Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1252

"Madam, young master, are you all right?" Qiu Xingwen temporarily parked his car on the side of the road.

"I'm fine." Ye Fei is still in shock, and her breath is a little short.

Gu Bu is still talking to Zhao Gushen on the phone. He quickly asks the little guy, "how are you, Xiaomo?"

"I'm fine." Said the little fellow.

Hearing the voice on the phone, Zhao Gushen was worried.

He stood up directly: "Xiao Fei, what's the matter?"

Ye Fei is looking at Qiu Xingwen. Qiu Xingwen explains, "someone just rushed straight to our car. I don't know if he wants to commit suicide or hit the porcelain."

It's too bold to talk about touching porcelain.

Their speed is within the regulation, but they are also normal cars.

There are no cars or people in front of us, so we will not slow down except controlling the speed per hour.

That person suddenly rushed out, not afraid that they could not dodge, really hit?

If you're not careful, you'll lose your life.

But if you commit suicide, it's too harmful.

Qiu Xingwen doesn't mean to be cold-blooded, but since you have decided to commit suicide and really don't want to live any more, you should die yourself. What are you doing with people who are full of hope for life?

Qiu Xingwen himself is still in a state of shock.

If he's slow, he'll really run into it.

If someone is really killed, even if he is not killed or seriously injured, he will be finished.

Qiu Xingwen is very angry now.

At this time, I saw the man limping towards their car.

Then he fell in front of the car.

Qiu Xingwen

Ye Fei

Ye Fei is not worried now. First, she tells Zhao Gushen, "we're all right. We met a man who ran into a porcelain. Xiao Qiu ran away and didn't touch him at all. Now he runs to our car and lies down again. Don't worry. I'm fine with Momo. " "

" Dad, we're OK. " The little guy also said in his voice, so that Zhao Gushen could hear him on the other end of the phone.

Zhao Gushen was a little relieved.

It's good that people are OK.

"Where are you now? Send me a seat. " Zhao Gushen said, "I'll take people there."

"Aren't you going to have a meeting?" Ye Fei asked.

"It doesn't matter to put it off a little bit." As Zhao Gushen walked out, he said, "this morning, ye Ning was going to cheat you, and then he came to touch porcelain. You're right. What a coincidence. And I'm afraid we really guessed what we just guessed. "

Zhao Gushen angrily scolded Zhao GuQing for harming others and not benefiting himself.

He went out of the office, interrupted his conversation with Ye Fei for a while, turned to Zheng Tianming and said, "call 10 people immediately and go with me..."

Zhao Gushen said to Ye Fei, "I'll hang up first. After you've sent the location, you'll give me a phone call. Don't lose touch with me."

"Good." Ye Fei nods, immediately hangs up the phone and sends the location to Zhao Gushen.

Zhao Gushen then forwarded the location to Zheng Tianming: "immediately!"

"Yes." Zheng Tianming called 10 people together.

"President, I..."

"You stay here to preside over the overall situation and postpone the meeting." Zhao Gushen said.

Knowing that ye Fei is involved, Zhao Gushen must go in person.

So Zheng Tianming didn't talk much.


Ye Fei didn't hang up and said to Zhao Gushen, "I'll pay attention to the situation in Xiaoqiu first."

"You turn on the loudspeaker, and I'll listen." Zhao Gushen reminded.

Ye Fei turns on Yang Sheng again.

Xiao Qiu was reversing the car, showing his head out of the window and warning: "don't touch the porcelain. I have a recorder in my car. I've photographed it all for you. You can't mistake us at all. "

If ye Fei didn't have to be late, Xiao Qiu would have to call the police first to make this person look good.

Who knows, the man in front of the car from behind, said something to the collar.

Suddenly a group of people came out of the road.

Xiao Qiu counted roughly, and there must be eleven or twelve of them. They all came around them.

If the other party is good at driving, Xiaoqiu is confident to get rid of the car.

But these people use their own flesh and bones to surround here. Xiaoqiu can't drive directly into them.

Although these people were brave, they actually expected that Qiu Xingwen would not drive directly into them.

Qiu Xingwen quickly closed all the windows and locked all the doors. He told ye Fei and Xiao Mo: "madam, young master, no matter what, don't get off the car or open the window!"

"Good." Ye Fei directly unties Xiaomo's safety belt and holds Xiaomo in her arms.

The little guy also holds Ye Fei's clothes tightly, and his eyes stare out of the window nervously and warily.Ye Fei thinks that the little guy's ability of predicting danger is very accurate.

It came true so soon.

Before that time, maybe someone started thinking about dealing with her, or the little guy, or Zhao Gushen.

Because of malice, the little guy has a feeling.

As for the little guy's reaction, it's really hard to say whether it's only aimed at people who have malice towards him or people around him.

Because now she and the little guy are in danger.

To threaten Zhao Gushen, we can not only start from her.

It's OK to start with a kid.

Moreover, the most essential purpose of this matter is directed at Zhao Gushen.

So it's still hard to tell. The little guy foresees the danger, and the bag doesn't include the people around him.

Xiao Qiu started the car and moved forward a little bit.

But those people are not afraid, there are four people in front, shouting: "hit! If you have the ability, you can hit it

And outside the left and right side of the car, there were four people around, slapping the window hard and quickly: "come down!"

"Don't be afraid." Ye Fei said to the little guy in her arms.

"I'm not afraid!" The little guy is very sad now.

He is too small to hide in Ye Fei's arms.

He always said that he was a man and wanted to protect Ye Fei, but at the critical moment, he couldn't do anything at all.

The little guy can't help remembering that the old man had proposed to let him go to Lanshan compound for training.

At that time, although the little guy accepted it, he still prayed that he would come as late as possible.

One day later, one day later.

He doesn't want to leave Ye Fei so early.

Even coming back every week is different.

But now, the little guy really made up his mind.

He's going to Lanshan compound, he's going to train, he's going to be stronger!

To protect Ye Fei!

"Open the door! Do you want to run when you hit someone The people were shouting outside.

Xiaoqiu tried to squeeze them out slowly.

Although the car is not driving fast, how can it be able to withstand the car's moving by manpower.

He didn't hit them, but he couldn't stop them.

Who knows, a person in front of the car climbed directly on the front cover.