Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1237

Other students are used to it, but ye Fei doesn't care at all.

She is Zhao Gu Xian's sister-in-law.

So what zhao gu Xian said can't be Chong Ye Fei. Ye Fei has no pressure at all.

Even now, ye Fei in front of so many people's face against zhao gu Xian, zhao gu Xian have to be obedient.

Otherwise, Zhao Gushen will have to deal with him.

As for the off campus players, they have never been through this kind of competition.

I'm really affected by the mentality.

Zhao gu Xian cleared his throat and finally stopped talking.

Guowenbo and ye Huasong are watching people's cooking process.

See ye Fei will deal with the tongue, the skin are removed, cut into a long piece, and then use the rope to fix the tongue into a cylindrical shape.

Coat the tongue with salt and black pepper. Fry the tongue in a frying pan until brown.

In the electric pressure cooker, add water, black pepper, onion, geranium, put the fried tongue into the high-pressure stew.

If you have enough time, you can stew slowly in a pot to help taste.

But now time does not allow, ye Fei just used this kind of slightly shortcut way.

In a word, one hour is too little.

An hour is not enough for a normal main course.

We have to find a way to replace it.

But ye Fei actually preferred slow stew, a more ingenious way.

But the pressure cooker is really a fast and effective method, not a long time, the tongue stew is very soft rotten.

And because there is a rope fixed, so even if it is soft and rotten, the ox tongue still keeps the shape of a cylinder without deformation.

Ye Fei put the tongue aside to cool, heat the oil in the pot, add beef tendon with fat and tendons, and beef tendon, and stir fry them in the pot.

The fat part of beef is fried out of fat oil, emitting the aroma of butter, beef tendon is becoming more and more soft and waxy, and the fat part is also fried out.

Then add onion, garlic, celery, carrot, bacon and tomato.

Stir fry the side dishes until they are soft and brown. Ye Fei uses a wooden shovel to crush the more soft and rotten onions, carrots and tomatoes until they are all cooked into paste.

Thick as if added starch boiled into a starch paste like, like thick cream, melting ice cream.

After screening, these vegetables are filtered out, leaving only thick sauce soup.

Finally, add red wine.

In another pot, heat the butter, stir fry the flour until brown, and then add the sauce just cooked until it is thick enough to almost form.

When the sauce is scooped up, it becomes thick in the middle.

You don't need so much sauce. Ye Fei only has part of it.

Add the rest to lightly roasted fruits, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, and season with a little salt and pepper.

When the vegetables are still their original color before they change color, they are quickly put out.

Then cut the tongue in half, adjust it into a neat rectangle, fry it in the pot, add red wine to collect the juice, and let the tongue soak in the aroma of red wine.

Finally, take out the tongue and put it into the plate.

Put the vegetables next to you.

Pour the sauce on the tongue evenly.

The sauce has turned brown and looks like thick chocolate sauce.

Finally, wipe the sauce around with a cloth to make the dish clean and tidy.

Ye Fei was stuck to finish.

At the same time, ye Fei just stopped.

Zhao Guxian led, followed by Guo Wenbo and ye Huasong.

Start from the front table, taste the same.

Because I can't cook Chinese food.

So among the players, some choose to cook in style, others choose to cook in Italian style.

There are people who do Tacco and so on.

"Your Italian horn is integrated with the flavor of Chinese cuisine. If you put it in our own western restaurant, it may be very suitable for the taste of Chinese people. But now it's the game, it's authentic Zhao gu Xian said.

"The judges are from all over the world. They have their own tastes, but one thing remains unchanged, that is, they will judge on the basis of the most authentic taste of the country of origin."

Zhao gu Xian has been paying attention to Wu Qingling.

Finally I came to Wu Qingling.

Wu Qingling did Tacco.

"It's a good choice. It's interesting and flattering." Zhao gu Xian affirmed.

Wu Qingling's back straightened and his face looked proud.

There are even some successful glances around.

What I said before is because I have the strength.

Zhao gu Xian picked up the Tacco, observed it first, and said: "your cooking time is not well controlled. The two sides of the cake are still pressing, but because of the filling in the middle, it has softened, and even the oil has soaked the cake."Zhao gu Xian held out his hand and said, "I'm using oil now. Maybe you think that one hour is too short for fear of not enough time, so you choose this dish. As a result, you finish it early, resulting in the oil of the filling has been separated. And the cake is not crisp enough. "

Zhao gu Xian tasted: "the lack of some spicy feeling, or because the storage is too long, the taste is not good."

Zhao gu Xian pointed to the upper class: "you see, there has been an obvious oil slick."

Zhao gu Xian put the cake down, took a paper towel and wiped the oil off his fingers.

"That's because I have to eat in order to point out your shortcomings. Otherwise, if you put it in a formal competition, the judges can choose not to eat your food. It's a failed dish. The judges can think that it's insulting their professional standard to give them a taste of this failed dish. "

Wu Qingling blushed and felt that Zhao Guxian was deliberately suppressing him.

His cooking is not as bad as zhao gu Xian said!

"Don't be unconvinced. As I said before, your working experience is not so useful in the competition." Zhao Guxian said, "the most ideal state in the competition is to finish cooking at the end of the competition and keep the freshness of cooking to the greatest extent."

"It's just like eating in a restaurant. The chef serves the dishes immediately after the cooking is finished and brings them to the table for the guests to taste, instead of putting them for a while and then taking them out, thus losing the best time to eat."

"Now that you have finished the cooking ahead of time, you must have time to pay attention to the completion of other players. You might as well think about whether the students in Changping are all done by sticking to the point. "

"It's not that they are flustered and lack of time, it's that they are effectively allocating their cooking time."

"There are many contestants but few judges in the competition. Everyone is waiting in line for the judges' comments. Some people wait for a long time, others wait for a long time."