Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 693

"But you can rest assured that our president is really busy. He will meet you as long as he is free. How can he hang you here?"

After that, Lu Chenghong was afraid of being depended on by Liu Pingyuan, just like a dog chased him behind him. He quickly punched the card and rushed into the gate.

Also very shameless in the past, across the gate to Liu Pingyuan waved: "brother Liu, then I'll go first!"

Then he quickly dragged manager Zhu and others away.

Liu Pingyuan

After entering the elevator, Lu Chenghong wiped his sweat and said with a lingering fear: "fortunately, we ran fast, otherwise we would be in trouble if we were really entangled by him. Although we certainly can't bring him in, it's easy to make mistakes if we were entangled for a long time to let the President know. What if the president thinks we have a good relationship with him? "

Manager Zhu Xin said that even if there is a misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding. You have a good relationship with Liu Pingyuan, but it has nothing to do with him.

However, Lu Chenghong is really cunning. He doesn't know anything, so he made his own judgment so quickly.

And judging from Liu Pingyuan's reaction, Lu Chenghong seems to be quite right.

No wonder Lu Chenghong's position is higher than his.

As soon as Liu Pingyuan saw that he could not count on Lu Chenghong, he had to take Mrs. Liu and Liu's thoughts and go back to sit.

Mrs. Liu whispered: "is Zhao Gushen really busy?"

Liu Pingyuan said: "you listen to Lu Chenghong's nonsense. All the people in Changping are very treacherous. They don't have a word of truth! He may come to see the planning department or Zhao Gushen, but he just doesn't want to take us in. "

Liu sixu noticed that people from Changping would take a look at them. After watching, they would chatter and talk there.

At first glance, they are gossiping and watching their jokes.

"What's the matter with Changping? Are there any rules! It's just some small staff. How dare they be so impolite Liu sixu got up and went to the door.

She was quickly held by Mrs. Liu.

"What are you going to do?" Mrs. Liu asked in a low voice.

Looking at Liu sixu's angry appearance, it doesn't seem to be doing anything good.

As soon as Liu Pingyuan's face turned black, he yelled, "sit down first!"

"I want to teach them a lesson. They dare to laugh at us and see our jokes!" Liu sixu said angrily.

Mrs. Liu also looked back, but those people in Changping were not afraid to be found by them at all. They left the company while talking, but they didn't feel guilty at all.

Liu Pingyuan's face also sank, but he was not Liu sixu's impulsive temperament. He could bear it and scolded Liu sixu in a low voice: "don't look where it is, it's not our territory, it's Changping! What do you want Zhao Gushen to think when you scold the Changping employees here? "

"You don't think he has enough power to deal with us. You don't think he's angry enough. Do you want him to deal with us?"

Liu's thoughts were blocked and he stopped talking.

Especially when Liu Pingyuan was watching, Liu did not dare to try his best.

Seeing Liu's depressed mood, Mrs. Liu took the opportunity to teach him: "do you know you can't speak now? You don't work in a home company, and you don't have any real power. Who cares who you are? In their eyes, you are an ordinary rich second generation. You have nothing to do with them

"There's no conflict of interest, and they don't have to be afraid of you and please you. If you can help in your home company, do well and have a say in business, in case of any business cooperation with Changping, how can these employees laugh at you? I wish I could please you

Liu sixu's face swelled and did not speak.

Liu Pingyuan sneered: "does he still go to the company to help? I used to persuade him, but now I'm afraid he will go to the company to help! With such a temper and no brain, I'm not sure whether I can help or not when I enter the company. Don't make the company lose more money at that time! "

"Dad, I'm not as useless as you said." Liu sixu said discontentedly.

"You're useful, you're useful. When you come back, you'll give it to your family. It's such a big trouble. I offended Zhao Gushen as soon as I came back! Oh! There are a lot of rich second generation and dandy in B city. No one has ever offended Zhao Gushen. My family is fine, but I don't want to bankrupt my family like you

"And your cousin, Zhuang Zhongyue. Don't you and your mother always look down on others? " Liu Pingyuan took a look at Mrs. Liu and said, "you always say that no matter how bad Liu's thoughts are, Zhuang Zhongyue can't be worse. You say that Zhuang Zhongyue is ignorant and skilful. A proper dandy knows how to play all day long and doesn't go to his family or company to help him play with his friends."

Liu Pingyuan looked at Liu sixu again: "before, I asked you to go to my home company to help, but every time I told you this, you said that your cousin has not gone to the company, and you are not in a hurry. I just said a while ago that you should go to the company after graduation. You also said that your cousin has not gone to the company for a long time after graduation, and you are not worried. "

"You take your cousin at the bottom everywhere. No matter how illiterate they are, no matter how dandy they are, they haven't offended Zhao Gushen! There is no danger that the company will go bankrupt! "Liu Pingyuan's words made Liu's thoughts even more red. Mrs. Liu and he always looked down on Zhuang Zhongyue.

And he also felt that neither of them had come into the home company to help, and Zhuang Zhongyue's degree was not as high as his. At least he came back from studying abroad for a doctorate. Isn't Zhuang Zhongyue a university graduate?

Although it's also a diploma from a famous foreign school, it's just like a famous school. As long as you have enough money, you can get in.

Zhuang Zhongyue may have put in a lot of money.

After graduation, he has been in B city all day long. He has no business, so Liu sixu always looks down on him.

But I didn't expect to be compared by Zhuang Zhongyue.

The three members of the Liu family are talking, mainly when Liu sixu is being reprimanded by Liu Pingyuan.

Suddenly heard not far from the door came a very uniform voice: "good president's wife!"

Then I heard Changping's employees ask one after another, "is the president's wife coming to deliver lunch to the president again?"

"The president is so happy!"

"The president sends us pictures every day to show us the lunch given by the president's wife. It's exquisite and good-looking. It looks delicious."

The three of the Liu family heard all kinds of rainbow farts coming on their faces.

The three of the Liu family looked at the door.

Liu Pingyuan asked in a deep voice, "is that Zhao Gushen's wife, ye Fei?"

Liu Pingyuan looked at it from a distance, and saw a young girl walking into the door with a delicate and beautiful food box in her hand.