Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 753

"What do you mean?" Ye Ning was stunned.

See Liu boss stop, ye Ning then difficult stand up.

Mrs. Liu curled her lips and said, "if you don't believe me, you can go back to Yecheng and call out the monitoring of that hotel."

"At that time, Zhao Gushen was also in the hotel. You and your mother sent Ye Fei to the wrong room. " Mrs. Liu sneered, "accidentally, she was sent to Zhao Gushen's room."

"It can be said that ye Fei's predestination with Zhao Gushen was all facilitated by you and your mother." Mrs. Liu said sarcastically.

Ye Ning was stunned.

"No, it can't be!" Ye Ning doesn't believe it.

The truth of this matter is more exciting to her.

It's more exciting than learning that ye Fei married Zhao Gushen.

Ye Fei has the ability to marry Zhao Gushen.

But if it's because of her that she gets on well with Zhao Gushen, ye Ning will hate her to death.

In the end, she became the one who helped Ye Fei?

The truth is that ye Ning wants to vomit!

Mrs. Liu just ignored Ye Ning.

She just didn't want to accept the truth.

"Ye Fei's child is really Zhao Gushen's." Mrs. Liu said, "you personally set up Zhao Gushen and ye Fei, and let Ye Fei give birth to Zhao Gushen."

"If it wasn't for that, ye Fei wouldn't be able to be with Zhao Gushen. If there were no children, they would not have any intersection even if they met. "

Mrs. Liu sentence by sentence, as if the knife stabbed in Ye Ning's heart.

"So, Zhao Gushen knows everything you do. Ye Fei is not afraid of what you think. Because it's all your own imagination. It's your own self righteousness. " Mrs. Liu said coldly.

"My husband didn't lie to you." Mrs. Liu said, "otherwise, you think that if he really touched Ye Fei, my husband can still stand here now..."

Mrs. Liu glanced at Ye Ning, from top to bottom, and finally fell on her most obvious injured face. She pulled her lips and said, "fists and kicks?"

"Don't scold you or beat you here. He may not be able to come out in the banquet hall just now."

Mrs. Liu said with a smile: "Miss ye, although you are stupid, you don't have no intelligence at all. This is the most obvious thing. I can't help thinking about it. "

"You just don't want to admit it. But do you think you have been holding on to the idea of my husband and ye Fei? Do you think it's true and it can come true? "

"That's just self deception." Mrs. Liu said coldly.

"I think you must have had a lot of doubts before. For example, ye Fei and Zhao Gushen are people of two worlds. How can they know each other. Ye Fei's family is ordinary. How can the Zhao family accept it? "

"Ye Fei had a son. How can the Zhao family accept it? What kind of woman can't find Zhao Gushen, but she likes Ye Fei, who is unmarried and gives birth to a son? "

"But, you might as well think about it, if you sent Ye Fei to Zhao Gushen's room by mistake. Ye feisheng's son is Zhao Gushen's. Does it make sense? "

"Everything you can't think of is natural." Said Mrs. Liu.

Since ye Ning is confused, he is not willing to understand.

Then Mrs. Liu broke things up for her and told ye Ning to know clearly.

Ye Ning's right half face turned pale.

It's really because the left half of his face was beaten by boss Liu. He couldn't see the original color.

I can't even see it white.

"So, if you still want to deal with Ye Fei, you can do whatever you want." Mrs. Liu doesn't care.

Besides, with Ye Ning's intelligence and means, it's hard to deal with Ye Fei.

"But don't drag us in. Otherwise, don't blame my family for being rude Mrs. Liu said coldly.

"At your present level, you offend Zhao Gushen and are struggling in B city. Even if my family is not on the table, it's just a matter of moving your fingers to deal with you. "

Mrs. Liu takes a step closer to Ye Ning.

Suddenly raised a hand to pinch leaf to coagulate of face.

Ye Ning does not prevent, is pinched by her.

His left face was in pain. Half of his face was swollen like a steamed bun.

When she was pinched by Mrs. Liu, she shivered with pain and couldn't hide.

"So, next time you want to deal with Ye Fei, find someone else and don't involve my family." Mrs. Liu throws Ye Ning's face away impolitely.

He took out a small bottle of hand sanitizer from his bag.

Squeeze a little bit in the palm, rub it.

It's obviously that ye congealed dirty.

Ye Ning's pupils shrink violently.

She received so much humiliation tonight!

Boss Liu doesn't get rid of her hatred. Seeing ye Ning like this, he wants to kill her.

"Ning Ning!" A woman's voice sounded.Immediately after that, a couple came running.

It's ye tezhang and Xu Huizhen.

Xu Huizhen grabs Ye Ning's arm and sees Ye Ning's right side face. She doesn't see the one on the left.

She quickly asked: "Ning Ning, how are you? How about tonight? Did it work? Ye Fei, that little... "

Xu Huizhen thought that ye tezhang was also there, and the word "cheap. Human" could be taken back.

"How is she?" Xu Huizhen has bright eyes.

What she wanted to ask was, what happened to Ye Fei?

Have you ever been rejected by Zhao Gushen?

Isn't the end very miserable?

Mrs. Liu silent sneer, listen to Ye Ning unwilling to say: "no, failed."

"How did you fail?" Xu Huizhen couldn't help but turn up the volume.

"That's a big handle. Didn't you say it?" "Xu Huizhen surprised way," or you didn't go in? "

"I went in and said it." Ye Ning said.

On hearing this, Xu Huizhen interrupted Ye Ning: "what about that? Can Zhao Gushen tolerate all this? Is he a bastard? "

"No!" Ye Ning was bored and said, "go back first. I'll tell you when I go back."

Xu Huizhen turned her lips and had to agree.

Just when ye Ning turns around, Xu Huizhen sees the injury on Ye Ning's left face.

She immediately exclaimed, "Ning Ning, what's wrong with your face?"

Thinking of just now, ye Ning seems to be entangled with boss Liu and Mrs. Liu.

Xu Huizhen immediately looked over.

I think they are a little familiar with each other.

Just now she came over in a hurry. She didn't see the faces of Mrs. Liu and boss Liu clearly when she wanted to know what happened to Ye Fei.

Now because of the injury on Ye Ning's face, she thought of the picture just now.

That's what I'm looking at.

The more you look, the more familiar you look.

Finally, she remembered: "it's you!"

When Xu Huizhen was happy, she asked Ye Ning, "are they the witnesses you found? Prove Ye Fei... "

Because can't see ye Fei good, unexpectedly is even the wound on Ye Ning's face all ignore.

"Bah!" Boss Liu spat.

No wonder Ye Ning is so stupid. I dare to follow her. Mom!

As soon as Xu Huizhen heard something wrong, she immediately said, "wait a minute, our family is suffering from this injury. It won't be you, will it?"