Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 706

Ye Ning eyebrows slightly pick, the heart will consciously have a tacit understanding with Liu sixu, know what Liu sixu wants to say.

Who knows but listen to Liu sixu said: "before I heard you say you and ye Fei's relationship is not very good."

Ye Ning eyebrows pick, how Liu thought said to turn to Ye Fei above.

What does the matter between them have to do with Ye Fei?

It is impossible for Liu sixu to tell her that it is because the Liu family has offended Zhao Gushen.

"I still remember that you seem to have something about ye Fei in your hand. It seems to be a very important handle. It seems that you can control Ye Fei at one stroke by taking it out." Liu said.

Ye Ning's eyes changed. Her hot heart was already half cold. She said with a smile, "how did you discuss Ye Fei again?"

Ye Ning holds Liu sixu's hand and takes it back: "Liu Shao, haven't you given up on Ye Fei? I want to threaten Ye Fei with the handle in my hand and let her talk to you... "

Later, ye Ning didn't say anything.

But the meaning of what ye Ning didn't say was very obvious.

Liu sixu knows that ye Fei is Zhao Gushen's wife, and even dares to make ye Fei's idea.

On the one hand, ye Ning is surprised by Liu sixu's persistence to Ye Fei, but on the other hand, she is not angry.

She felt that ye Fei was just like that, and she was not a person who was unforgettable.

Liu sixu is also reading countless women, who have seen the world, how can he not let go of Ye Fei.

Is it hard to be so humble as to think that what you can't get is the best?

Just because I don't think I can get Ye Fei, I try my best to have a try.

But you don't have to take yourself. Take the whole Liu family for an experiment, right?

To take such a big risk just for a woman?

If he dares to touch Ye Fei, Zhao Gushen will never let him go.

At the party that night, Liu sixu didn't know ye Fei's identity. After a few words, Zhao Gushen was so angry that Liu sixu begged for mercy in a low voice.

If he really dares to do something to Ye Fei, Zhao Gushen can't let him go even out of man's dignity, regardless of how deep Zhao Gushen's feelings for ye Fei are.

He really ate bear heart leopard's gall, for some lust heart, regardless of anything.

Ye Fei has so much charm, let Liu sixu so reckless?

I don't know how much effort Ye Fei has spent to hook Liu's thoughts. As a result, ye Fei just shows up and makes Liu's thoughts unforgettable.

Ye Ning was unconvinced and angry.

She couldn't figure out where ye Fei had such a great ability. She was just like a fox spirit. She couldn't forget the soul of a man.

"Of course not." Liu sixu said quickly.

Thinking that his parents are still listening, if you know that he dares to have a lust for ye Fei, how can you let him go!

Ye Ning really dares to think.

"I'm not interested in Ye Fei anymore," Liu said

"What do you want that handle for?" Ye Ning asked immediately.

She's not that easy to cheat.

"Naturally, I hope she can help me promote some cooperation with the Zhao family," Liu said

"As you know, the eight families are in a high position, so it's hard to find opportunities to cooperate with them. But if I can really find this opportunity, I also want to seize it. Even if it can't promote the cooperation between our two families, let Ye Fei no longer because of the party that day, it's OK

Liu sixu said with a smile, "just tell me what ye Fei has. We share a message, that is, the people on the same boat. The two of us are partners. "

"When you first come to B city, if you want to develop in B city, you need a lot of ways and connections. It's not as easy to open a restaurant in city B as it is in Yecheng. "

"City B is a big city with complicated contacts. It's easier to get in touch with some channels in city B, but it's not so easy in city B. You want to contact the person in charge of something, but you can't. You want to make things easier, but you don't have a way, and no one introduces you. Who will take care of you? "

"There are too many families in B city. In the eyes of those families, you come from a small place. No one will take you seriously."

"But with the help of our family, it's different. There are many ways I can help you introduce. There are many ways I can help you introduce. Some people you can't touch can be known through me. "

"In my opinion, the documents you mentioned earlier, the people you want to recruit and the decoration you want to do are just a piece of cake. I can help you with more important things. "

"Indeed, compared with Zhao Gushen, I'm nothing. Compared with the Zhao family, our family is nothing. But to be honest, there are only eight in the whole country. "

"The eight families are very special. No one can compare with them. Apart from them, our Liu family is very eloquent. What you want to do, you don't need to work. The Zhao family will give it to me. It's also a bull's knife to kill chickens. ""So I said that we are a cooperative relationship. As long as you share with me what you know about ye Fei, I can help you with everything." Liu sixu is very confident.

"Liu Shao, you also said that you need this handle to cooperate with the Zhao family. Since I have this handle, I can ask Ye Fei to help me do what you promised. I don't need to trouble you, you don't need to share this handle with you. " Ye Ning thinks that sharing the handle with Liu sixu is unnecessary.

Liu sixu said with a smile: "I want to cooperate with the Zhao family. It's a matter of another level. To tell you the truth, what you need to do now is very simple. You don't need to work to the Zhao family at all."

"We have different needs. Let alone in the early stage of the preparation of your restaurant, even if you develop better in the future and become a famous restaurant in B city, our family can still meet some of the things you want to achieve at that time."

In short, ye Ning can't reach the level of the Liu family no matter how hard she tries, so no matter what she wants to do, the Liu family can help him.

Ye Ning's demands can not be satisfied by the Liu family.

Liu sixu didn't speak too directly, but he left some face for ye Ning.

But ye Ning also heard his implication.

"Besides, if I remember correctly, you don't have a good relationship with Ye Fei." Liu sixu said, "instead of threatening her, you'd better try to have a good relationship with her."

"All of you are sisters. You always have an advantage over others." Liu said.

"I'll do the bad guys, and you can achieve your goal as well."