Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1190

Zhao finally realized the feeling of being wronged.

But the ultimate beneficiary of this is him.

Even if wronged, the ultimate benefit is his.

It's not uncomfortable, it's not happy.

It's so depressing.

Even if we are happy with the result, there are some depressions in it.

The old lady is so awesome!

Fortunately, Zhao is cheeky enough.

Zhao feels that this is the end of the matter. Obviously, no matter how he explains it, Li's father and Li's mother will not believe it.

Then he doesn't explain at all, and even has to work very hard to finalize the matter.

We can't let the old lady's set-up fall short again.

"Well Do you agree? " Asked Zhao.

Mother Li

"Cough!" Father Li coughed hard, "this I don't know what's going on, but a phone call suddenly betrothed me? I didn't even respond. "

"This matter, we still have to be serious and take it all together. We can't be in a hurry." Father Li is going to use delaying tactics.

But he is no match for Zhao theorem.

Zhao theorem immediately said: "yes, just tomorrow at noon, our two families to discuss."

Father Li

That's not what he said!

However, Li's mother has already been agreed by the routine. If he opposes it again, it will appear that he is rebellious, especially not honest.

Li's father is a person who pays special attention to honesty. He can't do this kind of thing.

Therefore, Li's father can only agree to come down very depressed.

But because Li's father is not willing, although he can't say that he is not good at Zhao theorem, he is looking at it with more critical eyes.

In the afternoon, when Li's mother went to prepare dinner, Li Xiaoyun wanted to help, and was persuaded by Li's mother.

"You'd better talk to your father." Mother Li whispered, "your father has some opinions on the theorem. If you're not here, your father won't want to talk to him. "

"Why?" Li Xiaoyun doesn't understand, "last time he came, didn't my father like him?"

Last time, father Li was amused by Zhao's theorem. He had a very good talk with Zhao's theorem.

"Can that be the same?" Li's mother continued to whisper and took Li Xiaoyun to the kitchen to avoid being heard by Li's father and Zhao.

"Last time I came, he said it was your friend. Even if we saw some signs, you are not together after all."

Li Xiaoyun

This is a bit informative.

"You saw it last time?" She didn't even see it.

"Oh! It's just your brain. " Li mother despised Li Xiaoyun, "don't skew the topic, tell you your father and the theorem."

"Oh, good." Li Xiaoyun can only put aside the doubts just now.

"When you weren't together at that time, your father didn't have to worry about his daughter being robbed by other men. But now that you two are officially together, your father will have to worry. "

"Your father is worried a lot. I'm worried that Zhao's land is too high and the conditions are too good, and I will encounter a lot of temptation and confusion outside. I'm worried that he will bully you. Of course, it's not just Zhao theorem. For any other man, your father has to worry about it. "

"Besides, you just fell in love and asked for engagement. In fact, I feel a little too anxious. How can we know more? " Mother Li said, "it's me too. I've been around. Well, now that we have all agreed, we can't go back. "

"The more so, the more depressed your father must be." Li said, "so, you'd better watch and be a bridge. Don't let your father really can't help it. The atmosphere between them is awkward. "

As soon as Li Xiaoyun listens, he can't take care of his help. He goes back to the living room and sits down.

Li's mother smiles and says that she's a real loser.

I'm not married yet.

She and Li's father are reluctant to give up even Li Xiaoyun's early engagement. As a result, Li Xiaoyun's heart turns to Zhao Xiaoyun first.

It's estimated that the engagement can't be stopped.

When Li Xiaoyun and Zhao theorem leave, she will talk to Li's father, so as not to be a bad person in vain and make the child unhappy.

Li's mother thinks that not only the engagement, but also the wedding.

At that time, we will discuss a wedding date. Even if the time is a little closer, they will agree.

Li's mother is busy cutting vegetables while she ponders.

She washed all the dishes before Zhao and Li Xiaoyun came.

Just cut it right now.

On this side of the living room, Li Xiaoyun didn't feel it because of his mother's hint. Now he carefully observed it and found that it was really like this.

Fortunately, with her in, Zhao is a thick skinned, the atmosphere is not embarrassed.At dinner, father Li took out all the good wine he had collected at home, as well as the wine he had brought with him.

It's not Dad Li who is so kind and hospitable to Zhao that he brings out all the good things.

It's because he wants to get drunk!

All of them are red wine. Most of

's father's family is white wine.

mixed up with red wine and baijiu.

Mother Li looks at the wine on the table, and the wine that can't be put on the table is on the ground for the time being.

"How did you come up with so much?" Li mother asked in a low voice, "this must be drunk?"

"It's about getting him drunk." Li's father also whispered to Li's mother, "it depends on a man's character. After meeting several times, what can you see? Even if he pretends, he has to pretend very well. "

"So, from the perspective of wine. What's the best way to show a person's character after getting drunk. "

"The ideal is to go to sleep when you're drunk. There must be a lot of entertainment for Zhao theorem. When he gets married in the future, he will really get drunk. If he lets himself go to bed honestly, Xiaoyun can save a lot of trouble. "

"If you're drunk, you can talk a lot, and you can accept it. When you get drunk, you brag. " Father Li shook his head, not very good.

As for those who are drunk and crazy, no matter how drunk they are, they can't do it.

There is no need for Li's father to say more about this. Li's mother has a tacit understanding.

"Then take it easy." Li mother reminds a way, "you also a age, don't say drunk, you drink too much also hurt the body.". That is to say, "if you hurt the enemy by 1000, you will lose 800."

"Besides, it's not good for you to drink people back when they come to the door for the first time." Mother Li whispered.

"I see." Father Li said impatiently, "I'll test him."

With that, father Li went out with a bottle opener.

Li's mother sighed. If she didn't listen, she couldn't help it.