Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 880

"Just look at her materials, I know what she wants to do." Zhuang Mingyan said.

The judges turned black.

But Zhuang Mingyan said so. They are professional and can't find any words to refute for a while.

Ye Fei's ingredients are too simple.

Even if they want to find a new point for her, they can't find it.

Zhuang Mingyan saw that several judges were speechless, and immediately showed a proud expression.

This shows that she is right!

Now, let's see what ye Fei does!

The audience can't help worrying.

Yes, ye Fei took these two ingredients in total.

Zhuang Yan is right.

People can't help but get angry.

By such a hard plug in, there is no strength, non professional judges seize this point.

What a shame!

"What's the matter with Ye Fei?"

"She's done so well before. How can this start be like this?"

"Why is she caught by Zhuang Mingyan?"

"Can't she ring a little more complicated? It's tomatoes and potatoes. She can think of them! "

"Even if she adds a piece of beef, it's better than only tomatoes and potatoes!"

Lu Chenghong quickly sent a message to an Haiyin through the guide.

Let her do something about it.

Let Ye Fei explain.

Ann Haiyin is also in a dilemma.

She can ask Ye Fei what she wants to do and why.

But wan Yiye Fei is really just making tomato and potato soup?

It'll be embarrassing then.

But next, ye Fei turns the potatoes into mud.

An Haiyin immediately seized the opportunity and said, "Ye Fei seems to be doing something different."

"She mashed the potatoes." She added milk and cream

Zhuang Mingyan's expression changed.

It was said that ye Fei had no new ideas and was ordinary.

As a result, ye Fei has a different way of doing it.

Isn't that hitting her in the face?

Zhuang Mingyan's expression immediately became ugly.

Gu Changfeng said with a smile: "Ye Fei may be making tomato and potato soup, but it must be different from what you think of tomato and potato soup by Miss Zhuang."

"Don't you want to make soup with potatoes, but mashed potatoes?" Anne Hai Yin doubts a way, "but, mashed potatoes into soup won't sink?"

What does Ye Fei want to do? No one can know for a moment.

Chuang Mingyan didn't expect that in such a short time, ye Fei would personally send a handle to her.

Zhuang Mingyan sneered and said, "Ye Fei doesn't want to make mashed potatoes. This round is in the soup. Don't blame me for not reminding Ye Fei. No matter how innovative he is, he won't get a point even if he deviates from the topic. "

"Besides, even if she wants to make mashed potatoes as a side dish, it's not creative."

"It's not the usual home cooking." Zhuang Mingyan said, "it's a competition, and it's still in the final."

"It's too much fun to serve mashed potatoes in the finals." Zhuang Mingyan said.

After thinking about it, she still felt that it was not enough fun to say so, and said, "it's too high on the table."

She shook her head and chuckled: "I've never seen a big event, especially in the finals, where mashed potatoes are used as fast food."

Zhuang Mingyan thinks in her heart that she doesn't know what ye Fei's level is.

Did these judges let Ye Fei go to the present because of Zhao Gushen's relationship before.

Ye Fei is really powerful.

She doesn't care.

What she is doing now is to destroy Ye Fei's self-confidence, influence Ye Fei's game state and distract Ye Fei.

Zhuang Mingyan has been talking about attacking Ye Fei.

Don't look up to her food, as if ye Fei how to do is wrong.

Zhuang Mingyan doesn't care if she says something wrong. She just wants to influence Ye Fei's state and judgment.

That's enough.

Guowenbo said faintly: "as Miss Zhuang said at the beginning, don't worry so much before you see the finished product."

That means, shut up.

Zhuang Mingyan just stares at Ye Fei.

However, ye Fei was not influenced by her.

At this point, listen to an Haiyin said: "now, the first round of soup competition, there are still the last 15 minutes."

The players are doing the final treatment

Ye Fei also put the prepared mashed potatoes into the flower mounting bag.

This operation makes the audience curious.

"What is Ye Fei doing?""Who just said that ye Fei was not creative? Ha ha ha! She can do it with tomatoes and potatoes, so you can't guess what she's going to do

"I don't know what ye Fei is doing, but I can see that Zhuang Mingyan seems to be aiming at Ye Fei."

"Yes, she didn't comment on anyone from the beginning. Of the 10 contestants, she only commented on Ye Fei. And I didn't say a good word. "

"The previous five judges didn't draw a conclusion early in the process of cooking. They just explained to us the reasons why the contestants did it, and their guesses about what the contestants should do, and encouraged the contestants at the same time. It can be seen that the judges are trying not to affect the state of the contestants' competition and not to let the contestants be disturbed by their words. "

"After all, it's a live competition, and the judges are all wearing Mai. What they say can be heard by the audience as well as by the players. If not, it will affect the confidence of the players

"Although the psychological state is also an extremely important part of the players' competition. If affected by some comments, leading to poor play, it can only be said that the mentality of the players is not good. But the judges still pay attention not to affect the mentality of the players, which is a kind of love for the players

"Yes, so sometimes when the judges comment, they talk a little more. I think the judges are so cute. They really love the players. It does not affect them in the process, and it means to give them everything they can when evaluating the results. "

"Yes, when commenting, if you're still a good person, and you're afraid that the players will be sad, you can say good things to the players instead of saying what the shortcomings are. Players can never improve, they can never really learn from it. It's because the judges can tell the difference

"Zhuang Mingyan is just opposite to the judges. During the competition, she tries her best to say something bad about ye Fei, which affects Ye Fei's mentality. What kind of heart does she have? "

"Have you noticed that Zhuang Mingyan has never commented on others from the beginning to the end, just Ye Fei. She seems to be coming for ye Fei. "

"What's the matter with Zhuang Mingyan?"

"If you ask her to be a judge, can the competition go on well?"

Of course, the audience is not all speaking for ye Fei.

Others said, "what do you worry about ye Fei? Don't forget who her husband is