Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1281

Xu Huizhen, ye Zezhang and ye Ning were arranged in the hotel rooms.

Sheng Yue's rooms, even standard rooms, are super five-star standard.

In addition to being tied up, their mouths sealed, and being watched by others, the three of them were at least in a very good environment.

But none of them wanted to enjoy the expensive room of Sheng Yue.

Xu Huizhen urgent "Wuwu" straight call.

But no one paid attention to her.

Xu Huizhen was tied to a chair.

The chairs in the guest room are heavy and solid wood.

Coupled with the thick carpet, the friction is very strong.

No matter how hard Xu Huizhen tried, the heavy chairs were still on the carpet.

Xu Huizhen looks at ye tuzhang again.

See ye tezhang also struggling, but still useless.

Only Ye Ning, after struggling for a while, finally realized that it was a waste of effort, so she didn't struggle any more.

Just look at ye tezhang and Xu Huizhen, eyeful of complaints.

It's all about ye Fei.

You see!

Ye Fei has no conscience.

I'm afraid if it wasn't for blood relationship, even if they died, ye Fei would not shed a tear.

You expect her to invite us to the wedding?

Ye Ning can't speak now.

Otherwise, she must ask ye tezhang if she still has hope for ye Fei.


the guests leave gradually, leaving only the very good ones. It's just a party. They eat and chat here, and don't rush to leave.

And this is particularly good, is the eight families.

The old ladies chatted together, and the old men chatted together.

Zhao Dinghuan and his generation have a good relationship and chat together.

Han Zhuoli and his generation are chatting together again.

Naturally, there is a very clear distinction.

There is no intention, it is so natural, all by their own feelings, forming a natural and tacit distinction.

Zhao Gushen and ye Fei, the new couple, can finally have a little rest.

As soon as they got out of the banquet hall, they saw the manager who had been waiting at the door.

The manager said something in Zhao Gushen's ear.

Ye Fei didn't hear it.

Zhao Gushen nodded and said to Ye Fei, "go back to your room first and have a rest. I'll be there in a moment."

Ye Fei doesn't ask what's going on. She nods and follows the staff to the rest room.

After ye Fei left for nearly five minutes, Zhao Gushen followed the manager.

"It's in here." Came to Xu Huizhen three people in the guest room, the manager said.

Xu Huizhen three people in the guest room heard the voice of the manager outside.

Xu Huizhen, who was already too tired to make a fuss, suddenly made another effort to make a sound.

At this time, I heard the "didi" sound of swiping the card to open the door.

Xu Huizhen three people are closely fixed on the door.

The manager appeared at the door but didn't come in.

He just opened the door and let it go.

Once again, Zhao Gushen came in!

Ye also got excited.

What does Zhao Gushen want to do?

Kidnap them?

What about ye Fei?

Just let her husband, bully people?

Ye teh Chang's disappointed thought is right.

Ye Fei must listen to Zhao Gushen.

After all, she depends on Zhao Gushen. How dare she have different opinions with Zhao Gushen?

Maybe, I still support Zhao Gushen's decision.

The people who follow Zhao Gushen come in are all the people Zhao Gushen brings.

The manager didn't participate, and even called out the guards of the Yan family who had been guarding here.

After all, it's Zhao Gushen's private business.

Even Yanbei city has to avoid suspicion.

Although with their friendship, it doesn't matter to avoid suspicion.

But each other still maintain a degree.

The guards of Yan family all quit. After Zhao Gushen's people entered, the manager closed the door.

All of a sudden, Hula came in so many people, Xu Huizhen began to be afraid again.

"You Zhao Gushen, what are you going to do? " Xu Huizhen's voice trembled, "we are your father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Ye Ning is also nervous.

She doesn't believe that Zhao Gushen really dares to commit human life.

Even if Zhao GuQing's temperament is so vicious, he can't see others well, and he doesn't dare to commit human life.

But in addition, who knows what other tricks Zhao Gushen has to deal with them?

There are so many ways to make people miserable.It is out of fear of the unknown that ye Ning shakes up.

She didn't know enough about Zhao Gushen. She just got in touch with Zhao GuQing after she came to B city, and then learned a little bit of news about Zhao Gushen from him and the people she met through him.

It's like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

There is no place to connect the fragments.

It's just fragments that she can't understand.

But this does not prevent Ye Ning from being afraid of Zhao Gushen.

Zhao GuQing gave her a stupid feeling, but Zhao Gushen gave her a terrible feeling.

The more you don't understand.

The more scared.

"What about ye Fei?" Ye also asked.

But he seems more calm than Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

"Ye Fei didn't know you were here." "I didn't tell her," Zhao said

"You're here to make a scene at the wedding?" Zhao Gushen asked.

"No!" Xu Huizhen denied, "we are here to attend the wedding!"

"We are her parents. Why didn't she invite us to her wedding?" Xu Huizhen said in a loud voice that the more scared she was, the louder her voice would be to hide her inner fear.

"We should have come to the wedding! If you don't invite your parents to a wedding, you won't be afraid of being laughed at. " Xu Huizhen said loudly, "we didn't want to make trouble, just to exercise our rights normally!"

Instead of listening to Xu Huizhen's shouting, Zhao Gushen looks at ye tezhang.

After receiving Zhao Gushen's eyes, ye tuzhang moved his mouth and said, "I just want to ask why she didn't invite me? When she gets married, she should get married from her mother's family. I should be the father and take her on the red carpet. "

Ye tuzhang reddened his eyes and said, "but none of these. She would rather marry from an outsider than tell me

"I know. She's against her mother and sister. But does she hate me? The wedding was so quiet. Up to now, I haven't seen her in her wedding dress. I didn't see her at the wedding. I didn't get a word of joy. "

"I wonder if she doesn't recognize me as a father?" Ye said with red eyes.

"Should I?" Zhao Gu Shen pondered for a while this even a word, "what is should?"

"As for should, you should take good care of her, give her a warm home, and give her the love you should give." Zhao Gushen said.