Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 675

"Oh, by the way, is your restaurant joint-stock?" In the middle of talking, the old lady suddenly remembered.

Xu Huizhen

Ye tuzhang

"No Ye said awkwardly.

The old lady said, "so I can't ask you too much. The dowry is worth 5 million. You also came with the dowry equivalent to 5 million. Your family will prepare some gold and silver jewelry for ye Fei. It's almost done. "

"In city B, the 5 million dowry is nothing. Any house is more than five million. " His wife said with a smile, "there is a sentence you are right, you really don't want much."

Xu Huizhen was stunned.

She just came to ask for money. Why did the Zhao family ask them for money?

The Zhao family is so rich that they even ask them for money.

Do you want to be shameless?

The old lady herself said that their Ye family was poor!

They are so poor that they even ask them for money?

Xu Huizhen quickly looks at Ye Ning, who is about to speak.

Housekeeper Hong suddenly came over and said, "old man, old lady, it's the young master and young grandmother who are back."

Not long after housekeeper Hong finished, he saw Zhao Gushen and ye Fei come in together.

Ye Fei sees that the three of Ye's family are there. She seems to be too surprised to say hello to ER Lao first.

A face shocked to say: "Dad, mom, how did you come?"

Ye Ning is about to explain. Unexpectedly, ye Fei turns her head and ignores her. She puts away the shock on her face and says to ER Lao with a smile: "grandparents."

Old lady is worthy of being a good companion with old lady Qi. She has learned a lot from old lady Qi in acting.

The old lady also put on a look of surprise and asked with a smile, "why did you come back so soon, didn't you say to go on a date?"

Zhao Gushen then took the words: "we just finished watching the movie, it's noon, so we came back to have a meal."

The old lady seemed to be angry and laughed by his words: "you even have to come back to me for a meal. Why are you so stingy?"

When Xu Huizhen and ye tuzhang see Zhao Gushen, they forget to speak.

They all met Zhao Gushen for the first time. What they saw on TV before was not counted. Now when they see real people, they are all awed by Zhao Gushen's aura.

Even if Zhao Gushen is very relaxed at home, and does not hold up airs, but also converges his aura, but for ordinary people, it is too difficult.

In addition, the people Zhao Gushen usually associates with are all Han Zhuoli and they have similar auras, so they don't have to be restrained.

But even in the most relaxed state, it makes people feel a little deterred.

As for ye Fei, when she first met Zhao Gushen, she was very nervous when she faced him?

That is to say, later I gradually got in touch with Zhao Gushen more and more, and I became more and more close to each other. I gradually got used to getting along with Zhao Gushen, which ignored his aura.

In addition, when she was with Zhao Gushen every day, ye Fei was influenced by Zhao Gushen's aura, which became stronger and stronger.

What is frightening is Ye Fei.

Therefore, even in Zhao Gushen's most relaxed and natural state, ordinary people will inevitably be nervous when they see him, not to mention the three members of the Ye family at this time.

Ye Ning is a little better. She has met Zhao Gushen at least once in advance, so although she is nervous, she is not too embarrassed.

In addition, at ordinary times, there are all kinds of people in business contact, and at least they have developed some skills.

On the contrary, ye tezhang and Xu Huizhen have not seen much of the world, even though the Ye family is getting better and rich.

When I saw Zhao Gushen, I met a tiger with a mouse. I didn't dare to say anything in my honest life.

Ye ningbian seems to have a good relationship with Ye Fei. She smiles and complains: "Ye Fei, why didn't you tell the elder that we are going to visit today?"

"We told you before that we wanted you to come back and talk to the second elder. We planned to visit today. As a result, we came here today, but the second elder was very surprised. It was obvious that we had no manners when we ventured to come. Did you forget something?"

Xu Huizhen also responded and quickly followed Xie Xie Fei: "how can you be so unreliable in your work? No matter how busy you are, you can't forget such an important thing. You said that you can forget to tell your family about such a big thing as your marriage. Now we are going to visit. Can you forget to say that you are not misunderstood by our two families?"

"Now that we are in laws, how can we have such a misunderstanding?"

Ye Fei thinks they are really stupid. Does Xu Huizhen think she will cooperate with them here?

Xu Huizhen and ye Ning try their best to put a hat on her head, when she has no mouth and can't speak?

Ye Fei was surprised and said, "you didn't tell me. When did you tell me about coming? I met Ye Ning in a hurry at the award ceremony of the top 10 in Changping competition. Later, I never saw Ye Ning again and didn't contact me. I didn't know you were back today. ""If I knew you would come today, I would stay here and wait."

On her face, Xu Huizhen caught the loophole in Ye Fei's words and quickly said, "I remember when you said that. Since you met your sister that day, why didn't you contact us? When the beginning of a silent left, marriage does not tell us, we come all the way to B city, you do not even see us

Ye Fei didn't let Xu Huizhen finish, so she said, "didn't you just say that you told me that you would visit with the door today? How come we've never been in touch? Since I haven't contacted you, how did you tell me that you came to visit today? Your words are inconsistent. Can you give me a correct word? "

Xu Huizhen a stagnation, it is her negligence.

He only pays attention to the loopholes in Ye Fei's words, but forgets what he said before.

Xu Huizhen feels that ye Fei is becoming more and more difficult.

She was squeaky and speechless for a moment.

Seeing this, ye Ning immediately said, "what's the matter with you, ye Fei? When you left home without saying a word, we couldn't find you everywhere. The most painful thing for dad is you. He took you with him since he was a child, and taught you all his skills. As a result, you said to leave. Do you know how sad dad is? "

"When I found out that you were missing, dad was worried about getting gray all night." Ye Ning said, her eyes turned red and her voice choked.

She is to be in the old house, in front of the two elders, to say ye Fei is an unfilial person.

The Zhao family can tolerate Ye Fei without background and family background, but if ye Fei doesn't even have character, the Zhao family can't still accept her!