Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1159

Rui Changhuai

So you don't even care about your work in order to fall in love?

"You don't understand." Zhao shook his head.

Rui Changhuai

He didn't have to ask.

"President, I'll go to the conference room first and get ready." Rui Changhuai said quickly.

He doesn't want to see Zhao's face here any more.

An old bachelor of 37, what's good to take off the single.

Isn't he ashamed?

It's 37!

Zhao also pitied him!

He's only 28. He's young!

Rui Changhuai is the first to run.

Otherwise, I don't know how to be destroyed by Zhao theorem.

After hiding in the meeting room, Rui Changhuai decides to be kind and good occasionally.

In the group of directors, he said, "everyone, you should be prepared in advance. The president has taken off the order."

Now that wechat is so convenient, Rui Changhuai will directly talk about anything through wechat group.

Including some documents, which are sent directly through wechat.

Unless it is necessary for the whole company to see the notice at the same time, it will be sent through the e-mail, which is generally solved in the wechat group.

Ni vice president is a little silly white sweet asked: "President off single, this is a good thing, ah, he is in a good mood, we do not have a better day?"

Rui Changhuai couldn't help but say "tut" to his mobile phone. He said, "how is this silly white sweet promoted to Vice President?"?

Vice President Ni is always proposed by general manager Wu to take over the position of vice president Lu. After looking at the work performance of vice president Ni over the years, Zhao thought it was good, so he signed for it.

Rui Changhuai now can't help but doubt that general manager Wu has a crush on vice president Ni, who is always a silly white sweet, so he is promoted?

With Mr. Wu as an old fox, Rui Changhuai thinks it's really possible.

Rui Changhuai keeps smiling, but he can't say it too clearly. It's not good to let Zhao know.

So, he said all that, let us understand.

If you can feel it, you should be prepared to run.

Just like him, after listening to a few words, just leave with an excuse.

I can't feel it.

Ha ha!

Just wait to be bombed.

More words, Rui Changhuai will not say.

Anyway, if you can give me a hint, he will be very interesting.

Vice President Ni really failed to receive the hint from Rui Changhuai.

But old fox Wu always realized it.

Of course, he can't remind others any more.

With Rui Changhuai's concerns, so clear tips, what to do!

President Wu thinks of Li Xiaoyun and immediately sends a private chat to Rui Changhuai: "is the president with Miss Li?"

"Exactly." Rui Changhuai returned.

General manager Wu: "blessing!"

Rui Changhuai

The old fox never leaks.

What about the blessing?

Or wish them good luck and don't be bombed?

Whatever you think.

Take a look at President Wu and vice president Ni. That's the gap.

There are still 10 minutes to go before the meeting.

Because Zhao is in a good mood, he doesn't plan to work any more this morning except for a meeting.

Because I have no intention to work, I plan to take a holiday for myself.

Take advantage of this 10 minutes time, plan to just be Rui Changhuai interrupted things, continue to complete.

Thus, Zhao's theorem was put into the "8864" group.

He didn't rush to speak, first invited Li Xiaoyun in.

Because there are not many people in the group, Li Xiaoyun was directly invited in and didn't give her a group link prompt.

Li Xiaoyun didn't do any serious work this morning. He was always absent-minded.

Yesterday was because I was moving away and I didn't concentrate.

Today is because Zhao theorem suddenly became her boyfriend and did not concentrate.

But no matter what, it's better than Zhao Dingli.

Zhao dare not work, but she dare not.

So we still need to work hard.

Who knows, when I was working, there was a group in the wechat that I logged in with my computer.


Li Xiaoyun points in to see, only to find that he was pulled in by Zhao theorem.

Look at the group members again.

They are all from the eight families in the legend.

Ye Fei is also here.

Seeing that ye Fei is also there, Li Xiaoyun is more steadfast.

Zhao theorem: "I brought my girlfriend in, you should give red envelope to red envelope."

Wei Zhiqian: "what ghost? What girlfriend? Don't you want to be single all your life? "Qin zigou: "you are old enough to find a girlfriend. Don't make trouble. "

Zhao Guxian: "I finally saw it here."

He knew that Zhao theorem would not let this group go.

Miserable or he miserable.

I was poisoned once in my family.

There's one more time in this group.

What did he do wrong?

Zhao theorem: "you singles are jealous!"

Yan North City: "envy you old, envy you waist bad."

Chu Zhaoyang "[laughs]"

Zhao Ding is furious.

Li Xiaoyun is in the group. These people are talking nonsense!

He should have said it before he knew it. After they were jealous, they would pull Li Xiaoyun in.

Zhao theorem: "I am not old."

Only 37.

Zhao theorem: "as for the waist is good or not, you do not understand."

Zhao Gushen: "fourth uncle, it's not suitable to open yellow tune here. [Doge]

Zhao's theorem

SHENTE opens the Yellow tune.

He didn't mean it!

Zhao theorem: "don't misinterpret my words."

He grinds at his cell phone.

Li Xiaoyun gaped at the fast swiping screen in the group.

Usually, people who have only heard their names and feel that they are very high-end are all very common when they fight in a group.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of grounding.

However, it is Zhao theorem that makes Li Xiaoyun dumbfounded most.

She always thought that Zhao's theorem was calm and introverted, and she was a little cold when she was not familiar with it.

I didn't expect that when I interacted with familiar people in the group, it was so funny.

Although there are only words, Li Xiaoyun can see the picture of Zhao's jumping feet from the seemingly cold words.

Zhao theorem even has the time to jump.

Is that what he looks like with his friends?

I don't look like an elder at all.

At this time, Li Xiaoyun received the news of Zhao Xiaoyun's private chat.

Zhao theorem: "my sister opened yellow. Cavity, they misinterpret me, I really did not!"

Li Xiaoyun felt that Zhao's stable image in her heart collapsed.

37 year old man, how suddenly become like a young man.

"Well, I know." Li Xiaoyun replied, "if it wasn't for them, I didn't expect there would be so much meaning."

"I didn't! I'm sure I didn't mean that. " Zhao said, "it's all their deliberate misinterpretation of me."

"Well." Li Xiaoyun returned a word.

But Zhao Yao's theorem is true