Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1158

"Well." Li Xiaoyun replied, "I believe him, too."


Ye Fei and Zhao Gushen are worthy of being a couple, and their tacit understanding is simply invincible.

Ye Fei is just joking with Li Xiaoyun.

She and Li Xiaoyun are not so polite, but to Zhao Xiaoyun, she is embarrassed to ask for a matchmaker's red envelope.

But Zhao Gushen is different.

Ye Fei didn't tell Zhao Gushen. Zhao Gushen went to find Zhao himself.

Zhao wechat received a message from Zhao Gushen: "fourth uncle."

"What are you doing?" asked Zhao

Zhao Gushen did not beat around the Bush: "matchmaker red envelope."

Zhao's theorem

"What the hell?" Zhao Gushen was surprised by Zhao Gushen's thick skin, "you don't care what red envelope I want!"

"Matchmaker's red envelope." Zhao Gushen is particularly patient in explaining Zhao's theorem.

"I know what you want. I mean, what do you care if I want a red envelope for? " Asked Zhao.

He fell in love, such a big happy event.

Zhao Gushen didn't say to send a red envelope for blessing, but asked him in turn for a red envelope?

What about the face?

"You know Li Xiaoyun, thanks to Xiao Fei? If it wasn't for Li Xiaoyun and Xiao Fei who were friends and went to see Xiao Fei's game, where would you know Li Xiaoyun? " Zhao Gushen said.

"So, Xiao Fei is your matchmaker with Li Xiaoyun. But for her, you would not have known Li Xiaoyun. " Zhao Gushen said.

Zhao's theorem can agree with this point.

"However, this is also thanks to Ye Fei. Even if I thank Ye Fei, I also thank Ye Fei. I have something to do with you." Zhao's theorem is very repugnant.

"First of all, Xiao Fei and I are husband and wife. We don't know each other. We are husband and wife. You thank her as much as you thank me. " Zhao Gushen said boldly, "she's in class now. It's not convenient for her to talk to you. Thank me. I represent you. I'll give you my thanks later. "

Zhao's theorem

Ha ha, is it time to delete Zhao Gushen's wechat friends?

"Again, you can't know Li Xiaoyun without Xiaofei. You can't know Xiao Fei without me Zhao Gushen was full of logic, "if it wasn't for my marriage with Xiaofei, you have nothing to do with Xiaofei, and you don't know where to get to know Li Xiaoyun."

"At the end of the day, it's because of me. I am the starting point of this chain. Everything is because you know me, and finally you know Li Xiaoyun through Xiaofei. " Zhao Gushen said.

“……” Zhao ground his teeth and said, "do you know that you are beating me in the name of Ye Fei?"

"It's not a rip off." To this sentence, Zhao Gushen can't agree, "you give me a red envelope, I'll forward it to Xiaofei."

Zhao Gushen said "ha ha" to Zhao Gushen.

Directly click on Ye Fei's picture and enter the chat window with her.

Without saying a word, he gave Ye Fei a 200 red envelope.

It's not that he's stingy, it's that wechat can only send 200 red envelopes at a time.

If you want to exceed 200, you can only transfer money.

However, Zhao believes that if it's a transfer, it's not the same as a red envelope.

What we want is just an effect. It has nothing to do with more money and less money.

You can rewrite the text on the red envelope.

Zhao theorem is very direct in the red envelope wrote four words: "matchmaker red envelope."

Then he sent it to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is in class at this time and has no time to watch her cell phone.

The mobile phone is placed on the kitchen table, so that she can see the pop-up window on the lock screen at any time.

If there's something important, you won't miss it.

This is a dessert class. Ye Fei is kneading the dough when she sees the lock screen of her mobile phone on.

The prompt information shows that it's a red envelope from Zhao Ding's hairdresser.

Ye Fei's hands are full of flour now, and in order to keep the food clean, it's impossible to get her cell phone now.

So, although Ye Fei is so curious that she even wants to use her elbow to try to see if she can turn on her mobile phone, she still has a hard time holding back.

This section is about Chinese snacks.

Finally put the dessert in the oven.

Ye Fei washes her hands and quickly picks up her mobile phone.

See is Zhao Ding haircut to the red envelope, it also wrote "matchmaker red envelope" four words.

Ye Fei is surprised to pick eyebrow, smile: "fourth uncle, this is to thank me to let you know with smile cloud?"

"Yes." Zhao theorem seconds back.

Ye Fei thought, Zhao theorem is also in charge of Changlin, how can it recover so quickly?

Is he so free today?

Or did you decide not to work today to celebrate your quitting?

However, ye Fei didn't ask him to be polite, so she replied with a smile: "then I'm not polite to you."She is indeed the matchmaker of Zhao theorem and Li Xiaoyun.

"Take it. If you don't give it, Gu Shen will have to ask me for it." Zhao theorem said, "compared to give him, give you my psychological comfort."

Ye Fei

Let's see what Zhao Gushen has forced people into.

So ye Fei receives the red envelope from Zhao Ding's haircut.

After receiving, Zhao cut the graph and sent it to Zhao Gushen.

Zhao theorem: "it has been issued."

Zhao Gushen

All right, anyway, they both give the same to each other.

As for 200 red envelopes, Zhao Gushen didn't care.

He just enjoys the feeling of asking for red envelopes.

At this time, Rui Changhuai knocked on the door.

Zhao's theorem was originally intended to be explained in the 8864 group.

I've just been telling my family that I haven't had time to go to 8864 group to share the joy of my success.

Now it's too late. We can only talk about it later.

"Come in." Zhao said.

After Rui Changhuai came in, he said to Zhao: "president, it's time for a meeting."

Zhao nodded and looked at the time. It was already 10:30.

"Tell them to reduce the meeting time to one hour. So it's important to say, don't let all the messy things take up the meeting time. "

"In addition, important things are also highlighted. Those boastful words, those evasive words, all the words are exempt from me. I don't think I can hear it if I don't say it at ordinary times? " Zhao Shuai's lips.

He's just too lazy to tear it down.

"Yes." Rui Changhuai nodded, while using mobile phones in the group of department heads, gave the meaning of Zhao theorem.

Then, Rui Changhuai asked Zhao: "president, what's next?"

He doesn't have it in his itinerary.

Zhao said, "Oh.".

Sure enough, although Rui Changhuai was an assistant, he was very careful and thoughtful.

But as a bachelor, I still can't realize how busy it is to fall in love.

Zhao theorem looked at Rui Changhuai with a kind of pity: "I went to Xiaoyun's company after the meeting. I would rather arrive earlier than let her wait."