Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1292

Unfortunately, ye Ning can't ask.

Otherwise, he would tell her that Zhao Gushen ordered him to stare at her.

Then he'll have to keep an eye on her, the whole time, nothing else.

To carry out Zhao Gushen's idea firmly and without any change is his consciousness as a subordinate!

Sooner or later, he will replace Xiao ruofeng!

Yes, he has a very clear goal in his heart.

Is to kick Xiao ruofeng down, and become Zhao Gushen's most trusted right hand!


here, Zhao Gushen returns to the guest room where he and ye Fei rest.

When he came in, ye Fei had changed her toasting dress and comfortable pajamas.

Although I didn't mean to go to bed in the afternoon.

But in the room, ye Fei still likes to wear pajamas.


At this time, she is sitting in front of the dresser to apply skin care products.

Because the hair in order to shape, prevent a whole day is not messy, so on a lot of hair gel.

When I just took a bath, it took half an hour just to wash my hair, wash the gel off my hair, and then wash my hair thoroughly.

Not to mention, it took a long time to remove makeup before taking a bath.

So although Zhao Gushen spent a lot of time there examining the three members of the Ye family.

But in fact, when Zhao Gushen came in, ye Fei had just finished taking a bath.

After taking off the heavy dress, makeup and video, ye Fei is very relaxed now.

Before Zhao Gushen came, ye Fei had nothing to do, so she thought about it.

While she patted moisturizer on her face, she admired Lu man.

Luman is a star in the entertainment industry.

Usually all kinds of activities, red carpet, have to participate in many.

Every time to attend the event, the dress should be different, especially the red carpet shape, should be grand.

The dress is not lighter than her wedding dress today. In order to look good on the camera and avoid making up for the camera, she also needs to paint something heavy, just like her today.

This is what shixiaoya told her.

Ye Fei can't stand it today,

I don't know how Lu man insisted on it so many times.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, ye Fei turns her head and sees Zhao Gushen come in.

"Finished?" Ye Fei asked with a smile.

"Not yet. I'll go back later. I have to wait for news, so I came back first." Zhao Gushen sits down behind Ye Fei.

He thought about it and thought it couldn't be full of Ye Fei.

The key between him and ye Fei is honesty.

At this time, Wan Yiye Fei knew what happened at this time.

Although Ye Fei will not be angry with him.

But because of his concealment, ye Fei will feel uncomfortable.

There are thorns for sure.

So Zhao Gu Shen thought about it and decided to say, "your parents and ye Ning just came."

Ye Fei stopped and turned to look at Zhao Gushen: "you just went to see them?"

Zhao Gushen nodded: "last time ye Ning sent someone on the road almost hurt your account with Xiaomo, I haven't calculated with her."

"Before the end of our wedding, they came and clamoured outside to come in." Zhao Gushen said.

Although Zhao Gushen did not elaborate, ye Fei could still figure out the chaos outside the hotel at that time.

With Xu Huizhen, it's impossible to stop.

She can even think of how Xu Huizhen spilled her words outside.

"We were at the wedding. The manager couldn't disturb us. He made flexible decisions on his own. He tied them up and sent them to the guest room first." Zhao Gushen said.

"I'll be there as soon as the wedding is over. I didn't tell you before, because I'm afraid that if you know about it later, it's not good in the past, but it's even more difficult when it's over. I'll go ahead and hide it from you. "

"I will do the wicked." Zhao Gushen said.

"I had your dad sent back to Yecheng." Zhao Gushen said, "I know that although you don't see him, you don't mean to cut him off. You won't ignore him. It's just that he puts forward some unreasonable demands again and again, which makes you feel cold. "

Ye Fei nods.

"So I sent him back to Yecheng to live there. Every month I will transfer some money to him, which is absolutely enough for him to live a rich life in Yecheng. "

"When we settle down, we can go to see him from time to time. As for city B, I mean, he doesn't want to come. It's not suitable for him. He's easy to be used. " Zhao Gushen explained.

"Thank you." Ye Fei said.

Zhao Gushen is very considerate. He doesn't embarrass ye tuzhang. He even has to support ye tuzhang for the rest of his life.

"Don't you blame me for doing this?" Zhao Gushen asked.Ye Fei shook her head: "this is the best solution. I always want to do it, but I don't have the ability."

"And with my mother and ye Ning watching, he can't go back." Ye Fei said.