Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1191

When Li Xiaoyun saw Li's father's posture, he was dumbfounded.

"Dad..." Li Xiaoyun thinks that Zhao's drinking capacity is not very good.

After all, the last time I drank a little, I was drunk.

"He doesn't drink well." Li Xiaoyun said, besides, father Li's own drinking capacity is not so good.

"If you don't have enough wine, you should drink less. If you can't drink enough, you can. It's not that I don't count. He can't drink any more. I'll break his mouth and pour it in. " Father Li is jealous.

Li Xiaoyun is only concerned about Zhao's bad drinking. Why don't you care about him.

"Take it easy, then." Li Xiaoyun said, "drink less yourself."

Got Li Xiaoyun's concern, Li dad was happy again: "don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Li Xiaoyun said that you have no number.

Li Xiaoyun can only helplessly sigh, and secretly told Zhao theorem: "don't let my father let you drink for a while, you drink."

Zhao theorem is so smart and resourceful that he can certainly deal with father Li.

"You can drink less, and my dad can drink less." Li Xiaoyun whispered.

"Good." Zhao nodded.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

After all, he is the future father-in-law.

Zhao theorem can't refuse too much.

I was drunk by father Li.

Li Xiaoyun sighed, but he couldn't stop it.

Finally, after finishing the meal, Zhao's eyes were already at a loss.

But at least he can still sit upright. As long as he doesn't speak, no one can see that he is drunk.

But Li's father is different. He has a big mouth and a big tongue and keeps talking.

Originally, Li's father was quite able to speak. Every day he talked about Li's mother's headache and sometimes annoyed him.

It's better when you're drunk.

Li's mother didn't understand Zhao's theorem. She thought Zhao's theorem was not drunk at all.

Look at the people sitting there. It's a good one.

Look at father Li again. He's been drinking so much that he can't help but get angry.

In this way, still test others?

Test yourself first!

Li mother angry, and went to the kitchen to mix two cups of honey water, end out, a cup to Li Xiaoyun: "you give this cup to drink. I think he's in good shape, but it must be uncomfortable after drinking. Let's have a drink first. "

Li Xiaoyun nodded and took it.

"Don't look at him like that, but he is already drunk." Li Xiaoyun said helplessly.

"I think he's sitting quite upright." Li said.

"He's very good at wine. He doesn't make any noise after drinking. If he has strength, he can even take a bath and sleep by himself. Maybe I don't remember it the next day. " Li Xiaoyun explained, "especially in front of people, he can hold even if he is drunk, so that people can't see his drunkenness at all."

"Oh, that's too much self-control." Mother Li exclaimed.

Just after sighing, mother Li suddenly felt that something was wrong.

She looked at Li Xiaoyun: "no, how do you know so clearly? Even if he can take a bath and go to bed? "

Li Xiaoyun

I accidentally let it slip.

Li Xiaoyun quickly explained: "before he had a social intercourse, he couldn't drive after drinking. I went to pick him up, so I know."

"As for the bathing one, I sent him a wechat and listened to him." Li Xiaoyun didn't lie, he just omitted part of the truth.

At that time, it was she who picked him up, and it was through wechat that she knew he had taken a bath.

It's just that she was next door to his bedroom.

Li Xiaoyun didn't tell his mother about it.

Li Xiaoyun has been fooled in the past. Li's mother has no doubt.

See Li Xiaoyun with honey water to Zhao's mouth: "come, drink some honey water."

Zhao nodded, dare not move too fast, otherwise shaking headache.

Holding a water cup, Li Xiaoyun did not dare to let go. Together with Zhao Xiaoyun, he drank the water for him.

"How's it going? What's wrong? " Li Xiaoyun asked again.

"Headache." Zhao's voice is a little hoarse, "dry mouth, sore throat."

Mother Li looked at Zhao as if she were looking at the Western scenery.

Xin said that the wine of the son-in-law to be is also very good.

I can feel his hoarse voice.

Li's mother believed that Zhao had drunk too much.

But even so, it's still quiet.

At most, it's just frowning to show discomfort.

There's nothing else to do.

If you don't see these, you really can't see that Zhao is drunk.

Look at Li's father again. Although he doesn't play drunk crazy, he can talk endlessly.Originally, when I only looked at father Li, I still thought that his wine was tolerable.

But by Zhao theorem a contrast, Li mother immediately very dislike Li father.

That's it?

That's it?

Does he even test the wine of others?

Li's mother quickly fed Li's father honey water. Without saying a word, she took out her mobile phone to take a video.

He also explained: "Lao Li, do you still test other people's wine? You look like you are drunk, and then you look like other people are drunk. Don't think you're not drunk. I'll testify. I'll vouch for it with my personality. He's really drunk. Look at other people's wine. You can take care of yourself first, ah

Li Xiaoyun said with a smile: "let them sit here first. I'll clean up the dishes with you."

"No, you can take him with you. I'll clean up the rest." Li said.

She never let Li Xiaoyun do any work since she was a child.

It was the first time that Li Xiaoyun cooked for them.

Li's mother really wanted to taste Li Xiaoyun's skill, so she agreed.

But that only made Li Xiaoyun do a few things.

Mother Li has always felt that when a woman is a daughter, she can enjoy everything at home with her parents.

Once you get married, there are too many things you have to do to be a wife, a mother and a daughter-in-law.

There's too much to pay.

In this society, there are too many unfairness to women, but it seems to have become a matter of due course and convention.

You should be.

If you don't, you are wrong. If you don't talk about others, people around you will blame you.

In order to survive, you have to integrate into the torrent that you do not necessarily agree with.

Therefore, Li's mother just wants Li Xiaoyun to be as comfortable as possible before marriage.

It's just that Li Xiaoyun is blessed to be with Zhao Xiaoyun.

I have the ability but I don't feel that you should pay for everything, even more.

Li's mother is very pleased and happy for Li Xiaoyun.

"Mom, there are so many things. How can I let you clean them up by yourself?" Although there were only four people, in order to welcome Zhao, mother Li made a big table.