Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 676

"Of course." Ye Ning said with a smile, "this is what ye Fei did when she was young and not sensible. Now she must not be like this. Let the past things go."

Ye Ning puts the responsibility on Ye Fei.

"Today we're here to discuss your marriage with Zhao Gushen. Although you two have got the certificate, the wedding hasn't been held yet, has it? We have to discuss the guests' gifts and so on. By the way, when are you going to have the wedding? "

Ye Fei said with a smile, "we haven't started to discuss this yet."

Ye Ning immediately said: "it's not too late to discuss now. We should discuss it while we are all here."

Ye tuzhang thought about it, nodded and said: "we have many relatives in Yecheng. We have to discuss in advance. We should say hello to those relatives in Yecheng in advance. If they should come to the wedding, please call them."

Ye tuzhang looks at Ye Fei: "we have many relatives in Yecheng, but it's too expensive for them to come all the way to attend your wedding. I've thought that when the time comes, don't let them pay for their air tickets and hotel accommodation. "

As for who to let out, ye tezhang didn't say that the Ye family came out. Naturally, it was the Zhao family.

Anyway, the Zhao family has money. Where can we get some travel and accommodation expenses?

Zhao all inclusive, but also to their parents face.

Yeh teh Chang wanted to be proud of himself for a long time. When he was in Yecheng, his family's life was the most ordinary. Some of his relatives were civil servants, some were businessmen, and one of his sons was a lawyer.

Every year when we visit relatives on holidays, we always listen to them show off.

Although Ye was honest, he was still vain. He felt that he was not competent enough in front of his relatives.

Later, when his family had money, he wanted to show it off.

But ye Ning keeps him from going.

Ye Ning is not a low-key and self effacing person. She is just afraid that Xu Huizhen and ye tezhang will show off too much. On the contrary, she will attract relatives to ask for money.

So ye tezhang has no place to show off. He is also choked.

Fortunately, the Ye family has not developed for a few years. Otherwise, ye tezhang is afraid that he will be out of order.

Now it's not easy for ye Fei to marry into the Zhao family. Ye tezhang can't hold back any longer.

Anyway, isn't Ye Ning afraid of relatives asking for money?

Now there are Zhao's, and it's all Zhao's who pay, and it's not their turn.

Looking at ye tezhang's calculating face, ye Fei feels stuffy in her heart. She even has some difficulty in breathing.

Needless to say, Xu Huizhen and ye Ning never expected them.

Let's say ye tuzhang, even if he thinks about her a little, he won't rush to take advantage of the Zhao family when she just married.

Ye tuzhang said: "some of our relatives are not in Yecheng because they are too far away from Yecheng at ordinary times. They can't see each other once a year. I also want them to think very much. Just by taking advantage of the wedding opportunity, I'll call them all here and let's get together."

But ye also said that if you can't see your relatives once a year, how deep can you feel?

Ye tuzhang just wants to show off.

Ye Fei is very tired of seeing that he has started a conversation, but it's not over.

The heart is also very weak.

This is her family.

Never thought about supporting her, never thought about her position.

Just calculate how much benefit you can get from her.

It's just the first time for the Ye family to come to the door, and it's not really a formal occasion for the two families to sit down and discuss the wedding. It's not appropriate to mention that ye always wants to let the Zhao family get money.

Ye Fei said coldly, "don't worry about the wedding. I have to discuss it with Gu Shen."

"Are you two not going to discuss with your elders?" Xu Huizhen said immediately.

Ye Fei sneered: "let's discuss the betrothal gifts and dowry first. Before I got the certificate with Gu Shen, Gu Shen mentioned the betrothal gifts to me. But I think, since it is to follow the tradition, betrothal gifts to have, then the dowry must not be less. Betrothal gifts and dowries should be equivalent. "

"We have no experience in the rules of the rich family, but our parents, let's take the ordinary family as an example. The man gives betrothal gifts, and most of the women return with the dowry after marriage. Of course, customs vary from place to place, so do requirements. But it's the same in B city and Yecheng city. Besides, if the man is ready for the wedding room, then the woman will accompany the car and the decoration of the new house. "

"Dad is a very kind and shameful person. He certainly doesn't want to take advantage of the Zhao family, so I said on my own that we will marry with him as much as the Zhao family has paid for marriage. Anyway, we have money now, don't we? You can't take advantage of it for nothing. "

"So in order to take care of us, Gu Shen proposed not to take too many betrothal gifts for fear that we would have pressure."Xu Guizhen wants to say that there is no pressure at all in her family, but now all the nice words are told by Ye Fei.

And ye Fei didn't tell Xu Huizhen. She turned around and asked ye tezhang, "you say so, Dad!"

Ye tezhang can't say anything. What he said before was that he didn't come for the bride price. Just to ask Ye Fei whether he would take them as family members, he can't answer Ye Fei's words now.

Ye tezhang hasn't figured out how to reply, but ye Fei says, "Dad, you love me the most. You certainly don't want to see me in a dilemma at my mother-in-law's house, which makes people look down on me? I'm already the worst in my sister-in-law's family, the old lady said. I don't care about my family, as long as I have a good character. "

"But if the family is greedy and has to calculate the gift money, then I How can I be a man? " Ye Fei said pitifully.

"We're not counting betrothal gifts." Ye tezhang immediately explained, "how can I be such a person? For us, this is to make our marriage more serious. We don't want to make it look like you married casually because you didn't go through any procedures, which makes people look down on us. "

Ye Fei immediately as if relieved, happy to say: "Dad, I know you are not such a person, is sure to be good for me, for my sake."

Ye Fei happily said to the old lady: "grandma, you see I'm right! My father is so good! "

Ye tezhang was accosted by Ye feikua's expression, and his face hung red, so he couldn't lift it up.

The old lady takes advantage of the person not to notice, smile of toward leaf Fei squeezed next eyes.

She really didn't expect Ye Fei to have such a narrow side.