Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 897

Another spectator said to the audience in the audience: "you audience in the stands have not been able to taste the food, but believe me, ye Fei's cooking is really delicious."

"This game is unfair to a lot of people. As teacher an said, it's unfair to the staff who stay up late to prepare for the competition, to the contestants, to the other five judges and to our audience. "

"But I think the biggest injustice is Ye Fei. She could have driven a through train. If she had put pressure on the racing side through Zhao Gushen, I think she could have become the number one in the competition. "

"But she didn't. She tried her best to make sure the game was fair, but she didn't give herself a fair result. I feel sorry for her and despise Zhuang Mingyan! "

"Don't go too far!" Zhuang Mingyan couldn't listen any more and walked out of the jury. "I just said that taste is a very subjective thing. You think ye Fei is as good as Tian Peng. I think there is a big difference between them. "

"Now you all accuse me of unfair scoring. Why? Because I think differently from you? " Zhuang Mingyan said, "many times, the truth is not accepted. Either it's different, or it's different, or it's aimed at! "

"In ancient times, there were two theories: the theory of horizon and the theory of earth circle. At that time, the theory of horizon was the mainstream, and the theory of earth circle was different, which was not allowed by people. But now?"

"Now you say that I deliberately aim at Ye Fei, but time will prove everything." Zhuang Mingyan said.

"You said that I aimed at Ye Fei just because I gave her a low score. What other evidence? Ye Fei and I don't know each other. Why are we aiming at her? What can I do for her? You can't find the reason why I aim at her. Why should you slander me for aiming at her? "

"If ye Fei really has strength, I welcome her to participate in the international cooking competition and prove herself on a bigger stage." Zhuang Mingyan said in a loud voice, "and now, don't say I'm aiming at it!"

"International culinary competition? Forget it Li Xiaoyun picked up the loudspeaker again, "who didn't know you were sent to make trouble by the international cooking competition! The organizers of the international culinary competition can do all these dirty things. Do they expect to show themselves on a bigger stage? It's good not to be suppressed! "


"That's it

At this time, the live barrage said: "I have sent an email to the organizers of the international cooking competition, asking them for an explanation."

"I also went to their official micro blog to leave a message. Under the official micro blog of the international culinary competition, the comments are all blown up, and all the netizens are scolding them. "

International cooking competition also has official microblog in China.

After all, China is a huge market and one of the top three gourmet countries in the world.

If an international culinary competition is to be authoritative, how can it not join China?

Chinese cuisine is even more important.

Of course, we should establish our own authority and reputation in China.

They also attach great importance to public opinion on the Chinese side.

In a short period of time, an Haiyin invited the audience to taste it.

International cooking competition official micro blog, about the international cooking competition notice that is the top of the micro blog, has been scolded by netizens 60000.

Now, even if I didn't have time to look at the mailbox, I knew something was wrong.

Anheyin asked the 10 spectators to go back to the stands first.

When they came back, the audience around them asked them about ye Fei's food.

"I tell you, it's really delicious."

"Just because I tasted Ye Fei's food, I became more and more angry. That Zhuang Mingyan is a bully! "

"How dare you come to our territory to bully people!"

Zhao Gushen took over the microphone and said: "this cooking competition ended in a bad way, which can even be called a farce. Here, I apologize to you. "

"To all the people who paid for this competition, to the audience, to the players, to the staff, to the judges."