Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 898

"Although Changping cooking competition is only a subsidiary of Changping group, Changping cooking competition is still invested and held by Changping group." Zhao Gushen said, "originally, this year's competition was very good in terms of audience response and public praise."

"The Changping competition has also been paid more attention this year than in previous years. The audience, the number of live webcasts and the popularity of online discussions are all very intuitive data. " Zhao Gushen said.

"For this reason, we are all very happy, not because of the interests, but because this small circle is now more and more well known and accepted by the public."

"As a result, in today's final, there was such a fight. Let all of us spend such a long time in vain. " Zhao Gushen said, "this kind of heartache, this kind of anger, no matter what kind of language expression, are pale."

"Today's result is that someone should be responsible for it." Zhao Gushen said.

"It hasn't been censored, because I believe in the international culinary competition. At such an important time today, I rashly let Zhuang Mingyan join in as the sixth judge."

"So Changping has a lot of responsibility for today's result." Zhao Gushen said, "we will not shirk our responsibility."

"But that doesn't mean we don't hold Zhuang Mingyan and the international culinary competition responsible. Changping will pursue it to the end and let the international culinary competition give us an explanation! "

"As for the champion this time." Zhao Gushen looked at Tian Pengpo and said with a smile, "Tian Pengpo's champion is what you deserve. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Originally you were competing with Ye Fei, and the level of you two was just the same. Who was the first was convincing."

"So, you don't think it's unfair or what you get first." Zhao Gushen said, "for you to be the first, I think, no one will have an opinion."

That's true.

"Although you didn't have a good competition with Ye Fei this time. But there are still many opportunities in the future. " Zhao Gushen said.

Although Tian Pengpo felt that he won a disgrace.

But in fact, his strength lies here.

Ye Fei is trapped.

But he came first, and people had no opinion.

"Yes." Ye Fei opens her mouth.

She has a big smile.

She was only angry because of Zhuang Mingyan.

Ye Fei has no opinion about Tian Pengpo's winning the championship.

Even if Zhuang Mingyan didn't make trouble, it's hard to say who would win with Tian Pengpo.

Ye Fei has long been ready to lose.

I just didn't expect to lose in this way.

Seeing that all the people came to see it, ye Fei said with a smile, "I'm not pretending to be generous or trying to smile."

"Although I lost the game in such a way, I will get back the justice I need. But the champion of this game is yours. Your strength is here. You don't have to feel that the champion is not good just because I've been cheated

Tian Pengpo did not speak.

Although Ye Fei said that, it's different.

If ye Fei doesn't get trapped, it's hard to say who is the champion.

"What's more, Gu Shen is right. We will have a chance to continue the competition in the future." Ye Fei said with a smile, "you are now determined to participate in the international cooking competition."

"If the international culinary competition doesn't plan to wear shoes for us to ensure fair competition, then I will definitely sign up for it. At that time, we still have a chance to compete. " Ye Fei said.

This words, pour is to let Tian Peng break of heart not so heavy.

"With your strength, you are sure to enter the international culinary competition smoothly." Tian Peng is very confident in Ye Fei's strength.

Hua ciyue whispered to Huo Jiarong: "Laotian is really a straight man of iron and steel. In front of so many people, how much pressure does it have to give ye Fei? Don't let people think ye Fei is arrogant. "

Ye Fei said with a smile, "don't praise me so early, in case I don't choose."

Tian Pengpo obviously didn't pay attention to Ye Fei's words.

But also thought of, oneself say this words in such an occasion, is to give ye Fei recruit black.

So, I didn't go on.

However, he thought of the operation of the international culinary competition, and said: "however, if the judges of the international culinary competition still have such virtue today, no matter how good the technology is, it won't work. Then I won't take part in the international cooking competition

Ye Fei nodded with a smile: "it's not just the international cooking competition, we always have a lot of opportunities."

The culinary competition ended in such an imperfect way.

But the follow-up is not over.

There's Zhuang Mingyan's problem to be solved.

As early as before Changping, netizens had already written e-mails to scold the official blog of the international cooking competition.

Therefore, the organizers of the international culinary competition already knew about Zhuang Mingyan before Changping made efforts.The back door is also very intimate, with video evidence attached to the email.

Including Zhuang Mingyan's explanation, as well as the audience and other contestants who have tasted Ye Fei's food.

Through the network platform to watch the game audience, engaged in all walks of life.

There are a lot of people who do editing.

Including the up Master of station C, just like Ye Fei.

I'm very proficient in editing.

Just cut out some of Zhuang Mingyan's clips. They don't have to be as demanding on editing as they are in Station C after shooting the video.

So the speed is still very fast.

Some netizens who are good at English also said on Weibo: "do you want me to change Zhuang Mingyan's words into English? I'm worried that the organizers of the international culinary competition are all foreigners. Maybe not many of them know Chinese

Even if there are people who understand Chinese, they are worried that they will not find someone to translate for this email.

It's better to translate it directly so that they can see it at a glance.

It saves a lot of trouble.

If the organizers of the international cooking competition doubt the accuracy of subtitles, they can also find someone to verify.

"Need, need!" A netizen replied, "I'm editing the video. When I cut the video for you, please translate the Chinese characters into English, and I'll add the subtitles."

"No problem!"

Netizens translate very quickly, after the translation also directly in the micro blog: "friends need to take."

The netizen who edited the video didn't hide it.

I didn't think it was edited by myself, so I didn't share it.

He made the video public and said, "I've already added the subtitles. Let's take what we need. You can email this directly. "

A netizen asked: "we all send the same, no problem?"

"It doesn't matter. Our video is not fake."