Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1179

Anyway, he failed to stop Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

Xu Huizhen and ye Ning are waiting at the door.

They are not sure whether Zhao Guxian will come out at noon. They are just taking a chance.

Ye Ning thinks that he still has to investigate Zhao Guxian's whereabouts.

Fortunately, after Zhao Guxian and ye Fei separated, he told the school's security department.

If there are suspicious people at the door, including Ye Fei's family, be sure to tell him.

So after seeing them, especially ye tezhang, he immediately told Zhao Guxian.

Zhao gu Xian didn't think about himself. He just thought they were trying to block Ye Fei.

Therefore, after ye Fei's class, zhao gu Xian comes to find Ye Fei.

"Sister in law!" Zhao Guxian is at the gate of the teaching building.

Everyone knows Ye Fei's relationship with Zhao Guxian, so they don't care much.

It's a way of getting along in a rich family.

But I didn't expect to get along with them in an ordinary way, but I didn't get along with them in an ordinary way.

There's nothing to do with their big business.

"Sister in law, your parents and ye Ning are waiting at the school gate." Zhao gu Xian whispered, did not let other people hear, "nothing, you do not go out. I don't believe they can wait at the door all day. "

"But in case they are really waiting at the door, when you leave in the afternoon, I will tell the security guard directly to let Xiaoqiu drive in to pick you up." Zhao gu Xian said.

Hearing this, ye Fei said apologetically, "I'm afraid they are not waiting for me, but for you."

"What the hell?" Zhao gu Xian suddenly tactics backward, a spirit, there is a kind of bad premonition.

Ye Fei thinks he's too shameful. Let the students see such a big move.

"I'll tell you as I eat in the restaurant." Although she had two classes, ye Fei was still very hungry.

So they went to the teacher's restaurant and sat down in Zhao Guxian's place. Ye Fei then said what ye tezhang had come for.

"So I just winked at you and told you to leave quickly, but I didn't want you to be entangled." Ye Fei is very sorry and sad.

She doesn't expect her family to be good to her, but because of her bad family, it makes her feel ashamed of the people who are really good to her.

This is the worst thing for ye Fei.

"Sorry, it's all because of me." Ye Fei says depressingly.

"What does this have to do with you? It's Ye Ning who talks about her dreams." Zhao Guxian doesn't think it's Ye Fei's responsibility.

"But it's because they think they can get to know each other through me that they come up with this kind of thing. Without me, they have no way to know you. How dare they think about this? "

It's not because she married Zhao Gushen that Xu Huizhen and ye Ning are in laws of the Zhao family.

You can take advantage of what you want from ye Fei.

"Well, who doesn't have many excellent relatives. You see my second uncle and second brother are not the same? You can tolerate them. Why can't we tolerate your family? " Zhao gu Xian doesn't care.

"Besides, compared with my second uncle and second brother's family, these three of you are much easier to deal with." Not only is it easy to deal with, in Zhao Gu Xian's view, it can be described as simple.

Zhao Guxian as like as two peas in Zhao Gushen.

"My mother has always been led by Ye Ning's nose, and my father's ears are soft. Over the years, my mother and ye Ning have influenced me a lot. But the most important thing is Ye Ning. " Without her bad ideas, Xu Huizhen's demons would be under control.

Xu Huizhen is an ordinary city woman, and her brain hole is limited.

Let alone ye tezhang.

He does what others say.

He doesn't do what others don't say.

Ye Fei has nothing to do with Ye Ning.

So, she picked up her mobile phone and went to the wechat group at home. Then she told Zhao Guxian, "you will cooperate with me in the group in a moment."

"With what?" Zhao gu Xian didn't understand.

"You'll see." Zhao gu Xian is so clever that he doesn't need to explain much at all.

Ye Fei directly circles zhao gu Xian out of the group.

Ye Fei: @ Gu Xian, my father asked me to draw a line with Ye Ning to get to know you

Zhao gu Xian

"You are sister Keng." Zhao gu Xian immediately understood what ye Fei wanted to do.

"What pit elder sister, she did not treat me as her younger sister, I also did not treat her as elder sister, pit up I can have no pressure at all." Ye Fei said.

"Come back to me." Ye Fei said, "although Zhao GuQing doesn't speak much in the group, from his timely congratulations to the fourth uncle, he usually looks at the group."

So, even if it doesn't bubble, just see it.He will clean up Ye Ning later.

Although Zhao GuQing does not admit that ye Ning is his girlfriend, at least Ye Ning still maintains the relationship between men and women with him.

Before the end of this relationship, ye Ning puts her mind on Zhao Guxian.

Does Zhao GuQing know what ye Ning means?

It's not because there's no hope in him, it's because I look down on him.

I don't think he is as good as Zhao Guxian, so I have to climb a higher branch.

With Zhao GuQing's conceit, he feels that his ability is super strong. How can he not compare with Zhao Guxian?

It's not so much that Zhao GuQing is angry with Ye Ning's betrayal as that he is angry. Even ye Ning doesn't look up to him.

As for betrayal, there is no established relationship between them. There is no betrayal.

Zhao GuQing's ability is not as good as Zhao Gushen and Zhao Guxian, and he is not reconciled. He urgently needs to be recognized by his family and the outside world.

As a result, ye Ning, whom he despises most, doesn't approve of him.

Did you say he was angry?

At this time, Zhao GuQing saw Zhao Guxian send out a frightened expression: "sister-in-law, why do you want to lead me?"

Ye Fei: "don't be nervous. I can't force you. It's just that my father is blocking me. If I don't pretend, he won't give up. Even if I tell you, I'll tell him later. "

Zhao gu Xian sighed again.

Ye Fei really didn't expect that Zhao Gu Xian was a big man with a lot of cute facial expression bags.

Her expression bag is not as much as zhao gu Xian.

Zhao Guxian: "that's good, that's good. Then you can show them the screenshot of my original words. Anyway, I really don't like Ye Ning. Let them die. "

Zhao gu Xian added: "I've been single all my life. I can't find Ye Ning like that. Sister in law, although she is your sister, I have to tell you the truth. Don't be angry. "

Ye Fei: "it's OK. I'm just a word."