Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1170

"When I work in the future, you can tell me all about it." Zhao Xiaoyun sat next to Li Xiaoyun and said, "I find that my efficiency will be particularly high."

Li Xiaoyun felt embarrassed when he said it once.

If in very deliberate circumstances, Li Xiaoyun does not know whether he can say it.

Now they are sitting close to each other.

Zhao's long leg touched her knee, and her arm was close to her arm, so she didn't worry any more.

Unlike before, because not in love, not a boyfriend and girlfriend, so always scruple with propriety.

I dare not get too close.

Like now so aboveboard, don't mention much joy in Zhao's heart.

"When you're done, do you want to take a bath?" Li Xiaoyun asked.

"Well..." Zhao Xiaoyun looks at Li Xiaoyun meaningfully.

At first, Li Xiaoyun didn't know where to go.

Just Zhao Theorem's eyes, full of want to let people think crooked meaning.

Li Xiaoyun finally responded.

Li Xiaoyun's face suddenly turned red.

She reminded him to take a bath, but didn't think about what to do with him.

Isn't this the habit of Zhao theorem?

After dinner in the evening, when I'm busy, I take a bath and feel comfortable.

Usually, he doesn't want to be crooked.

Why do you think so at this time.

Li Xiaoyun doesn't know what to say.

After Zhao made such a fuss, Li Xiaoyun felt that whatever he said seemed to have other meanings.

All of a sudden, it's a bit like a needle on pins and needles.

My heart is full of ups and downs.

Usually when they have nothing to do after dinner, they sit and watch TV together.

Watch through the app platform on TV.

Zhao theorem TV in the video platform is particularly complete.

Today's relatively large platforms, such as pants, peach, mango and penguin, are available on TV.

And they all went to the members.

Li Xiaoyun once opened the personal center of one of the platforms and found that Zhao's theorem was directly set up for automatic renewal.

He doesn't have to worry about the automatic renewal every year.

Zhao has no special requirements for TV programs.

It's all with her.

What Li Xiaoyun likes to see, Zhao Xiaoyun will follow. He has no opinion of his own.

Li Xiaoyun asked before he knew that when she came, his family turned on the TV.

Otherwise, he doesn't even look at it.

Li Xiaoyun can't help asking, why does he automatically renew his membership fee when he has so many members?

He didn't look.

But Zhao said, what if?

What if he wants to see it?

Anyway, it's full of insurance. It's here. You can see it whenever you want.

What else can Li Xiaoyun say?

It can only be said that money is capricious.

But since she moved here, because she likes to watch variety shows.

So I watched it with her.

It's quite natural for them to watch TV together in the living room.

Why are we together now? We feel different when we get along with each other.

Li Xiaoyun is particularly nervous.

Especially after just now, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake.

I always feel that everything is easy to cause ambiguity.

In Li Xiaoyun tangled, Zhao theorem finally opened his mouth: "however, I want to exercise first, sweat and then take a bath."

"To exercise so late?" Li Xiaoyun finished, his brain immediately made up some colorful pictures.

Now she felt that, not to say anything can cause ambiguity, but her head somehow, full of colored waste.

This is so bad.

How on earth did she become like this?

When talking about sports, Li Xiaoyun unconsciously thinks of some kind of double sports.

But look at the expression of Zhao theorem, upright let Li Xiaoyun spit on himself.

In an instant, she felt that when she just talked about taking a bath, it must be because her head was full of colored waste, so she thought it was crooked.

Even Zhao's eyes were askew.

In fact, Zhao's theorem is not wrong at all.

Li Xiaoyun immediately even more despised himself.

She not only thinks wrong, but also misunderstands others.

"I haven't exercised for several days. I feel my bones are stiff. I need to exercise." Zhao theorem said, "after exercise, the whole mental state and physical state are not the same, will be very comfortable."

Li Xiaoyun nodded. Although she was still in her house, she didn't like to move like Ye Fei.

She likes eating, but she is afraid of getting fat, so she has to rely on exercise.She doesn't have the stamina to go to the gym.

She used to go to the gym to get a card, so she couldn't find it.

Li Xiaoyun's income has no pressure to find private education.

But the private church focused on controlling her diet.

Li Xiaoyun can't do this.

It's better to exercise by yourself.

But she is always too lazy to go out because of her family.

If you have a card, you can't go there several times a year.

The happiest time was when I came to my aunt.

So you don't have to go to the gym.

In this way, after the fitness card expired, Li Xiaoyun simply did not renew it.

For this reason, people in the gym and private teachers have contacted her and wanted her to renew her card very much.

But Li Xiaoyun was very upset.

Anyway, Li Xiaoyun knows his virtue.

It's a waste of money not to go to the gym.

I just bought yoga mats and some small equipment.

Dumbbells, drag bands, etc.

Come back and follow the fitness video.

In any case, she knew the precautions and essentials of some movements when practicing with private teachers.

In fact, the movements on the fitness video are all so different.

Li Xiaoyun is quite at home.

So, I heard Zhao theorem say: "do you want to exercise?"

Zhao Ding ideal to two people fitness, feel particularly sweet.

It's nice to do everything together.

Li Xiaoyun shook his head and said, "I've just finished taking a bath. You didn't say it earlier. Tomorrow."

"All right." Zhao theorem is not forced, "then you accompany me?"

"It's boring for me to be alone in the gym when I know you're here." Zhao said.

"Good." Li Xiaoyun readily agreed.

Anyway, she can take the tablet to see variety shows, and she won't be bored.

And now is the period of love, it is a moment do not want to separate.

So Li Xiaoyun took the tablet and followed Zhao to the fitness room.

Zhao changed into a sportswear, heated his lower body first, and then went to do abdominal roll.

Li Xiaoyun couldn't concentrate on variety show.

From time to time to see how Zhao theorem is doing.

Originally, watching people do sports is a particularly boring thing, but now, Li Xiaoyun seems to be unable to watch enough, which is more attractive than variety shows.

All of a sudden, Zhao sat up and didn't lie down any more. He just turned his waist to see Li Xiaoyun and didn't move.

Li Xiaoyun looks at him strangely.

What's the matter?