to make an appointment, and a driver will come to pick you up. It's much more comfortable than driving yourself.

The car is very luxurious. I've got all the paper towels and mineral water for you.

Let you enjoy the treatment of big boss.

Therefore, Li Xiaoyun is now too lazy to drive himself unless he goes to places that are inconvenient for taxi hailing and subway.

Li Xiaoyun

She didn't drive, but she didn't have to be sent?

With his back to Zhao's family, Li Xiaoyun winks at Ye Fei desperately, saying that he really doesn't need to send them.

She is not familiar with the Zhao family. If you send her, how embarrassing it is all the way.

She would rather go back by herself.

But did not expect, ye Fei said: "call four uncle to send you."

Looking at the old lady's positive attitude, ye Fei can guess that the old lady probably wants to match Zhao theorem with Li Xiaoyun.

Ye Fei has been playing on the stage and doesn't know what happened.

I don't know if Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun got along with each other when they were on stage?

But ye Fei thinks that the old lady's eyes are very strong in this aspect.

If Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun really become.

Isn't Li Xiaoyun going to be a fourth aunt?

All of a sudden, ye Fei's depression during the competition was diluted.

Now I can't care to be angry with my grievances. My mind is full of Li Xiaoyun's possible four aunts.

But even so, if Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun can succeed, ye Fei will be very happy.

As for seniority, it doesn't matter.

Li Xiaoyun did not expect that ye Fei did not help her, but also encouraged Zhao to send her.

Although up to now, Li Xiaoyun has not yet figured out who Zhao theorem is.

Li Xiaoyun quickly said: "it's really not necessary. I'll just call a taxi. It's very convenient. Don't bother to make a long detour

"How can I do that?" Lin Lige immediately said, "it's a long game today, and it's very late now."