Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 752

Mrs. Liu chose to believe in Zhao Gushen.

Because she had no choice but to believe.

The life and death of the Liu family lies in Zhao Gushen's thought.

If we don't prove it, the Liu family will die.

To prove that life is possible.

Moreover, she believes that Zhao Gushen can keep his word.

Moreover, she is not qualified to talk to Zhao Gushen about the conditions.

So Mrs. Liu only took five seconds to think about it and agreed to it.

When he just left, he didn't remind Zhao Gu to keep his promise.

Anyway, since Zhao Gushen already knows about it.

Shou Nuo is just between Zhao Gushen's thoughts, not her reminders.

When Mrs. Liu and boss Liu come to Shengyue's gate, they just see that ye Ninggang has just been driven out by the security guards and has not left yet.

Ye Ning's face is still white and unwilling with fear.

Don't leave, probably still want to wait for Zhao Gushen and ye Fei to come out, entangle again?

Mrs. Liu gave a silent sneer.

Boss Liu naturally saw Ye Ning.

If boss Liu had seen Ye Ning before, he would have been able to see Lao Qing and his kindness.

But now where can still have this kind of feeling.

Goodbye Ye Ning. It will be as deadly as the enemy who sees the Revenge of extermination!

Isn't that right?

Ye Ning comes here tonight. If she succeeds, he will be finished.

It's a real feud.

It can't be said that ye Ning didn't succeed, so the hatred doesn't exist.

Therefore, boss Liu hates Ye Ning very much now.

At the same time, boss Liu thought that he thought so about ye Ning.

Ye Ning didn't succeed. He hated him to death.

So at the beginning, he almost touched Ye Fei. Can Zhao Gushen not hate him?

Thinking about this, boss Liu came down in a cold sweat.

In this winter's cold night, the cold wind seems to have penetrated his coat, hit on his cold sweat, cold to the bone.

Fortunately, he followed Mrs. Liu.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Think of this, Liu boss hate poison of looking at Ye Ning.

He rushed forward and slapped Ye Ning in the face.

Ye Ning had no preparation at all, and was hit.

Boss Liu hated and poisoned her. She used 10% of her strength.

Ye Ning can't stand it.

He was slapped to the ground by boss Liu.

She had just been blown out shamelessly, and the coat had been given to the waiter for storage.

Just pulled out, the coat was thrown on her.

I didn't give her time to put on her coat.

After loosening her, ye Ning put on her coat.

But the button hasn't been fastened yet.

Inside the coat is the dress.

V-shaped collar is not small, exposing the skin, shivering by the cold wind.

But ye Ning's heart is cooler than being blown by the cold wind.

I was slapped by boss Liu.

She fell to the ground and the lapels of her overcoat came apart.

The dress inside is too thin to protect at all.

Knee is almost equivalent to a direct knock on the hard stone floor.

Ye Ning only felt pain in her knee as if her bones were about to break.

In winter, the bones seem to become particularly fragile, and the slate also becomes particularly hard.

As if through the thin skin of the knee, directly hit the bone.

With a skin like pain.

When I fall, my subconscious hands support me to protect me.

The palm of my hand is not accidentally scratched.

But these, compared with the pain on the face, turned out to be small injuries.

Liu Ye numbness to the left side of the face was numb.

I only feel headache, eye pain, face pain and mouth pain.

There is no mirror to look at, but I feel half of my face bulging.

The head is also a wave of pain.

In front of my eyes, my vision was even blacker.

Ye Ning is startled. She is afraid that she is blinded by boss Liu.

After a while, the vision slowly recovered.

It turned out that the impact was fierce just now.

But now, although the vision has recovered, but the brain is still swelling pain.

She felt the pain in her left corner of her eye as if it were swollen, and her eyelids were too swollen to open her eyes.

The corners of the mouth can't move, just like facial paralysis, only the right face can move.

"You cheap man!" Boss Liu didn't get rid of her hatred, so he kicked her.

Mrs. Liu was watching coldly.

Ye Ning is cheap. Boss Liu is not good either.

Let them fight.Mrs. Liu doesn't care.

It's just a little cold outside, and there's an air outlet at the door.

So Mrs. Liu went back to the lobby, across the glass door of the hotel.

There is no intention of blocking.

"If you succeed today, I'll be finished!" What boss Liu hates most is that if ye Ning wants to deal with Ye Fei, he'll deal with it. Why do you pull him into the water!

Who did he provoke!

Boss Liu thinks he is particularly innocent.

Ye Ning can't stop boss Liu.

There are few people on the street now.

Every year when the Spring Festival comes, people who work hard in B city return to their hometown to get together.

B city became an empty city.

In such a big city, local residents are in the minority.

Especially in the evening of the first day of junior high school, everyone is busy with all kinds of parties.

Few people walk in the street.

So now, there's not even a spectator on the road.

Except for Sheng Yue's security.

Ye Ning still doesn't believe it, while protecting herself, boss Liu Chuai in her body, she can't stop, can only protect his head.

The hairstyle that used to be done by someone is now in a mess.

He looks like a crazy woman.

"You lie! Ye Fei, that child is yours Ye Ning looks up at boss Liu reluctantly.

Liu boss angrily and vigorously kick her: "you want to die, don't pull me into the water!"

"You have touched Ye Fei! It's no use not admitting it! " Ye Ning red eyes, "I will find evidence!"

"Shut up!" Boss Liu was so angry that he said, "why don't you believe it? I didn't touch it, but I didn't touch it!"

"I didn't see ye Fei at that time! Can I cheat you? " Boss Liu is impatient, "I just want a son. Don't you think I really like you?"

"I have to lie, just for you?" Boss Liu is really angry, "but you are ambitious, smart, know what to do after giving birth to a child, will not pester me."

"Who knows you're a fool! I didn't look for you when I knew you were so stupid How greedy of you to be my boss! Stupid. Force

"No! That's what you said to get rid of yourself Ye Ning doesn't believe it.

Mrs. Liu is really out of place.

Then he came out again.

It's so cold at night that she can't help shrinking.

Spit out a mouthful of hot gas, came to Ye Ning body front to stand.

"You don't know. At the beginning, you calculated Ye Fei, but you made a mistake, but ye Fei and Zhao Gushen got together." Mrs. Liu said coldly.