Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 998

Niuniu watched her baby brother enter the room, then she gave a long breath.

The young master said those apology words to Beibei, she really did not drop a word into the ear, also for this, will feel uncomfortable in the heart.

"Mom..." babe, sitting on the grass, pulled her arm.

Niuniu hugged him and gave him a kiss. The little guy continued to complain to his little uncle tearfully, "Uncle... Bad..."

Niuniu rubbed the little guy's face, "Beibei, my little uncle is very unhappy these two days. Beibei wants to be nice to my little uncle, you know?"

Beibei opened her tearful eyes and looked at her mother. Niuniu didn't say anything. After all, how old is this child? How can you understand the depression and heartburn when you are kind to someone but can't get a little response?

The young master took out a small plate of exquisite makaron from the oven box and took the black tea from his aunt.

"Your sister left it to you secretly, otherwise, it would have been eaten up by the two greedy cats of beibeiguoguo."

It has to be said that several members of the Ji family are expressing their love for their family in their own way. President Ji knows that his three children and grandchildren like to eat sweets and snacks. Now, whenever they have time, they try to make different kinds of biscuits and sweets.

But he doesn't do too much every time to make sure his family and friends don't get angry or tired.

With a biscuit in his mouth, the young master went to the eaves with a dish in one hand and tea in the other.

On the grass, beibeiguoguo is having a good time with their mother and two dogs. The ball rolls on the grass, and the two little kids climb on the grass. The alien language is mixed with a few clear sounds occasionally, and the dog's low sound is very lively.

The young master held a small biscuit in one hand and tasted it in small mouthfuls. Occasionally, he drank a mouthful of warm and mellow black tea.

The memory floated back to a certain year. He and his elder brother and sister went to pick tea at Zhihao's uncle's house. The green all over the mountains, the pleasant fragrance in the air, and the friends yelled and played

In a trance, after so many years, his brother and sister had their lovely children, so he had a pair of smart nieces and nephews.

The grass is still the grass, the dog is still big black and big gray, but once upon a time, it was he and his elder brother and sister who were crawling and rolling on the grass. In a twinkling of an eye, those who were crawling and rolling turned into Beibei and Guoguo.

At this moment, he had to admit that he envied each other as much as his parents supported each other and his elder brother spoiled his elder sister.

In the past, he always thought that emotion was a natural thing, and there was no need to do more.

Like is like, love is love.

When love comes, open your heart and greet it generously. When love leaves, wave your hand freely.

Until now, he finally got a good impression on a heterosexual. It turned out that it was a long and complicated process for two strangers to get to know each other.

Not to mention, how many trials and tribulations do you have to go through in order to fully understand a person, appreciate, trust and like each other, and finally decide to spend a lifetime with him or her.

Perhaps, love is just like Tang monks and disciples taking western scriptures. They have to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties before they can finally achieve the right result and get perfect.

The young master ate biscuits in his mouth and watched his sister interact with a pair of little kids. He thought a lot about what he had or not, until Beibei saw him and sat on the grass waving his fat hand and yelled at him, "Uncle... Uncle!"

Children love to play, Guoguo see brother so, originally back to the young master, but also turned around, like a little brother waving his hands, "Uncle... Uncle!"

The young master put down the cup, held the remaining two biscuits in his hand, jumped from the high platform in front of the house to the grass, trotted to the two little kids, and gave the remaining biscuits to each other to make them happy.

The young master half knelt down on the two little kids, with biscuits in his mouth. Beibeiguoguo was greedy. He held his arm, and his mouth rushed to eat the biscuits.

Two biscuits are eaten by my uncle and nephew. After playing enough, the young master takes one in his hand and goes back to the house. Niuniu goes to the kitchen to help aunt Guan cook dinner.

As soon as she came into the room, it was only a short time. When the young master changed his slippers, Beibei ran away and didn't know where to climb. The young master had to pick up Guoguo, take her to the washroom to wash her hands and face, and change into clean clothes to come out fresh and refreshing.

Beibei, who had been missing for a while, was sitting on the carpet with grass on his hair, looking at the young master with round eyes.

The young master squatted down, put the fruit on the ground, squeezed Beibei's face, pulled away the grass from his hair, and asked in a soft voice, "are you not angry with my uncle?"

In fact, beibeiguoguo is optimistic and sunny. He seldom gets angry at ordinary times. Sometimes he loses his temper and forgets it in a twinkling of an eye. He is very open-minded.

As for the young master's question, it's only because he feels guilty for the little boy in his heart. If he asks like this, he will feel better.

Think about it, I really like a child, his heart is not happy, that can put the gas on the baby.


Beibei didn't seem to understand him. He held his arm with his little hand and looked at him with his black eyes.


The young master pricked up his ears and was ready to be scolded by the baby again.

Beibei didn't say anything. After staring at him for a while, he put his hand into the pocket in front of his clothes and fumbled for a while. Then he took out his little hand, handed it to the young master and spread it out.

The young master was confused by the strange behavior of the little guy. When he looked down, he saw a candy lying quietly on his fat hand.

The package, at first glance, is bought by the young master secretly for the two little kids.

Seeing the sugar, the young master laughed in his heart. Little guy, he hid the sugar secretly.

"What? Do you want my little uncle to peel the wrapping paper for you? "

Beibei didn't say a word, just handed the palm to the young master again.

The young master took the candy, ripped the wrapping paper, took it out and handed it to Beibei.

Beibei did not open his face. He grabbed the young master's hand and pushed it to his mouth. "Uncle... Eat..."

The young master only thought he would be wrong. He pointed to the candy and asked, "is this Beibei's for my uncle?"

Beibei nodded very seriously, "well, Uncle... Tangtang..."

Then he took the candy and put it in Xiao Bao's mouth.