Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1099

There is no message prompt on wechat, so no one is looking for her.

Li Xiaoyun was inexplicably upset and turned over.

She didn't know what she was expecting.

Li Xiaoyun some stuffy to think, how can she think Zhao theorem will give her a message?

Ordinary friends don't have to.

Li Xiaoyun doesn't want to go any more. She opens a video app. Today, there's a variety show she likes that has been updated, but she hasn't seen it yet.

Looking at it, suddenly wechat prompts the audio.

At the same time, the pop-up window also gives a prompt.

It's Zhao Ding's wechat.

Li Xiaoyun then points to see.

It was Zhao who asked her, "did you sleep?"

"Not yet. Lying in bed. Watching variety shows." Li Xiaoyun looked at the time, but it was not very late.

It's only 10:30.

It's father Li and mother Li who are old and go to bed early.

At this time, I'm sure I didn't sleep.

Li Xiaoyun then asked, "what are you doing?"

Zhao theorem: "there is nothing to do."

He didn't say that he was designing and renovating the house.

With his understanding of Li Xiaoyun, if he really said so, Li Xiaoyun can immediately make room for him and let him decorate his home.

Originally the decoration is for Li Xiaoyun, but instead let Li Xiaoyun go, why bother.

Zhao theorem said: "is suddenly back home left me alone, very not used to."

Zhao's speech this time.

Li Xiaoyun turned off the light in his bedroom, leaving only the soft and faint light from the aromatherapy machine on the bedside table.

The bedroom is dim, only with light and soft light like moonlight, which is weak and soft on her bed.

Only a small part of the house is illuminated.

The night is very quiet, and the voice from the mobile phone becomes very clear.

His voice is also relatively low, which sounds very comfortable.

Li Xiaoyun even wants to put on headphones to listen.

It's so nice.

"Why not?" Li Xiaoyun asked.

Since Zhao theorem is the voice sent to her, Li Xiaoyun also uses voice to reply to him.

Although the bedroom is closed.

Li's father and mother's bedroom are also closed.

But Li Xiaoyun is still afraid of being heard and disturbing their sleep.

Therefore, the sound is a little small.

Fortunately, it's enough for Zhao to hear.

Zhao said, "I'm used to you at home. Used to have people at home, used to chat with you at night, used to say good night with you. As a result, there is no one at home now. I don't even have anyone to say good night. "

Li Xiaoyun was pitiful to hear Zhao theorem.

Originally, Zhao's voice was particularly pleasant, but now he is in a low mood and feels lonely.

Let Li Xiaoyun especially want to comfort him.

Listening to this voice, Li Xiaoyun couldn't help thinking about what Zhao theorem would look like now.

In his mind, he was lying on the bed alone, with her so pitifully wrapped in the quilt, curled up into a ball.

However, there is no way to think about the face of Zhao theorem.

Because Zhao's face can't connect her with the pathetic image.

"It's the same to say good night now. It's very convenient to send a voice." Li Xiaoyun said.

Zhao theorem is not often surfing the Internet, can not keep up with today's popular vocabulary.

Otherwise, he will know that Li Xiaoyun has a word called Zhinv.

Zhao Xin said, is that what he meant?

If so, why did he bother to leave Li Xiaoyun at home.

"Why is your voice so low?" Asked Zhao.

"My parents also went to bed. Although the door was closed, I was still afraid of disturbing them." Li Xiaoyun explained.

In fact, she was more afraid that Li's father and mother would hear her voice and ask who she was chatting with.

To put it bluntly is guilty.

Li Xiaoyun didn't have time to think much about the weakness of his heart.

"It's hypnotic to hear your voice like this." Zhao Xiaoxiao, "the voice is small, slowly."

"That's just right. It's pushing you to sleep." Li Xiaoyun said.

"That's a good idea. Wait a minute." Zhao said.

"What's the matter?" Li Xiaoyun asked strangely.

Listen to Zhao theorem said: "I change good pajamas. Bed, we two talk to sleep."

"Good." Li Xiaoyun returned.

She just replied and dialed right after Zhao's voice call.

It's called through wechat.

Li Xiaoyun was a little surprised, but he soon picked it up and heard Zhao theorem say: "I think it's more convenient for us to talk like this. We don't have to press the mobile phone all the time to wait for news.""So it is." Li Xiaoyun thinks it makes sense.

"Just a moment. I'll change my pajamas." Zhao said.

Li Xiaoyun says that he hasn't changed yet?

She thought he had changed everything.

Just as I was thinking about it, the sound came from my mobile phone.

It's obviously the sound of taking off and changing clothes.

Li Xiaoyun did not expect that the radio effect of mobile phone was so good.

I can hear the voice so clearly.

Li Xiaoyun knew for the first time that his brain tonic ability was so strong.

She had a picture in her head right away.

Thinking about the process of taking off clothes and changing into pajamas.

Although she didn't get close to Zhao theorem.

But just look at Zhao's figure, you know that his figure is certainly not weak, muscle lines must be very beautiful.

Otherwise, I can't afford those suits.

It's not just a suit. Everything Zhao wears looks like a clothes shelf. It's more beautiful than those male models on the catwalk.

In the picture of Li Xiaoyun's brain, Zhao Xiaoyun can't help showing the appearance of muscle lines after he takes off his clothes.

The muscles on his arm must be very nice. I don't know if he has abdominal muscles.

Li Xiaoyun thinks there should be.

She has great confidence in Zhao's theorem.

At this time, the picture of naobu has gradually spread from the abdominal muscles to the mermaid line.


"What sound?" The voice from the mobile phone.

Li Xiaoyun suddenly regained his mind, and then realized that his brain was mending his brain, and his mouth was watering!

Li Xiaoyun quickly wiped his mouth.

What a shame!

Fortunately, Zhao theorem is not in sight now.

She was drooling at the thought of others.

"I I was just a little thirsty. I had a drink Li Xiaoyun guilty explanation, "you changed your clothes?"

At the end of this question, I suddenly heard Zhao Xiaoren smile.

Li Xiaoyun's face turned red.

She also understood why she was smiling.

She was thirsty at the sound of his changing clothes.

Such a contact, it is easy to think that she is probably thirsty because of the picture of him changing clothes!

This The point is that this is not a misunderstanding!

Li Xiaoyun directly buried his face in the pillow.

What a shame!

"No!" Li Xiaoyun quickly explained, "don't get me wrong."

"What have I misunderstood?" Zhao has a tone of innocence.