Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 855

However, Changping can give up the early interests and only concentrate on training.

This kind of confidence is a group like Changping.

No company dares to do this casually.

It is Changping's strong strength that has such a solid foundation.

"I saw your clip before the game, and when I looked at it, I couldn't help drooling." Zhao said with a smile, "I thought at that time, if only I had a chance to taste it."

"I didn't expect you to be our Zhao family. It's really fate." Zhao Zizi said happily, "today we should have a good taste."

"Then I'll go and see what the ingredients are at home first, and then I'll figure out what to cook for the third granddad and the fourth uncle." Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Good, good." The third master nodded and asked his aunt to take ye Fei to the kitchen.

When ye Fei and her aunt came in, the cook who was preparing dinner in the kitchen was very unhappy.

Although he is only responsible for the meals of the three masters here, he is also a serious professional chef.

He used to live in a five-star hotel.

After all, the people who come to take care of the three old men's diet should not be casual. Naturally, they should have their own merits.

But ye Fei three two words, will come to make three two dishes.

It's like he can't match Ye Fei's.

The chef can't help but say: "little lady, the kitchen is full of cooking fumes. You are a guest today. It's not suitable to come into the kitchen to cook."

"It's nothing. I only do two or three courses for my grandfather and uncle." Ye Fei said.

"Young lady, do you think I'm not good at it?" The cook frowned.

Ye Fei has just stepped on him. He looks down on people.

"Anyway, I'm a professional chef too. I think I'll be enough to prepare dinner." Said the cook.

The chef thinks that if the three masters eat it, it's no different if they don't have him. What should they do if they don't need him?

Besides, ye Fei, an amateur, interferes in the kitchen of his professional chef.

It's too bad.

Ye Fei was stunned and said with a smile, "I'm also a professional chef."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to break your job. I just want to be a gift for the elder as a junior. It doesn't interfere with you." Although Ye Fei didn't have a cold face, she made it clear that she saw what the chef was thinking.

Aunt see, immediately said: "Xiao Wang, what are you doing?"

"The young lady's coming as a guest is to show her hand, which will not affect you." Said the aunt.

Originally, the aunt did not think of Xiao Wang's thoughts, mainly because she felt that it was in the home of the host, and Xiao Wang dared to be dissatisfied with the relatives of the host's family, which was very puzzling.

But after hearing Ye Fei call Xiao Wang's mind, aunt also understood.

Auntie shook her head silently in her heart, and Xiao Wang was also stupid.

"Besides, the young lady is very famous in the cooking competition. Can't she cook several dishes?" The aunt reminds a way.

Xiao Wang's face was disdainful.

I think the culinary competition, who are the participants!

They're all little-known chefs.

There is no chef like him in a famous hotel restaurant.

Now in the top ten, except ye Fei, all the others are students!

How amateur is this?

How many great students are there in Fei ye?

If you really want to compete with the whole society, what can ye Fei do?

The aunt frowned, quickly pulled Xiao Wang aside and whispered, "Xiao Wang, don't forget who you work for! Now, you've really offended the master! "

"Can the young lady come to cook for the old man every day? But even if I'm happy today, I won't rob you. How do you work in the future, and how do you still work? " Said the aunt.

"Do you want to make the young lady angry and let the old man fire you when you go out? Do you think the old man and his husband will turn to the young lady, or you? "

Auntie shook her head: "I don't know, you are not willing to do something!"

What's the matter with this!

Xiao Wang is always on the axis.

However, because the craft is good, I am also conscientious.

It is because of the shaft that we are very serious in our work.

Therefore, even if the axis is a little bit, no one has the same opinion with him and is not angry with him.

I didn't expect him to be up again.

Don't look at the target!

Being reminded by his aunt, Xiao Wang finally knew how powerful he was. This time, he nodded: "I think it's bad."

The aunt was relieved and explained to Ye Fei, "young lady, Xiao Wang is just like this. He's easy to get into the corner. Don't give him the same opinion."Ye Fei smiles and shakes her head. She doesn't plan to do anything.

This is a member of the three masters' family.

She didn't have to ask the three masters to do something to the cook for such a trifle.

Since the chef has been working here, it is obvious that the three masters are very satisfied with him.

Because she resigned the cook and had to trouble the third master to find him again.

"Auntie, you can tell me how to put them here. Where are the condiments and what are the ingredients? " Ye Fei said.

"Well, good." Aunt said quickly.

At ordinary times, I would give a hand to Xiao Wang, so my aunt knew all about it.

The ingredients are also written down by Xiao Wang and sent by people.

Together to clean up, aunt for what ingredients, are very clear.

Xiao Wang's heart is still uncomfortable, and ye Fei ignores him.

Auntie doesn't care about him, as long as he doesn't talk.

Aunt will accompany Ye Fei and introduce her.

Ye Fei looks at the ingredients at home and asks the chef what he plans to prepare tonight.

In order to avoid duplication with the chef.

it's not as like as two peas.

It's like the cook is going to cook chicken, so is she.

If the chef wants to make tofu, so does she.

Although the taste is different, but the same ingredients appear on the table repeat too much, also not good.

After asking, ye Fei plans to make sour plum ribs, golden shrimp, and a vegetarian dish called Qianlong cabbage.

It's very authentic traditional Beijing cuisine.

Unfortunately, there is no perilla at home.

Otherwise, add some perilla in the sour plum ribs, the taste will be better.

There are fresh plum at home, and there are also plum cakes in the snacks prepared by three old men for Xiaomo.

Ye Fei has tasted it. It's sour and sweet, but it's more sour.

Just right, you can neutralize with Ximei. Ximei is too sweet.

Ye Fei boils the plum to make the plum sauce, and then adds the plum cake which is cut into small pieces to the plum sauce.

Deep fry the ribs first, and the surface of the ribs will be golden and crispy.

Ribs occasionally with a little bit of fat, ye Fei did not remove, just part of the fat was fried more crisp.