Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1171

Zhao theorem refers to his waist, he did not sit up completely, so now he is completely using the core force to support.

Li Xiaoyun can see it at a glance.

As a result, Zhao said: "you see, my waist is really good."

Li Xiaoyun

What a surprise!

Morning things, you remember now!

Li Xiaoyun himself forgot.

In the morning, Zhao talked about her in private, stressing that his waist was very good.

Li Xiaoyun thought that he said that, but he couldn't prove it.

But at that time, my heart just murmured.

Who knows that Zhao's theorem should be proved to her.

She said that in the evening, she was busy with her work, and it was late. How could she still exercise so vigorously.

I didn't expect to have such an idea.

This man's routine is really

If you don't see the result, you never know why he said or did it.

"Good." Li Xiaoyun took a puff from the corner of his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Zhao's theorem is particularly satisfactory.

He has proved himself to Li Xiaoyun.

So, he got up, took a towel and came over while wiping sweat.

"Let's go." Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun surprised to stand up: "you do not practice?"

"It's done." Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun

It's just how long.

The purpose of Zhao's theorem is hardly too obvious.

After proving to her that his waist is good, he stopped practicing.

This is too purposeful!

They went to the bedroom together.

To Li Xiaoyun's bedroom door, Zhao Xiaoyun stopped.

Suddenly he bowed his head and gave her a kiss on the lip.

Still so caught off guard.

Let Li Xiaoyun start even nervous opportunities are not, he suddenly kiss down.

However, Zhao's theorem is just a kiss and then separated.

He was sweating. He was afraid that the bad smell would destroy his image in Li Xiaoyun's heart.

But I don't know that in Li Xiaoyun's heart, he is a beauty in the eyes of his lover.

Even his sweat, Li Xiaoyun feel very man, not bad smell.

"I'll take a bath and you'll have an early rest." Zhao said.

"Well, good night." Li Xiaoyun nodded.

"Good night." Zhao said with a smile.

See Li Xiaoyun back to the room, he went back to his room.

Li Xiaoyun back to the room, this just blush, heart beat of no good.

Just that kiss, although I haven't had time to be nervous.

But now it's time for my heart to jump fast.

Li Xiaoyun covers his heart and tries to press his heart to make it steady.

But the palm still can only feel the heartbeat of "Putong Putong".

It's fast and strong.

Like trying to break through the chest to jump out of the same, across the flesh and bones steady and powerful hit her palm.

Li Xiaoyun lay flat on the bed, his hands still pressing his heart.

In mind, is Zhao theorem how so good?

He just said that he would go to bed after taking a bath, and he didn't plan to come to her again.

Even if they live together, there is only one wall between them.

This man is very reassuring.

Li Xiaoyun sincerely felt that he was really lucky and made a lot of money.

She rolled on the bed and buried her face in the quilt.

How lucky she is!


Zhao GuQing has never been with Ye Ning.

I always leave after a rest.

I really didn't treat her as a serious woman.

It's just like the one who comes and is wrapped and raised by him.

However, it is also true.

Zhao GuQing gave her a lot of benefits, which is a kind of deal.

Ye Ning tried to keep him every time, but failed every time.

However, ye Ning is not discouraged, and still keeps it as usual.

Zhao GuQing will at least coax before.

It's estimated that it's the relationship that we talked about tonight. Zhao GuQing didn't even bother to coax us.

Just a slight smile, on the clothes left.

After waiting for Zhao GuQing to leave, ye Ning smashed a bed.

She didn't leave the hotel.

Zhao GuQing paid, ye Ning of course to sleep a night to go, otherwise thanks.

The next morning she had breakfast at the hotel before returning home.

Ye tezhang and Xu Huizhen are both at home.

Seeing her coming back, Xu Huizhen said: "Ning Ning, you're back."She thinks that ye Ning and Zhao GuQing are in love.

Xu Huizhen was very proud.

Two daughters, both of whom are looking for the top rich.

In the future, she will keep pace with the Zhao family.

Even if ye Fei doesn't care about her, there is Ye Ning.

Ye Fei thinks she's a bull when she marries Zhao Gushen.

But ye Ning is not bad!

Moreover, Xu Huizhen believes that ye Ning will step on Ye Fei sooner or later.

At that time, ye Fei will cry!

Ye Fei will cry and regret in the future, and ask them to forgive and give her a way.

Regret now ignore them, cold heart cold lung.

"Well." Ye Ning is in a bad mood. When she sees Xu Huizhen's smiling face, she suddenly thinks of the thing that ye Fei introduces Li Xiaoyun to Zhao Xiaozhen.

"Have you had breakfast?" Xu Huizhen asked.

"Yes." Ye Ning said.

"Ma, do you know? Ye Fei didn't think of us at all. " Ye Ning said, "not at all."

"Don't mention her. I'm angry about her." On hearing Ye Fei's name, Xu Huizhen immediately changed her face.

"Wait, what did she do?" Xu Huizhen asks Ye Ning.

Ye Ning told Li Xiaoyun about Zhao theorem.

"She would rather introduce Zhao theorem to an outsider than to me." Ye Ning's airway.

"Ning Ning, forget it." Ye tezhang advised, "aren't you already with Zhao GuQing?"

Ye Ning certainly can't Tell ye Zezhang and Xu Huizhen about her real relationship with Zhao GuQing.

"It's my fate, but it has nothing to do with me. Ye Fei, as my sister, I'm one thing with Zhao GuQing. She thinks of me, it's another thing. "

"Besides, can Zhao GuQing compare with Zhao theorem? Zhao's power and discourse power in the Zhao family are much greater than Zhao GuQing's. Zhao GuQing still has to listen to his father, but Zhao's theory is his own. "

"So powerful?" Xu Huizhen a listen, there is better than Zhao GuQing, immediately don't have to balance, "I know ye Fei and we don't close, but she so, is deliberately angry with us."

Xu Huizhen turned around and said to ye tezhang, "even if ye Fei doesn't kiss us any more, we've brought her up since childhood. We can't erase her nurturing feelings. That's why she only remembers hatred but not kindness

"For that little resentment, she didn't even care about her past upbringing." Xu Huizhen complained.

"But he is very old. Ye Fei probably didn't say it because she didn't feel the right age. " Ye also said.

"Oh, she thinks that Zhao theorem is not suitable for Ning Ning's age, so it is suitable for her best friend's age?"