Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1022

Now, my image is ruined.

"What are you muttering about?" Zhao asked with a smile

"No Li Xiaoyun came back and said immediately.

She just moved her mouth. It's not obvious.

How did he see it.

Li Xiaoyun touched his face and said, "have you seen all the pictures that just got stuck?"

Zhao theorem did not dare to say, he did not know to see, but also cut the screen, ready to go back to zoom in and look carefully.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Zhao also pretended that he didn't feel anything at all.

"Nothing." Li Xiaoyun couldn't help looking at the sky, but he still couldn't help saying, "it's very ugly."

"Ugly?" At this moment, Zhao said sincerely, "I think it's lovely."

Li Xiaoyun

He's real or not!

So ugly, would he feel cute?

It must be comforting.

"I'm home already." What Li Xiaoyun means is that we can end the video now.

Because just now is too embarrassed, she still can't face Zhao theorem well.

"Well, you can rest early." I don't want to hang up so early.

Originally, I planned to chat with Li Xiaoyun like this. It's not bad all the way.

But I don't want to force her.

Only respect Li Xiaoyun's meaning.

When they finished the conversation, Li Xiaoyun took a bath and went upstairs to the bed to watch the movie with projection.

It's just that she didn't see much of the movie.

On the other hand, after returning home and taking a bath, Zhao went back to his bedroom.

Just as Li Xiaoyun thought when he came to his home and saw the layout of his bedroom, when he was in the bedroom, he really liked to sit on the sofa by the window.

Enjoy the night scene and have a drink.

Sometimes I use projection to watch movies and so on.

Now, Zhao just poured a small glass of red wine.

Take it to the sofa and sit down. Stretch your long legs on the sofa and lean your back against the back of the sofa. Turn your head and you can see the night scene outside the window.

The night view of B city is very beautiful.

There are many tall buildings and bright lights.

From the height of Zhao's family, we can only barely see the lights moving on the road outside.

After just a sip of wine, Zhao picked up his mobile phone and clicked into the album.

The latest photo in the photo album is exactly what Li Xiaoyun wants to clear. It's a screenshot of the death angle stuck in the video.

Zhao Xiaoyun looks at it and smiles. His fingertips tap on the tip of his nose in Li Xiaoyun's photo.

He said to himself, "it's really cute."

He didn't feel ugly at all.

Zhao even wanted to make this picture a screen saver.

But I'm afraid Li Xiaoyun will see it.

Think about it, Zhao decided to set the time for the automatic replacement of the screen saver.

At first, he set the time from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., which is exactly the working time of Li Xiaoyun.

If you are not with him, you will not be aware of his screen saver.

But then, Zhao's theorem is not suitable.

He shook his head: "what if we have lunch together?"

Anyway, they are so close to each other.

Now that the relationship is so good, it's a matter of time to have dinner together.

"The time at noon has to change." Zhao theorem changed the time to replace the screen saver from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 noon.

And 2:00 to 5:30 in the afternoon.

They are half an hour later than work time and half an hour earlier than work time.

Put an end to all possibilities discovered by Li Xiaoyun.

"Well, I can't help it either." Zhao Xiaoyun also lightly points out Li Xiaoyun's suspected double chin in the photo because of his angle.

"I don't have any other pictures of you? If I have one, I'll change it Zhao said to himself.

However, deletion is impossible.

Such a lovely picture, of course, should be kept.

After that, Zhao took another sip of red wine.

I don't think this is a bit abnormal.


the next day, Zhao Xiaoyun set out early to Li Xiaoyun's house.

On the way, I sent a wechat to Li Xiaoyun and asked her if she was up.

I didn't make a direct call, but I was afraid that if Li Xiaoyun didn't get up, the ring would wake her up.

If Li Xiaoyun wakes up, he will be able to see his message.

Li Xiaoyun is brushing his teeth at the moment.

She is also a mobile phone person.

The cell phone is on the sink.Hearing the sound, Li Xiaoyun took it up and looked at it.

It turns out to be Zhao's theorem.

"I got up and was brushing my teeth." Li Xiaoyun returned.

"I'm on my way to your house. I'll be there in about 20 minutes." Zhao replied.

So early?

Li Xiaoyun almost choked by the toothpaste foam and asked, "you've come so early."

"I'll drop you off to work." Zhao theorem explained, "I'm afraid to go late, you go first."

"I'll be waiting for you." After all, I came to her downstairs, where there is no reason to see.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, then said: "in this case, I can not be late, if it makes you late, it is my fault."

"You didn't have breakfast so early, did you?" Li Xiaoyun thought of this.

"Not really." The purpose of Zhao theorem is to have breakfast at Li Xiaoyun's house.

Li Xiaoyun has a headache.

Usually, she is on her way to the subway station, buying a sandwich or rice ball at the convenience store.

When the weather is good, eating while walking will solve the problem.

If the weather is bad, you can wait for the company and go to the tea room. It takes about ten minutes to finish your breakfast. You never make it yourself.

But Zhao theorem came with an empty stomach. She couldn't take Zhao theorem to the convenience store to buy rice balls, could she?

Li Xiaoyun sighed. Zhao is really good at increasing her work.

She has nothing to eat in the morning.

No way, Li Xiaoyun can only quickly spit out the toothpaste foam in his mouth, bundle his mouth, and quickly wash his face.

Even the daily complete skin care procedures are not well done.

can only take a few shots of skin care water, smear cream and cream, cream, and omit many steps.

He rushed out to the convenience store opposite the community.

Just bought a couple of ready-made sandwiches.

Anyway, let her do it by herself, it may not be as delicious as the convenience store.

Then he bought a dozen boxed eggs and milk.

She has ground coffee powder and coffee machine at home, if you want to drink coffee in the morning.

Li xiaoyunxin said that fortunately, he still had some requirements for coffee, so he bought a coffee machine and came back to cook it himself.

Otherwise, if you want to drink coffee, you have to give him instant coffee.

After buying these, Li Xiaoyun rushed home with the bag.

Looking at the time, it took her 15 minutes to do these things.

Think of Zhao theorem and say it's about 20 minutes.