Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1282

"Nothing should be." Zhao Gushen said faintly, "including love, there is no reasonable love. You have to pay to get. Just want to harvest, don't want to pay, no such good thing. Even if you accept passively at the beginning, if you don't get something in return, the other party won't give you any more after a long time. "

"No matter what kind of people they put them in, and when they put them in, it's the same thing. You didn't give her the love she should have. How could you have such a big face and ask her to repay you without asking for anything in return? Even if hurt, still love you. Even if calculated, still repay you. If you can find out one in the world, I can really call you father-in-law and mother-in-law all your life. "

"I can't find out what no one in the world can do. Why do you ask Ye Fei to do it?" Zhao Gu said coldly.

"Just because you asked for help, she didn't help you. Because the wedding didn't invite you. You hate her, you hate her, you hate her. Then why don't you think about what you've done since she was born, and why do you ask her not to hate you? "

"With her present power, to be honest, it's easy to let you have nothing and never show up in front of her again. But she did not, and never asked me, to do anything to you. "

"No matter what you've hurt her, she's kind enough to remember that she didn't want to get back. I can't even find someone like her anymore. "

"You don't know how to repent." Zhao Gu said in a cold voice, "it can be seen that even her father, who is good to her, is not good. Otherwise, Xu Huizhen and ye Ning will not be allowed to make a scene on such an important day. "

Before Zhao Gushen finished speaking, Xu Huizhen called out in her voice: "I'm her mother! I gave birth to her and raised her. Without me, where would she be? Without me giving birth to her, there was no one named Ye Fei in the world. Not even her present

"I gave her a life, even if she gave me a life, she should have Xu Huizhen said in a loud voice, "right here. I can't ask her anything too much! I can't do too much to her! I gave her a life, she still want to hate me? She wants to get even with me? If she did, she would have no conscience! I don't know how much I've paid to give birth to her and raise her so much! She's never finished her life. "

Zhao Gushen directly tilted his head and said, "seal her mouth to me."

Then someone came and put the tape directly on Xu Huizhen's mouth.

"Wu Wu!" Xu Huizhen is very anxious.

She has a lot to say.

But her mouth was sealed, which really affected her performance.

Zhao Gushen stopped taking charge of Xu Huizhen and said to ye tuzhang, "if you really want to ask Ye Fei, why don't you. You really feel sad. Why do you have to ask at the wedding? Have you ever thought that asking these questions at a wedding will make an unforgettable mark on a perfect wedding

"You just want to satisfy yourself, get the answer you want, and question Ye Fei. Just thinking about how wronged she is, ye Fei shouldn't treat you like this or like that. Do you have a minute to think about it for ye Fei? Have you ever thought about the impact on such an important wedding? "

Ye tuzhang was said by Zhao Gushen to be guilty and lowered his head slowly.

"You didn't even think about why Ye Fei would rather go to her Godfather and godmother than come to you."

See ye tezhang stunned, Zhao Gushen sneer: "you don't know, she recognized Godfather godmother?"

"In the most difficult five years in B city, it was her parents who helped take care of Xiaomo. When you scold her, she is taken care of by others. The sisterhood that you can't get from your biological parents comes from others. "

"Emotion has nothing to do with blood." Zhao Gushen said, "if parents are good to her, she is good to them. I really think of them as family members and my mother's family, so I got married from there. "

"She didn't ask her father to take her off the red carpet, she did it by herself." Zhao Gushen said, "because she takes care of you. But let you take her to the red carpet... "

Zhao Gushen sneered: "you don't deserve it."

"So she went by herself. It's like what she's been through since she was born. All the roads are her own Zhao Gushen said.

"You, you." Zhao Gushen looked at Xu Huizhen again, "besides giving her life, what else did she do?"

"I didn't do anything. I want so much more?" Zhao Gushen sneered.

"Don't say anything. You gave birth to her and gave her life. That's what she is now." Zhao Gu said coldly, "this kind of sophistry is useless here."

"What did you do when Xu Huizhen and ye Ning bullied Ye Fei?" Zhao Gushen asked ye tezhang, "I know what Xu Huizhen and ye Ning have done, and how did you do it? Still looking for ye Fei to do this and that for both of them. "

"When ye Fei was so helpless as a child, what did you do for her?" Zhao Gu said coldly, "now you have the right to be a father?""I I've done a lot, I've done a lot within my ability... " Ye tezhang's insistent refutation.

"What did you do? When Xu Huizhen gives all the delicious food to Ye Ning and only lets Ye Fei eat what you don't want, you are silent. You did it. You take ye Fei to the kitchen of the restaurant after school and during her vacation. It's called teaching her how to cook, but it's actually asking her to help there. "

"When ye Ning goes out to play with others and spends out with the pocket money given by her family, ye Fei helps you earn money in the restaurant. It can be said that ye Fei earned part of Ye Ning's money. But ye Fei didn't get anything. You put Ye Fei in the kitchen and consciously protected her. "

"But one daughter is playing happily outside, and the other can only get a moment's rest by working in the kitchen. Is this protection? "

"When ye Fei's score in the college entrance examination was enough to be admitted to the top three universities, Xu Huizhen changed her wish and tied her up in the local area. What did you do for her?"

"When Xu Huizhen and ye Ning push her step by step, what you do is keep silent. And then tell Ye Fei behind her back that she loves her. But what else did you do besides those words of comfort that didn't hurt or itch? "