Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 881

"Since ye Fei is the president's wife of Changping, can Zhao Gushen let Ye Fei be eliminated easily?" Some people say it in a strange way.

"Besides, I think so." Another person then said, "if ye Fei's food is really so good, even if Zhuang Mingyan aims at her, what? Can you open your eyes and tell lies? In the face of real strength, everything else is empty. Even if Zhuang Mingyan wants to harm her, she can't do it. "

"If ye Fei really loses, it can only show that she is not strong enough."

"You're not right. This competition is just about judges scoring. Because we can't taste it, we can't vote. " Someone said.

"So, only the judges know if it's delicious." The man said, "if it's delicious, Zhuang Mingyan says it's not delicious. What if she has to give ye Fei a low score?"

"Are you stupid to be the other judges? If other judges get high marks and Zhuang Mingyan gets low marks, doesn't that mean that Zhuang Mingyan is deliberately targeting Ye Fei? " Someone said.

"At that time, it's Zhuang Mingyan's fault. Who sent Zhuang Mingyan here? It is the organizer of international culinary competition. Zhuang Mingyan has made such a serious mistake. Although it's Zhuang Mingyan's pot, the organizers of the international cooking competition can't run away. "

"Can Zhuang Mingyan carry such a big pot?"

"Not necessarily." Another person said, "if ye Fei's cooking is not delicious, and Zhuang Mingyan's telling is the truth?"

"Don't forget, you just said that ye Fei married Zhao Gushen." Someone said, "what if other judges give ye Fei high marks because of Zhao Gushen? What if other judges give ye Fei water

"These can't be proved, because we can't taste Ye Fei's food, and we can't be sure who said it is true." Said the man.

"You've been acting weird since just now, don't you believe in people?" Some people can't see it.

"I'm weird? Obviously what I said is also a kind of possibility. How can it be weird? Just because ye Fei married Zhao Gushen, you can't think that ye Fei has a rich man's filter and thinks that everything is good for her. You are actually licking dogs like this. Do you know? "

"Do you think we are rich? I think there's something wrong with your three outlooks! " Someone said, "why don't you have a look? How did ye Fei work hard before?"

"Her inspirational experience is enough for many young people to learn." Someone said, "it has nothing to do with her marriage to Zhao Gushen, but she is very admirable. Her acquaintance with Zhao Gushen and her marriage can only be said to be fate. "

"It shows that people who work hard will never be treated lightly by life." The man said, "I can see the positive things from it. How can I get to you and see the negative things that make people's psychology distorted?"


It's going to be a fight in the audience.

Someone advised: "well, well, don't quarrel, see ye Fei to install the plate."

As soon as they heard it, they quickly looked over.

Hope Ye Fei can have good results, naturally very concerned.

And with a different mind, hope Ye Fei rollover, also in close attention.

See ye Fei take out 6 European double ear white glass cup, the glass cup is very small, it looks like a slap.

Ye Fei put the tomato soup into the bowl first, then took the flower mounting bag with mashed potatoes, squeezed the mashed potatoes on the surface of the soup.

Because the mashed potatoes are light and creamy.

It floated directly on the surface of the soup and did not sink.

From a distance, the audience saw that ye Fei's soup was like a milk cap.

Tomato red with cream mashed potatoes, the color is surprisingly good-looking.

It's the glass cup again, and the color is more intuitive.

"Time is up!" With the sound of an Haiyin's three words, the countdown on the big screen is also cleared at the same time.

"Now, according to the order of the cooking table from left to right, the judges will taste the first round of soup in turn."

On the cooking table, the names of the players are marked.

It's not ranked.

It's arranged by initials.

In this way, ye Fei is ranked second to last because of the initial y.

The penultimate is Zhou Junhao with the initial Z.

The weather is still cold because the new year has just passed.

So the competition is held in the gymnasium.

The air conditioning in the gymnasium was fully on. Everyone took off their coats.

Many even wear shirts or short sleeves.

Therefore, at room temperature, it can ensure that the soup will not be cold for a while.

The competition also specially invited the waiter to come over, in this competition, responsible for serving.

Six waiters come up together and deliver BA zhekai's soup to the judges' table.

Now it's in the top ten.

And nine of them are students of Changping University.Their cooking, of course, will not go wrong.

All we need to see is that we can't make a difference.

What BA zhekai makes is dongyingong soup.

"The taste of dongyingong soup is sour and spicy. It's very appetizing. It's suitable to drink a little before meals." Luo Jialin said.

"The unique lemon leaf and citronella flavor is very prominent, and the spicy flavor seems to be lighter than what I used to eat." Gu Changfeng said.

BA zhekai nodded: "because this time I drink it on an empty stomach before meals. I'm afraid the spicy taste will be too irritating and bad for my stomach. So reduce the amount of pepper, only add a little pepper to do flavor, not so spicy

Guowenbo nodded: "it's very comfortable to drink. In addition, coconut milk acts as a neutralizing buffer. In the sour and choking smell of citronella and lemon leaves, coconut milk is added."

All the way to Zhuang Mingyan, she said, "it's delicious. It's very close to what I've drunk in Siam, but I think it's still a little worse."

As for the difference, Zhuang Mingyan did not say.

Li Xiaoyun sneered coldly under the stage: "even if you can't say it, you have to pretend that you understand it."

Just now Zhuang Mingyan has been aiming at Ye Fei, and she can't sit still.

When other judges heard what Zhuang Mingyan said, they raised eyebrows.

Lowell said straightforwardly: "I also spent a few months in Siam, and had a long communication with the local chef with Parra. In my opinion, this soup of BA zhekai has already got the essence. Miss Zhuang, you don't have a good taste. Maybe it's spicy. "

"And the spicy taste is exactly the adjustment made by bazekai for our present situation. This shows that he is not unable to make a more authentic taste, but is tailor-made for us as diners. "

"I think this kind of thought is more precious than authentic flavor." Said Lowell.

Zhuang Mingyan smiles: "what chef Lowell said is also reasonable."