Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1238

"The longer you wait, the more affected the taste of the food." Zhao Guxian said, "but you can't control the order of the judges' tasting, and you can't ask the judges to taste yours first."

"So what you can do is, within your ability, try to keep the dishes fresh and in the best tasting period."

"And your ability range, is as far as possible a card to manage the end of the time, as close as possible to the end of the last second."

"What you are going to face is not social experience, but competition experience. You may have rich social experience, but your competition experience is far worse than Changping's students. "

"They have to go through this kind of competition once a month, so they all know how important it is to control the cooking time."

Zhao gu Xian casually throws his knife and fork aside, and doesn't intend to taste Wu Qingling's food any more.

"In other ways, they may have a lot to learn. But in terms of competition, you really have a lot to learn from them

Zhao gu Xian also tasted several off campus dishes.

Some are really good, but most of them have problems in time control.

"Next, you should not only study the cuisine of other countries, but also practice how to control the cooking time. Of course, there can not be a game cooking not completed, but also do not appear to finish early, but there is still a long time to come

"You can't do anything standing there. The judges won't taste your food first because you finished it ahead of time. You can only watch your food go cold and lose its original flavor

"So, you should practice controlling the cooking time. Even if you can finish the cooking in half an hour, you should make sure that you are ready to finish the cooking just before the end. " Zhao gu Xian said.

"Don't think it sounds easy, it's easy to do. I think I'm a chef with many years of experience, and I have strong time control ability. If you don't believe in evil, you might as well go back and pinch your own time to see if it's really so easy. "

"The control is not good. It's good to finish ahead of time. What I'm most afraid of is that the time is up, but the food you should have done is not finished. In this way, the score is not as good as the whole food that has been cold. "

"In the next time, you have a lot to do and learn. There's no time for you to fight. If there is an element of disunity in the team, I will remove that element. " Zhao gu Xian scanned the crowd, "understand?"

With that, Zhao Guxian has come to Ye Fei.

In the old house, of course, he ate the food made by Ye Fei.

But ye Fei's cooking is home cooked.

It's the first time to taste Ye Fei's food in the form of competition.

Before the Changping competition, although he had some topics, he failed to end as a judge.

Now seeing ye Fei's cooking, zhao gu Xian is particularly interested.

"This..." Zhao Guxian said, "everyone knows Ye Fei is my sister-in-law, so I won't speak. Just taste, not speak. "

"Teacher Guo, teacher ye, will you evaluate it?" Zhao gu Xian just said this.

Guo Wenbo can't wait to rub his hands and almost push Zhao Guxian away.

"Don't squeeze." Zhao Guxian quickly said, "although I don't express my opinion, I still want to eat."

Originally, zhao gu Xian was pushed aside by the National Cultural Expo.

At this time, ye Huasong also stepped in and pushed Zhao Guxian to the side.

Zhao gu Xian was staggered by the crowd.

Listen to Ye Huasong said: "you and ye Fei are a family, usually do not eat her food."

"Look what you said." Zhao Guxian quickly explained, "my brother is my sister-in-law. Usually, please don't let her cook for us."

"So to speak." His brother is a double dog.

Zhao gu Xian looks at Ye Fei and doesn't dare to say it. He's afraid that ye Fei will go back and tell Zhao Gu Shen.

However, zhao gu Xian put it in a more euphemistic way: "my sister-in-law cooks for him. It's no problem, but it can't be given to others."

It's a double dog.

Zhao Guxian sincerely looked at guowenbo and ye Huasong, hoping that they could sum up these words into three brilliant and accurate words.

Double dog.

I don't know if guowenbo and Ye Hua have summed it up.

But on the surface, they showed an understanding expression, but did not say anything.

Zhao Guxian hoped that they had such a tacit understanding with each other.

Zhao Guxian and others have observed when the players were cooking.

Naturally, ye Fei's food is ox tongue.

But now the tongue is wrapped in a thick sauce.

It looks more like a chocolate cake.

But it's really similar to curry, but it's not so overbearing.The Chinese language and Culture Museum cut a piece first.

Ox tongue is stewed soft rotten, knife everything in the end.

Fork up the piece with a fork, guowenbo carefully observed the section: "the texture of ox tongue is delicate, from the section, there is almost no texture of meat, it is a thin section."

Ye Huasong also observed: "it's similar to the section of goose liver, but it's not like the liver looking at the rustle."

"Yes, the taste of ox tongue is soft, tender and delicate, which is different from that of ordinary meat. It doesn't feel like meat, but it's delicate and solid. " Zhao gu Xian didn't know when to cut a piece for himself. Before he ate it, he commented on it first.

Guowenbo is not polite at all: "didn't you say you didn't express your opinion?"

"I mean I don't score." Zhao gu Xian immediately explained, "but I can't help expressing my opinions."

Anyway, ye Fei has decided to stay in the defending team. There is no need to score.

Even if all the judges don't rate her, it doesn't matter.

It's mainly the evaluation of the judges, OK.

Well, it's the only way to convince others.

If you are not convinced, you will be convinced if you try it yourself.

Ye Huasong didn't talk nonsense to them. He took a bite first.

She closed her eyes and chewed.

"There's a hint of red wine in the sauce. The taste of red wine and other condiments of sauce does not cover each other, seizing each other's sense of existence. It's a combination of wine and sauce. The taste of red wine is not abrupt, and the taste of sauce is not exciting. " Ye Huasong nodded, "everything is light, just good taste, will not stimulate people's taste buds."

"Even if you finish this main course and eat the next one, you won't be irritated by the taste of the next dish." Ye Huasong said.

"How could it be so good?" Guowenbo said strangely.