Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 707

"With your relationship with Ye Fei, if you ask her to help you directly, whether it's about everything you do to open a restaurant in B city, or to help you expand your contacts and introduce some opportunities, I don't think she will help you."

Ye Ning can't deny this.

On the night of the party, ye Fei's attitude towards Ye Ning was very obvious.

Moreover, before that, ye Ning didn't even know that ye Fei and Zhao Gushen were married.

Can this be called a relationship?

"Do you want to threaten her with the handle again and again?" Liu sixu said with a smile, "good steel should be used in the blade, handle should be used in the event."

"You take out the handle for a trifle. It's not worth the money. " Liu said.

"The so-called equivalent exchange, what you ask Ye Fei to do for you, is just the value of what you have in your hands. It's not appropriate to trade your handle for trifles. "

"What is a trivial matter? For example, the stores you mentioned just now are trivial matters in my opinion, which are not worth mentioning. " Liu sixu is very confident.

Those things that are difficult for ye Ning, but they need to ask for help.

In Liu sixu's eyes, it's nothing at all.

It's disgusting to say it.

It's a shame that I have to ask someone to help me with this matter, but I can't solve it myself.

"You have to threaten Ye Fei to solve small things like this. After that, when you encounter bigger and more difficult things, what are you going to do?"

"Do you want to take this handle out again and again? Or do you have a lot on your hands? "

Liu sixu said with a smile: "but in my opinion, the effect is the same whether you have one handle or many handles. Even if you threaten her once and change the handle, the result will be the same. "

"At that time, in Ye Fei's eyes, what you saw was not how many handles you had changed, but how many times you threatened her, endless."

"How long do you think ye Fei can tolerate you?"

"If that's all you have, it's even harder. Relying on this handle, she has threatened her again and again. How long do you think she can tolerate you? "

"One day, ye Fei will be tired of being threatened by you and will no longer accept your threat. What will she do with you? "

"Ye Fei is Zhao Gushen's wife no matter what. She is a member of the Zhao family. Just as you want to ask her for help, it's because you like her means and connections as Zhao's daughter-in-law. "

"But in the same way, as the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family, her means and connections are quite simple to retaliate and make you speechless."

"Are you afraid of me?" Liu sixu suddenly changed his face and asked Ye Ning in a low voice.

Ye Ning's face changed subconsciously. She didn't understand Liu sixu's meaning, so she had to ask: "Liu Shao, what do you mean by that?"

"You don't have to be nervous." Liu sixu laughed easily, "I didn't want to do anything to you, I just want to ask you, if I really get angry and want to deal with you, will you be afraid?"

"But look at your reaction, I know your answer." Liu sixu said triumphantly.

Obviously Ye Ning is afraid.

That's why the reaction is so big and tense.

So even on the day of the party, ye Ning didn't dare to despise him even if she saw him in disgrace.

Because ye Ning knows that it is too simple for Liu sixu to deal with her.

Ye Ning finally has some brains. She has this self-knowledge.

"For you, it's as easy for me to crush you as it is for me to crush an ant." Liu said.

"You don't have to listen to that." Liu sixu said with a smile, "because it's as easy for the Zhao family to crush me as it is to crush an ant. Ye Fei, as the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family, is easy to deal with me. "

"You can figure it out by yourself. It's so easy for me to deal with you, but it's not easy for ye Fei to deal with you?"

"You don't even need her to decorate anything, as long as she says, you're finished."

Listen to Liu sixu's words, ye Ning's face is particularly bad.

Does Ye Fei really have such great power?

She knows the Zhao family is powerful, but how powerful is it? To tell the truth, ye Ning doesn't have a specific cognition.

Because she is too far away from the Zhao family, there is no intersection with the Zhao family.

Before that, he did not provoke the Zhao family.

It's not that she's honest and self-conscious, but that she doesn't have the chance at all.

She doesn't even have the qualification to provoke the Zhao family.

So I can't understand the consequences of offending the Zhao family.

Now hearing Liu sixu say so, ye Ning has no sense of reality.

I also feel that the consequences of Liu sixu's remarks are very illusory to her.

Ye Ning's current state can really be said to be a sentence of ignorance and fearlessness.Then listen to Liu sixu said: "we can put aside you again and again with the handle to threaten Ye Fei, let her finally can't bear to deal with you this matter."

Why is Liu sixu so determined that ye Ning will threaten Ye Fei again and again?

Because ye Ning is greedy.

As long as ye Fei has promised her once, ye Ning will want more.

"Say that the handle in your hand will not work one day. Now that you have solved some small problems, what will you do when you encounter big problems in the future

"That's why I said we should work together. I can help you with all these little troubles. Keep this handle for yourself. If I can't solve anything in the future, you can go to find Ye Fei. "

Liu thought, how much trouble can ye Ning meet?

No matter how progressive she may be, the level that ye Ningping touches is just like that. It's also impossible to reach a high position.

So Liu sixu is confident that she can solve all her troubles.

Besides, the future is only the future.

Let's get the handle in Ye Ning's hand first. As for whether ye Ning is willing to solve the problem for her in the future, isn't it a matter of his own words?

"Isn't that more effective for you?" Liu said.

Ye Ning was not stupid either, so she said, "you have said that if you use a handle too many times, it doesn't matter. If you use it once and I take it out again, will it still work?"

Liu sixu said: "it really doesn't work if you use it many times, but it always works if you use it twice. Haven't you read the social news? Those who call the police are threatened many times before they can't bear to call the police. Those who call the police once or twice before have not been threatened, and they have agreed to the other party's demands? "

"You might as well think about it carefully here. It's only good for you to agree to my terms and cooperate with me." Liu said.