Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1098

Immediately after that, I heard Zhao theorem ask: "are you going home now?"

“……” Zhao Gushen coldly said, "to go home, there is no spare room at home, it is not appropriate for you to go."

Zhao's theorem

He hasn't asked!

What's the matter?

Has Zhao Gushen's ability evolved?

Zhao Gushen's theorem is to know the trigger conditions of Zhao Gushen's master ability.

But now his mood doesn't fluctuate.

Zhao Gushen even guessed his idea.

Zhao Gushen is right.

He really wants to go to Zhao Gushen's house.

He was alone at home, but he was too lonely, too lonely.

"Your house is so big, but you bought two floors, and you don't even have an empty room?" I don't believe it.

It turns out that when Zhao Gushen lived alone, the room was very empty.

There are echoes in many rooms.

Zhao Gu said to himself that you gave me a chance to show off.

I can't just let it go.

So, Zhao Gushen said: "I used to live alone, but of course it was empty. Don't I have a wife and children now? I'm a man with a family. I'm no longer single. When I come back from Xiaofei and Xiaomo, my family is full. "

"In addition to our bedrooms, there are also our separate study, fitness room, video room, Xiaomo's bedroom, his study and toy room." Zhao Gushen said, "it's all set up. There are no spare rooms."

Zhao's theorem

How about bullying him to be single?

Later, he also decorated the house, leaving none of the extra rooms!

No, he went back and immediately began to decorate and prepare.

In order to avoid that after he married Li Xiaoyun, it would be too late to decorate.

Looking back, Li Xiaoyun is pregnant and gives birth to a child. Doesn't the child's room have to be prepared early?

All bedrooms, study rooms and children's rooms are ready.

Thinking about this, Zhao's theorem is full of energy.

If you don't go to Zhao Gushen's house, you won't go.

Zhao theorem with energy, he left happily.

Ye Fei doubts a way: "four uncle this change face also too quick?"? Just now I'm still stuffy. How can I be happy again? "

"Who knows what he's got in his head." Zhao Gushen was too lazy to make complaints about it.

Ye Fei nodded, followed Zhao Gushen to get on the bus, and said: "I also think that since the fourth uncle moved his mind to Xiaoyun, he loves naobu very much."

It's divine.

When Zhao came home, he felt that without Li Xiaoyun, his home was empty.

It makes him a little uncomfortable.

In fact, Li Xiaoyun didn't live long at home.

But Zhao's theorem has not adapted to the life without Li Xiaoyun so soon.

Zhao thought that it was a wise choice not to let Li Xiaoyun move back.

However, he did not sigh lonely for a long time, and hastened to plan the room.

Although Li Xiaoyun lives in the guest room now.

But it's no longer a guest room.

The room has been filled with things belonging to Li Xiaoyun.

It is no longer empty and emotionless, just like a model room.

Li Xiaoyun's room and wardrobe are all her clothes.

There is also a newly bought dressing table for her, and a storage rack for Li Xiaoyun to place cosmetics.

The bay windows were covered with fluffy blankets.

It's a small carpet selected by Li Xiaoyun. It's white and covered with long soft hair.

Because there is no suitable size, Li Xiaoyun can only choose a small square carpet, and then come back to change it.

The blanket was full of toys.

Zhao theorem still remembers that these were not available before Li Xiaoyun came.

These toys are gradually piled up day by day.

There are small ornaments on the bedside table.

This room doesn't look like a guest room for a long time.

Zhao can't help thinking that when Li Xiaoyun moves to his bedroom in the future and moves all these things, his bedroom will be very warm.

Standing at the door and looking at it, Zhao chuckled unconsciously.

Although Li Xiaoyun is not there, Zhao Xiaoyun still doesn't take advantage of her absence.

I just watched at the door and didn't go in.

He calculated, waiting for Li Xiaoyun to move to his bedroom.

This bedroom is empty.

They can be their children's bedroom in the future.

Zhao's bedroom is opposite this one, and his study is next to it.

I don't know what Li Xiaoyun thinks, but Zhao Xiaoyun wants to share a study with Li Xiaoyun.

The two desks will be facing each other.If both of them happen to have jobs, they can sit face to face.

You can see each other as soon as you look up.

Zhao thought his idea was wonderful.

make complaints about Zhao Gushen at the same time, and even have to separate two studies.

I really don't know how to seize any chance to enhance the relationship between husband and wife.

Li Xiaoyun next to the empty room, you can give Li Xiaoyun empty out, specially placed LEGO.

It's not just a big table in the middle, a Lego city.

Even the surrounding walls can be used.

Make sure that Li Xiaoyun can buy, fight, and swing.

With a preliminary plan in his mind, Zhao was not idle.

I went to my study and found some A4 paper.

There is no drawing paper at home, only the commonly used A4 paper.

Zhao's theorem will also be used.

A piece of paper is a room.

Zhao's sketching is a simple western line, but his painting skills can also be seen.

The more he paints, the more energetic he is. On the contrary, he is not sleepy.

Li Xiaoyun, after talking with his parents for a while, watched another TV series and went back to his bedroom.

To tell you the truth, not only Zhao theorem is not used to it, but also Li Xiaoyun is not used to it now.

Suddenly no Zhao theorem around, always feel empty, like the lack of a lot.

Even if there are parents around, this feeling is not the same.

Li Xiaoyun finished washing and sat in front of the dresser.

I'm patting moisturizer on my face.

Because I was thinking about Zhao theorem in my heart, so the action of clapping water became a little bit.

After a few shots, I began to daze in front of the mirror.

I think of my usual habits in Zhao's bedroom.

Think of here, Li Xiaoyun suddenly Leng.

I don't know when she took Zhao's guest room as her own.

Li Xiaoyun shook his head quickly.

She's so cheeky.

It's not her.

Li Xiaoyun wakes up and feels that everything is caused by habit.

Used to too much, it's easy to take it for granted that it's their own.

That's a terrible idea.

Li Xiaoyun shakes his head, applies skin care products carelessly, and goes to bed quickly.

But for a while, Li Xiaoyun couldn't sleep.

You can only watch videos.

I picked up my mobile phone and was about to click on the video app, but my eyes couldn't help falling on wechat.