Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1293

"He listened to what they said." Ye Fei said, "even if you decide to go back, sooner or later there will be changes."

Now Zhao Gushen asked people to send it back to him directly, and gave him money to spend every month.

It's enough to meet Ye's requirements.

As a matter of fact, ye tezhang's demands are not many.

It's good for him to live in Yecheng.

"When does my dad leave?" Ye Fei asked.

"He should be at the airport by now." Zhao gu looked at the time.

Ye Fei is stunned for a while, then smile.

This is really in line with Zhao Gushen's work style.

It's very crisp. When you make a decision, you should implement it immediately, and never procrastinate.

"But you can't see him off." there's not enough time.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Fei has no regret that she can't see ye tuzhang off. "It's not that she won't meet again. Isn't it possible to visit him in Yecheng? "

Now ye Fei really doesn't want to see ye tezhang.

Especially at such a time today, ye tezhang can still make trouble with Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

Ye Fei can't help but feel cool. Now she can't face ye tuzhang with a very good attitude.

Ye tuzhang complained that she didn't invite him to her wedding.

But she didn't want ye tuzhang to cut off from Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

They get along with each other as they should. She doesn't intend to force ye to do anything.

But at least, Ming knows the attitude of Xu Huizhen and ye Ning towards her.

Ye tuzhang should distinguish himself.

Separate from each other.

He gets along with Xu Huizhen and ye Ning, and with her.

Just avoid Xu Huizhen and ye Ning coming to her.

In this way, she can safely invite ye to attend the wedding.

Ye can come alone without Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

Some things are not just filial piety.

Some people can't be filial.

If they want to eat their own blood, they will not leave their own bones.

If ye can have a clear mind and know what to do and what not to do.

Separate contact with them, ye Fei will not hide ye tuzhang like now.

Now that he was sent back to Yecheng by Zhao Gushen, ye Fei is also relieved.

At least ye tezhang is not there. Xu Huizhen and ye Ning have no way to contact her.

Ye Fei only answers ye tezhang's phone call.

But since last time ye tezhang went to Changping for ye Ning's sake and wanted Ye Fei to set up Zhao Guxian and ye Ning, ye Fei tried to avoid meeting ye tezhang.

In order to avoid Ye's excessive request.

Ye Fei has a rare ostrich mentality. As long as she doesn't listen, she won't be disappointed.

But now, ye tezhang is not in B city. Xu Huizhen and ye Ning have no way to cheat her to meet each other.

"As for Xu Huizhen." "I had her sent to the sanatorium," Zhao said

Anyway, Xu Huizhen is Ye Fei's mother.

So Zhao Gushen explained, "don't worry, the sanatorium is Chutian."

Referring to Chutian, we know that the sanatorium must be very advanced.

Xu Huizhen will not suffer there, but will live a very nourishing life.

It's definitely more comfortable than she is at home.

There's people waiting for everything.

Besides eating and walking, you don't need to do it yourself.

"So she won't be treated badly in it, just can't get out of the nursing home." Zhao Gushen said, "she is completely in the position of serving as ye Ning's pawn. As long as ye Ning has something to do, she will be the first to stir it up. "

"So send her to sanatorium, let her not come out, but no one can like her unconditional support Ye Ning." "More importantly, she is your mother," Zhao said

"Ye Ning is extremely selfish. In order to achieve her goal, anyone can harm her. I don't think that when it's time to really need it, she will think about mother daughter educated youth. "

Zhao Gushen looks at Ye Fei: "but she won't, you will."

"No matter what, Xu Huizhen is your mother. If something happens to her, you won't watch This is what he likes about ye Fei.

Usually Ye Fei's points are very clear, and they don't have the kindness of women.

But she has a bottom line.

This is the place where ye Ning can't compare with Ye Fei until she dies.

"Send Xu Huizhen to the sanatorium and let her separate from ye Ning. Ye Ning can't tell her what to do, and can't count you by hurting her. " On the other hand, this is also a kind of protection for Xu Huizhen.

Ye Fei nods and has no opinion about Zhao Gushen's practice.He thought about everything very clearly.

"What about ye Ning?" Ye Fei asked.