Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1178

Father Lin immediately stared at Zhao Guxian.

It turns out that this is the man Ye Ning wants Ye Fei to introduce. It's really good.

The Zhao family is really a dragon among the people, the top one is outstanding.

He has never met Zhao GuQing, but he has met Zhao Gushen, and now he has met Zhao Guxian.

Look at them, they really have a different feeling.

"Hello, hello." Ye tezhang said busily.

"Hello." Zhao gu Xian said politely, "that sister-in-law, I will not disturb you first. I'll come back to you for lunch. "

See ye Fei's eyes hint, zhao gu Xian decided to keep a distance with ye tezhang.

It's rare for Gu Yechang not to give up here.

After getting along with Xu Huizhen and ye Ning for a long time, his face became thick.

As a result, ye said quickly, "it's 11 o'clock now, and it won't be long before lunch time. Why don't we eat together? "

Ye tezhang looks like a simple and honest smile: "I haven't had a good chat with Xiao Fei for a long time."

Ye Fei feels a little uncomfortable.

Just when they were talking, ye tuzhang always called her by her first name and surname.

In fact, when she was in Yecheng before, ye tezhang also called her Xiaofei.

But these years of separation, even father and daughter, I'm afraid also born.

In addition, Xu Huizhen and ye Ning have been saying that ye Fei is not good.

Over the years, this has exerted a subtle influence.

Although ye tezhang still remembers Ye Fei in her heart, she is still influenced by Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

"Do you want to ask Mom and sister to eat together?" Ye Fei asked.

Ye tezhang doesn't know whether he pretends not to see it or really doesn't understand the irony on Ye Fei's face. He even nods: "yes, it's just you. Mom and your sister are near the school. Call them here, too. You haven't seen them either

Ye Fei made zhao gu Xian wink.

Now you know why she didn't let him come.

Zhao gu Xian said: "sorry, I remember there are still some things at noon, can't eat together."

"I'll go first." Zhao gu Xian looks at Ye Fei apologetically.

But ye Fei is also very sorry for him.

Zhao Guxian leaves quickly. Ye tuzhang wants to stop, but it's not interesting.

Ye Fei grabs ye tuzhang's arm: "Dad, I'll take you out. I have to go back to class. This class is very important. I'm behind schedule today. "

If Xu Huizhen, she would surely say, is it more important to see her parents than to go to class?

But ye tezhang is quite able to understand Ye Fei in this aspect. He said hurriedly, "then go back quickly. You don't have to send me."

But ye Fei sent ye out of school and went back.

Xu Huizhen and ye Ning don't come here, and ye Fei is too happy to see them.

Ye tezhang returns to the cafe he has made an appointment with Xu Huizhen and ye Ning.

As soon as he came in, Xu Huizhen stretched her neck.

I even think ye tuzhang is too slow.

It was not easy to wait until ye tuzhang came. Before ye tuzhang sat down, Xu Huizhen was busy and asked, "how's it going? Did she agree? "

Ye tuzhang shook his head: "I've said all I have to say, but she just won't agree."

Ye tezhang took a look at Ye Ning and said, "let's go back and talk about it in detail."

"Go back and say what? It's a waste of time. It's right here at school. Let's go back to her later. " Xu Huizhen doesn't plan to go back like this. She's really not reconciled.

It's a strange time-consuming trip. Since I'm here, I can't go back without doing anything.

"Don't look for it." Ye tezhang thinks of Ye Fei's words and says to Ye Ning, "Ning Ning, I think ye Fei's words are quite reasonable. Now that you are with Zhao GuQing, hold Zhao GuQing well. Otherwise, if you go to Zhao Guxian again, you'll have to start all over again. "

"What's more, Zhao Guxian and Zhao GuQing are still brothers. You have a relationship with both of them, and it's not very good. I don't think zhao gu Xian has to have his brother's girlfriend, does he? "

Ye tezhang thinks it's ugly when he says it himself.

Zhao gu Xian's condition is so good, but he doesn't love ye Ning. Why do he want Ye Ning.

Ye Fei didn't say that, but she did.

Ye tezhang can draw inferences from one instance at the moment. Isn't Ye Fei's words also applicable to Zhao Guxian?

If he had a son, he would not like his son to be with his nephew's ex girlfriend.

Not to mention the change to their own body, it is even more reluctant.

Think of Ye Fei's real relationship with Zhao GuQing.

Although ye tezhang tries his best to refute Ye Fei, he also murmurs in his heart.

Without Ye Fei at the moment, ye tezhang said tentatively, "you've been with Zhao GuQing for some time. When can you bring him to our house?""We can't compare with the Zhao family, but there are few in the world. But we're not going to lose face. The house at home is very good. I live in a high-end community, and the house is big enough. It's not embarrassing. " Ye Zezhang's face changed before he finished speaking.

"What did ye Fei tell you?" Ye Ning asked.

At the same time, she also murmured in her heart, how could ye Fei be so clear about her and Zhao GuQing?

Are you also secretly investigating her?

"No, of course not." Ye tezhang quickly denied and concealed, "but at the beginning, I complained that she introduced her friend to Zhao theorem, but I didn't think about you. She said that you were her sister and Zhao theorem was her uncle. You two were in a mess together, and it was not pleasant to say. I just remember that Zhao GuQing and Zhao Guxian are still brothers. It's not good for you to be like this between two brothers. "

Ye tezhang's words dispel Ye Ning's doubts.

"Besides, I'll have to look at him again and examine him again." Ye Ning said, "he wanted to come back with me to see you, but I refused. Taking him to the door is tantamount to admitting the relationship with him? It's not convenient for me to find someone else at that time. "

"So, Dad, you don't have to worry. Zhao GuQing and I are friends with each other. Even if we are together with Zhao Guxian, it's nothing. " Ye Ning said.

"That's it Xu Huizhen echoed.

Ye tezhang listened to Ye Ning's tone, but he became more and more suspicious.

"Ye Fei doesn't want to. Let's think of another way." Ye said.

"Zhao Guxian is the headmaster of Changping. Should he be at school today?" Xu Huizhen said, "let's pretend to meet him by chance and get to know him."

"Since ye Fei won't introduce us, we don't expect her." Xu Huizhen said, "let's get to know the head office by ourselves."

"That's not good..." Ye tezhang hesitated.

However, because his attitude is not firm enough, maybe he thinks that this method is actually very good.