Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1253

The speed was so slow that the man could sit on the lid.

But once Xiaoqiu accelerates, that person will definitely fall off the car and get hurt.

This made Xiaoqiu dare not speed up and drive forward slowly.

If we go on like this, we won't be able to reach Changping this afternoon.

"Get out of the car! You hit people! Compensation People outside the car kept patting on the windows.

The person sitting on the front cover was also slapping the window and blocking Xiaoqiu's view.

Xiaoqiu picked up the phone, entered 110 directly, and showed it to the person on the front cover: "if you don't leave, I'll call the police!"

Because I didn't dare to open the window, I'm not sure if the other party can hear me.

But as long as you see his three numbers, you should know what he is going to do.

Who knows that the other side's action is just a little bit of a meal, and no fear of the appearance, once again patted up the window.

The sound of bang bang seems to knock on Ye Fei's heart.

Ye Fei hugs the little guy.

These people are not like ordinary people who steal money from porcelain.

The main purpose of those who steal money from porcelain is to steal money. At most, they are not so unscrupulous.

I'm not afraid of anything. I just stand in front of the car and wait for the car to hit me. I can climb directly to the car cover.

Even the police couldn't threaten them.

They are clearly targeted, purposeful and organized.

The man who bumped into me before saw that things didn't work out, so many people suddenly came out from one side, obviously ready for a long time.

Fortunately, the other side has no weapons. They just clap with their hands, but the sound is a little louder.

Qiu Xingwen didn't call the police before. He was worried that when Zhao Gushen came, he wanted to deal with it in private.

But looking at the situation, Zhao Gushen still has some time to come. He has to send Ye Fei to Changping college first.

Therefore, Qiu Xingwen quickly reported to the police, by reporting his license plate number, directly let the police locate.

As soon as Qiu Xingwen put down the phone, he saw someone from the other party pull out a baseball bat from behind and wave it directly to the front windshield.

Ye Fei subconsciously protects the little guy's head, protects his face tightly in his arms, and at the same time bows, turns his body and uses his body to protect the little guy.

Now someone is smashing the glass in front, and soon they will smash the glass on both sides.

Ye Fei is worried that the glass will hurt the little guy.

More than that.

What if those people just lean in through the broken glass and drag them out?

At least Ye Fei can stop them from hurting the little guy.

The little guy bit his teeth and didn't let himself cry out.

At this time, since he can't help them, he can only try not to give them any trouble.

People who don't scream or make noise are more upset.

Still, there is no expected scene of broken glass splashing.

Fei Ye was not surprised when she looked at the front of the car.

The baseball bat kept hitting the car glass, making a loud bang.

But there was nothing wrong with the glass.

But for all that, the loud noise alone was shocking enough.

Ye Fei's heart was shaken by this voice.

Qiu Xingwen turned back and said to Ye Fei, "madam, don't worry. The car has been rebuilt by the ruminants. They don't want to break the glass."

Qiu Xingwen's eyes sharpened: "I can't do it. I'll run into it directly!"

"Don't do anything stupid!" Ye Fei says immediately, if really bump a person good or bad come, Qiu Xingwen also wants to pay a price, "don't implicate oneself for this gang of people."

"Otherwise, I'll get out of the car and lead them away." Qiu Xingwen thought about it and said, "it's not a problem for me to beat three or four of them alone. I should be able to contain the remaining six."

At most, they were attacked and beaten by others, but it was enough to restrain these people in a short time.

"Come to the driver's seat as soon as you can." Qiu Xingwen said, "but don't get out of the car, just move it in the car."

Ye Fei is thin. It should be no problem.

"When the time comes, you can drive with me. I'm here. I can wait for the president to come." Qiu Xingwen said.

"If I don't go to the game, I'll call the tutors and ask them to change people." Ye Fei said, "it's just a game. It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Now that the car has been rebuilt by Wen family, it's impossible for them to make any marks by smashing it." Ye Fei said, "let's just wait here. Just wait for the police and Gu Shen to arrive. "

"They can't just carry the car, can they?" Ye Fei cold voice says, "even if push, also push not so fast."

"But..." Qiu Xingwen hesitated.

"No, I can't leave you here. What should I do if something happens?" Ye Fei said, "since the car is safe, we will wait here.""Can we compete? Compared with personal safety, what is competition?" Ye Fei said.

Seeing ye Fei make up her mind, Qiu Xingwen is moved.

But don't remind Ye Fei, he pressed the parking button.

In this way, those people can't push the cart even if they really want to.

Since the window is safe, ye Fei sits upright, but she still keeps her little brother in her arms.

She lowered her head and asked Xiaomo, "are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!" The little guy said crisply, "if they can't get in, I'm not afraid."

The little guy drew a big circle with his arms in Ye Fei's arms: "now these two cars are like a small fortress."

Although the little guy is not afraid at all.

But ye Fei holds him like this, still can feel his body tight.

I know the little guy's heart is still scared.

Only in order not to let them worry, they deliberately show that they are not afraid.

Ye Fei hugs him tightly.

We can only hold him like this to give him a sense of sureness.

"Don't be afraid. No matter what happens, I'll be with you." Ye Fei kisses Xiaomo's forehead.

"Good." The little guy nodded.

Zhao Gushen listened to their conversation clearly on the phone and was more anxious.

Finally out of the city, less and less cars on the road, Zhao Gushen can not care about speeding or anything, increase the full power of the car.

The car behind followed.

"Xiaoqiu, my mobile phone is keeping in touch with Gu Shen. You can use your mobile phone to call the teacher of guowenbo." Ye Fei said.

"Good." Xiaoqiu doesn't have the phone number of guowenbo, so ye Fei calls out the address book.

She didn't hang up with Zhao Gushen, she just turned out the main screen of her mobile phone, which didn't affect their conversation.

After finding guowenbo's phone number, ye Fei dials guowenbo with Qiu Xingwen's mobile phone.

It's already nine o'clock.

Changping specially vacated a large practice room for competition.