Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 854

"Well." Ye Fei nodded, "but I haven't announced the time of the next match yet. I think it should be almost announced tomorrow."

If Zhao Gushen doesn't ask Lu Hongwen when to inform him of this, the racing side won't even have to tell him about this trivial matter.

"I'll ask later." Zhao said.

See zhao gu deep mouth a smoke, it is obvious that he is still when the husband.

How can Zhao, a fourth uncle, surpass Zhao Gushen and ask Ye Fei?

Seeing Zhao Gushen's reaction, Zhao immediately said, "I just want to see the next match."

"I don't know what you two have been hiding." Zhao complained, "you've all gone to see ye Fei's game, but I don't know. I haven't seen it yet."

Zhao Gushen explained: "two uncles, three uncles, their two families don't know."

"At that time, we didn't announce it to the public. At the beginning of Xiaofei's competition, we just knew each other and didn't start to associate." Zhao Gushen explained.

"Later, we went out with each other, but we didn't announce it to the public. After we got married, we only knew it at home." Zhao Gushen said.

"Later, the competition was suspended because of the holiday, so we thought that when we waited for the new year, the elders were all there, and we just had an introduction." Zhao Gushen said.

Zhao theorem waved his hand: "anyway, I thought, I haven't been to the scene to support Ye Fei's game before. I have to support everything I say before the game is over."

Lin Lige also said this.

is not as like as two peas, but it means all this.

Ye Fei doesn't have ye's family to go to the scene to support her, but she also has Zhao's family.

With the support of her relatives, ye Fei feels extremely warm.

When relatives go to the scene to support her, she will not feel nervous, but will be more motivated.

Ye Fei then said to Zhao theorem, "well, I'll let you know as soon as we get the notice."

"Yes, yes." Zhao agreed happily.

"It's rare to come here today. Otherwise, I'll cook two or three dishes for my third grandfather and fourth uncle?" Ye Fei said.

Ye Fei didn't say she wanted to cook a table.

I'll try it with my uncle.

According to the old lady, it is not appropriate to do so much.

It's like I'm here for work.

Although three old men and Zhao theorem certainly will not treat her like this.

But if ye Fei really makes a table, I'm afraid that the three masters and Zhao theorem will also be in a dilemma.

This time I came to the door, I met Mr. San and Mr. Zhao for the first time.

Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen naturally prepared gifts.

Now if you cook two or three more dishes, it will also be a gift.

Three old son and Zhao theorem listen to, all came to interest, looking forward to Ye Fei.

Although they didn't watch the game of overnight fee.

Because I didn't know the relationship between Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen before, I didn't watch the live broadcast or replay of the game.

But after all, Changping group is involved in this industry.

Even if you don't watch the replay, you will also pay attention to the news about the cooking competition.

In particular, the outstanding and eye-catching players will be specially edited.

Even if they're at the top, they'll watch.

If these excellent players have potential and can continue to improve, they will continue to pay attention.

In the future, it will inject new blood into Changping's restaurants.

Ye Fei, of course, has her own clips.

I have seen Zhao's theorem.

Naturally, I also saw Ye Fei's cooking skills.

"That would be wonderful." Zhao theorem said, "for the outstanding players in each cooking competition, the competition will edit a video and send it to us for us to watch."

"If you encounter a particularly outstanding one, the group will follow up and confirm that it is really suitable, and will hire someone to enter Changping's restaurants." Zhao said.

"How many people have been chosen all the time?" Ye Fei asks curiously.

Now she doesn't have to worry about the invitation, like all the players in previous years.

As long as she wants, she can go to any parent's restaurant to study.

Its taste, Tang Yan, can be.

You can even open your own restaurant.

However, ye Fei is very curious about how many people can be selected by Changping.

"In fact, not much. Over the years, it's just Gu Changfeng and Tang Yan's chef Yue Qilu." Zhao said.

Chefs in other restaurants are competing for jobs.

There are graduates from Changping University, and other restaurants have changed jobs.

The main reason is that the two star restaurants, Qiwei and Tangyan, have their own branches, but their points have not been rated as stars.Both the head office and the head office were occupied by Gu Changfeng and Yueqi road for a long time.

New people can come in, but it's difficult to replace them.

And other restaurants, the top students of Changping University, are not willing to go.

Ordinary students can't get in.

Only a few people with a better mentality came in.

In fact, few of them can be valued by Changping group and invited in person.

There are cooking competitions every year, but few of them are invited by Changping group.

"I've seen previous culinary competitions, too." Ye Fei said, "there are many excellent players. Why didn't Changping invite them?"

Don't say there are not enough restaurants.

There are so many restaurants in Changping. If you really want to arrange them, the location is enough.

Even if it's really not enough, Chong Changping always cherishes talents, adhering to the principle that as long as they are talents recognized by Changping, they will not let go.

Changping is not unable to open a new restaurant specially for talents.

"What we're looking for right now is not good." Zhao theorem said, "but to conduct an all-round investigation and Research on him, to see his potential."

"If it's excellent now, it's the end of his potential. No matter how much we develop, there will be no progress, so we will not want it. " Zhao said.

"What we want to see is that he is outstanding now, and he still has the potential to continue to develop, and the long-term development in the future is unlimited. In that case, Changping will pay a considerable price, and even spend a lot of money to continue to cultivate him. " Zhao said.

Continue to cultivate, that is to say, people who are favored by Changping may not bring any benefits to Changping in the short term.

Changping is looking at the long-term future benefits.

Naturally, Changping will certainly sign a contract with him to ensure Changping's own interests.

In order to avoid the cultivation of people, the other party ran away and made wedding clothes for others in vain.

Changping will not do such a thing.