Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 692

"Who knows? Since he is not allowed to enter, he must have offended someone. Let's not take the initiative to show this. The people in Changping for the time being are not from his company, so you don't have to please him. "

The staff of Changping group have a good idea.

"Don't people from other departments have any news?" Asked another.

"Don't tell me. I really heard just now that our president personally dealt with their company. Now their company has lost several businesses."

"Oh When my colleagues heard this, they couldn't help looking at the three members of Liu Pingyuan's family.

How did the Liu family offend our president? It's a very special treatment! "

Zhao Gushen was the first person to do it himself.

It's just that the Wang family is too small. Zhao Gushen doesn't have to bother to solve the Wang family.

The Wang family was solved quietly without any disturbance.

Even the staff of Changping didn't take it seriously.

We don't know at all that there was a little Wang family targeted by Zhao Gushen.

"Who knows, our company usually has nothing to do with the Liu family, and they can't offend us in business. As for offending our president in private matters As far as our president's dog temper is concerned, who doesn't know that he can't stay far away? Who dares to offend him One said.

"If I didn't offend the president, I guess it might be offending our president's wife. Anyway, offending our president's wife is worse than our president's mouth." Another guessed.

"Let's not make a blind guess. If it's not the president's wife, we'll be miserable if we guess that the president knows the president's wife." Another warned.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Others feel the same way when they are reminded.

Anyway, it's the Liu family, not them.

They are very secure in Changping, so they don't have to guess.

After a while, Lu Chenghong also brought manager Zhu and others to Changping group.

This time, we are discussing the planning of special programs during the Spring Festival. They have made several plans. Lu Chenghong thinks they are all good, and can choose the most satisfying one.

So he brought all the plans and let Zhao Gushen make the final decision.

As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I turned around and saw the people of the Liu family.

When Lu Chenghong saw that Liu sixu was also there, he thought that Liu sixu had sent someone to the backstage to say that he wanted to see 10 players.

Think about what happened at the party that night. Although Lu Chenghong was not at the party at that time, someone talked about it afterwards.

When I think about it, I know that Liu sixu said that he wanted to meet 10 contestants in the last competition. I'm afraid he was actually aiming at Ye Fei.

This lets Zhao Gushen know Liu sixu's mind. It's strange to let him off lightly.

Lu Chenghong is a good person. Although his guess has not been confirmed, he will be very cautious and will never take the initiative to deal with the Liu family at this time.

Therefore, seeing Liu Pingyuan's figure, Lu Chenghong thought he didn't see it and whispered to manager Zhu, "go, go, let's go quickly."

Manager Zhu wondered why Lu Chenghong was so anxious all of a sudden.

As a result, when I was about to get to the gate and ready to punch in, I heard Liu Pingyuan's voice: "Lao Lu!"

Lu Chenghong rolled his eyes, but had to stop.

He wanted to pretend that he couldn't hear him, but Liu Pingyuan also had the cheek to scream several times and ran towards him.

I can't let him go.

Manager Zhu asked in a low voice: "Mr. Lu, are you familiar with Liu Pingyuan? He called you Lao Lu

"What's the number?" Lu Chenghong didn't say it well.

I'm really wronged.

He did not see Liu Pingyuan several times: "that Liu Pingyuan is deliberately pretending to be familiar!"

Don't pass the title of Liu Pingyuan to the ears of the president of the dog. Otherwise, I mistakenly think that he is familiar with Liu Pingyuan. What can I do!

This Liu Pingyuan really does harm to people and essence!

Lu Chenghong turned his head and pretended to be surprised: "Mr. Liu, why are you here?"

Liu Pingyuan said with a smile: "I've come to see Mr. Zhao. Unfortunately, Mr. Zhao is in a meeting. Mr. Lu, who are you

As soon as Lu Chenghong's eyes turned, he knew that Zhao Gushen probably didn't want to see Liu Pingyuan.

Lu Chenghong said: "I'm here to discuss with the company's planning department about the planning scheme behind our cooking competition."

Lu Chenghong came to see Zhao Gushen, but since Zhao Gushen made it clear that he did not see Liu Pingyuan, Lu Chenghong naturally did not say that he had come to see Zhao Gushen.

Lest Liu Pingyuan take the opportunity to bring him in.

Lu Chenghong is so smart that he would never give Liu Pingyuan such a chance to speak.

But he ignored Liu Pingyuan's cheekiness, especially at the moment when it is related to the life and death of his company. What is cheekiness?Liu Pingyuan didn't want it at all.

"Don't you want to see Mr. Zhao?" Liu Pingyuan asked.

Lu Chenghong shook his head: "he is very busy today, and I didn't make an appointment. Besides, when it comes to planning, we have to make a decision first and then give it to the president. You can't go to the president directly, can you? "

Seeing Liu Pingyuan waiting here, we can see that Zhao Gushen didn't want to see them.

No matter what reason Zhao Gushen used, Lu Chenghong said so anyway, it's not sure.

Liu Pingyuan's face showed a bit of disappointment, but immediately returned to a smiling face and asked Lu Chenghong, "are you going to the planning department?"

Lu Chenghong nodded: "yes."

Liu Pingyuan then said: "I don't know if we can be brought in?"

Lu Chenghong's face changed and he said, "this is not good! We can't take people in at will. We have to go to the front desk to register. We can't do it until we have permission. "

Lu Chenghong seemed surprised and asked, "I'm just wondering, why are you waiting in the hall?"

Liu Pingyuan looked down awkwardly and said, "we're here to find president Zhao, but president Zhao is in a meeting and is not free now, so we have to wait here."

Lu Chenghong said, "don't you have an appointment? Our president's schedule is full these days. If we don't make an appointment, it's hard to see him. Even if we come to report a work to the president, we have to ask the time in advance. "

Mrs. Liu murmured to one side that Zhao Gushen didn't mean to make trouble for them. Was he really busy?

However, Liu Pingyuan is not as easy to cheat as Mrs. Liu. He says that Changping's people are really well-trained and can cooperate with Zhao Gushen.

Lu Chenghong said with embarrassment and guilt: "Mr. Liu, I'm really sorry. You said you spoke to me in person. It's not appropriate for me not to take you in. But I really can't help it. I really can't bring it in. "