Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1021

"I remember." Li Xiaoyun embarrassed to say, "you wait, I will not call the wrong."

Looking at the time, Zhao got up and said, "it's getting late. I'll go back first."

"I'll call you a car. Don't drive." Li Xiaoyun said, "I know you don't drink much. I drank a lot of tea here again. "

"But as long as you drink, driving is always worrying." Li Xiaoyun said.

Zhao theorem heard and did not refute, but a promise down, especially happy: "well, I put the car here, tomorrow morning to drive."

Li Xiaoyun didn't expect that Zhao Xiaoyun agreed so quickly.

I thought Zhao would say that he just drank that little wine. It doesn't matter.

And also drink tea, and rest for so long.

What kind of alcohol should have been discharged.

But did not expect Zhao theorem so obedient agreed to come down.

Li Xiaoyun thinks that Zhao is a person who can listen to other people's opinions.

Will not stubbornly abide by their own views.

Li Xiaoyun sent Zhao out, and they went to the gate of the community together.

In the middle, Li Xiaoyun has already made an appointment for Zhao Xiaoyun.

Her taxi Hailing software has several hundred yuan in advance, which is convenient to automatically deduct from the system after the taxi Hailing trip, so that she doesn't need to make another special payment.

When you get to the location, you can get off and go directly, which is much more convenient.

"Did you call me a car?" See the car stop in front of you, Zhao said with a smile.

"Yes, you come to my house as a guest. Of course I'll do it for you." Li Xiaoyun said.

To be at home and to entertain guests from beginning to end is what a host should do.

Besides, the hot pot in the evening is still invited by Zhao.

She always said that she would like to thank Zhao theorem. As a result, her thanks have not been sent out so far. On the contrary, she owes more and more.

Zhao helped her get Zheng Xuelin's evidence, and even the one-stop service took the work of distributing evidence.

She was invited to dinner in the evening.

For a moment and a half, Li Xiaoyun felt that he couldn't really thank him for going back.

Zhao Xiaoyun got into the car, lowered the window and said to Li Xiaoyun, "I'll give you peace when I get home."

Li Xiaoyun

She didn't think of it. It was her negligence.

"Good." Li Xiaoyun quickly nodded with a smile, and then watched Zhao leave.

Li Xiaoyun went home alone.

Who knows, just turned around and walked a few steps, the mobile phone rang up.

It's not a call ring, it's a wechat call ring.

Li Xiaoyun saw that it was Zhao Ding's haircut.

He just left. Why did he send another video call?

Li Xiaoyun answers the phone in doubt, and Zhao Xiaoyun's face appears on the mobile phone screen.

Fortunately, the new models have improved the night photography and video functions.

So even at night, when I was in the car, there was no light on.

But the picture is still clear.

So is Li Xiaoyun.

In addition, there are street lights all the way in the community, although it is not very bright.

But with the upgraded camera, you can see clearly.

"Just after I left, I remembered that I left, and you went home by yourself. Even if you walk in the community, it's not reassuring. " Zhao said.

"As long as I knew, I should have come out by myself, so I wouldn't let you deliver it." Zhao said.

He doesn't say he knew he shouldn't drink.

If I say that now, how can I use drinking and not driving as an excuse next time.

"It doesn't matter in the community." Li Xiaoyun said.

When she works late at night, she also walks alone in the community.

In fact, the public security in their community is very good.

And the community is not big, what strangers, security can recognize.

"Anyway, I'm watching videos with you like this. I'm relieved to see you go." Zhao theorem said, "you don't have to talk to me, look at the road carefully, as long as I can see you on the screen."

That's right, but Li Xiaoyun doesn't really care about him.

However, also in Zhao theorem constantly asked to remind, but also pay attention to the road.

Accompanied by Zhao Xiaoyun all the way, Li Xiaoyun felt that the time passed very quickly, even though it was just across the mobile phone, and he came to the door of the unit unconsciously.

In the past, I walked home from the gate of the community, although it was not long.

But maybe it's because she was very tired after working all day. As soon as she stepped into the gate of the community, she couldn't wait to go home in a flash.

When I didn't step into the gate of the community, it was better. I'm not so eager.From the gate to his home, Li Xiaoyun walked very fast.

Want to hurry home to rest, relax, I hope the rest time at home can pass a little slower.

But now, I always feel that the road is so short, but actually it is so long.

"I'm going into the elevator." Li Xiaoyun said, "the signal in the elevator is not very good. There may even be no signal. "

" shall we hang up first? " Li Xiaoyun said.

"Don't hang up, maybe the signal can hold, even intermittent." I don't want it to end so soon.

Li Xiaoyun then obediently agreed: "OK, then try."

Li Xiaoyun went into the elevator again with his mobile phone.

As the elevator goes up, the signal is really not very good. There is only one left.

Then the screen jammed.

It's a good thing to say that the key is Li Xiaoyun. When he looks at it, the picture is too ecstatic.

It was just when she was tired and the height of her mobile phone was relatively low.

It's a backhand angle.

It makes her face look very big, and you can see her nostrils.

Li Xiaoyun at this time even if the mobile phone has been removed.

But the picture still stays in her wonderful and ugly angle.

Because of the angle of the chin, if you look carefully, you can even find some double chin.

Li Xiaoyun is a bad person.

If the picture is just stuck here, doesn't Zhao always stare at her picture for a long time!

Li Xiaoyun is now just like a year. It's not easy to wait until he kicks away. Li Xiaoyun goes out quickly.

The signal was restored.

Once again, the screen of the mobile phone has finally moved, no longer the whole dead corner picture that she just got stuck.

"It just got stuck." Li Xiaoyun is embarrassed now. His face is red.

As he spoke, he quickly opened the door and entered the house.

Originally, the corridor was dark, but I couldn't see much.

Now back at home, the home has become particularly bright, can also see Li Xiaoyun's face clearly.

Zhao Xiaoyun clearly saw the red on Li Xiaoyun's cheek.

Li Xiaoyun couldn't help muttering in her heart. She said that she had just entered the elevator and should hang up.