Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 997

Niuniu's album recording is not very smooth. The recording speed is slower than expected. Of course, it's not because her level is not enough, but because her requirements are too high.

Niuniu's time in the studio has changed from one or two hours a day as originally planned to three or four hours now. So when the two babies wake up in the afternoon, they can't see mummy, so they go to daddy to find their uncle and grandparents.

Smart two little guys, often climb to the floor glass window, pay attention to the movement outside the yard.

When the young master's car drove out of the yard, the two little kids in the house recognized it as the little uncle's car at a glance. They called "Uncle" and crawled towards the door with their hands and feet. When the young master hung up, he saw two smiling "door gods" sitting at the door, shaking their hands and grinning at him!

"Uncle, uncle!"

The young master took off his backpack and handed it to Aunt Guan. He picked up the two babies one by one.

"Honey, where do you want to play?" A look at the movement of the two little kids, we know that they are bored at home.

But the young master's tiredness and worry all day long quickly disappeared when he picked up the two little kids.

"Woof... Woof..."

Beibei was lying on his shoulder, pointing to the two dogs who were sitting and dozing in the yard, shouting happily.

The young master bowed his head to kiss his little sister in his arms, "where do you want to play with my little uncle?"

Guoguo is tugging at the collar of his shirt and gnawing hard, so he has no time to pay attention to him.

"Silly fruit, the collar is very dirty, still gnawing so hard!"

The young master said, holding the two children turned into the room, regardless of Beibei young master "barking, barking" constantly, in the disinfection cabinet to take out gum into the fruit's hand.

"Little fool, chew this!"

Guoguo raised her face and laughed. She put the gum in her mouth and chewed it.

After a few serious chews, a beautiful little face crumpled up and reached out to take out the gum and put it into the young master's mouth.

"Sugar... Sugar..."

Obviously, Guoguo thought it was candy at first, but after a few bites, she found it tasteless and complained to her uncle.

The young master opened his mouth with a smile, and with the gutta percha that the little girl had forced in, he lowered his head and said to the little girl, "little fool, sugar can't be eaten every day. If you eat too much tooth decay, my uncle will be spanked by Grandma!"

In fact, how could the young master have such self-consciousness?

His doting on beibaguo is better than Dabao's doting on Niuniu before.

However, he has been busy walking on both sides of Ji's R building these days. When he comes back, the candy store which only operates in the daytime on the street has been closed. He didn't buy candy to coax the children, so he can only use such a grand excuse to cheat the children.

Guoguo tilts his head and stares at him for a while. It seems that he understands what he says. Instead of asking for candy, he raises his face and kisses the young master on his chin.

Maybe, she really thought that her little uncle was spanked by her grandmother, so she comforted him a little.

"Good boy! My little uncle really didn't hurt you in vain! "

Beibei heard that the little uncle praised his sister, but he didn't want to fall behind, so he came and gave him a kiss on his face.

The young master was coaxed by the two babies. He held them in his arms and walked into the yard. Da Hei and Da Hui heard the barking of the two masters from a distance. They had already opened their eyes and stood up. They ran around the three little kids happily.

The young master put Beibei and Guoguo on the grass, let them play with big black and big ash, turned back to the eaves and dragged a big box.

The young master took out two colorful balls from the box and rolled towards the two babies.

"Ball... Ball..."

Beibei and Guoguo seem to have inherited Ji Dabao's high IQ. Since they began to call dad, there have been a lot of monosyllabic or stressed words every day.

Ji's family is not surprised by this. I think Ji Xiaobao began to learn to speak eight months ago. He was also a thief. When he was young, he often calculated Niu Niu.

Fortunately, Guoguo seems to have the same IQ as his brother, and their speaking and acting abilities are basically synchronized. Moreover, Beibei, the little brother, always takes good care of his younger sister who was born a few minutes later than him.

The young master sat on the grass with his knees crossed. From time to time, he threw back the ball rolled by the two little boys.

Beibei, who had forgotten how to play, suddenly squatted and yelled at him, "Uncle..."

Young master quickly climbed over, "Beibei, what's the matter?"

"Pee..." the little guy pointed to his pants and said bitterly, "pee..."

The young master laughed and pulled his pants with his hand, "then piss on his pants!", Don't think about it. The bad hearted little uncle is doing it again.

"Uncle... Bad..."

Beibei puffed his cheeks and glared at the young master. He pulled his trousers hard and tried to take them off, but he couldn't pull them off.

The young master watched Beibei's face turn red. He scolded "bad..." and pulled his pants anxiously. It was more and more funny until the little guy's eyes turned red and his mouth became flat. It seemed that he was going to cry!

The young master just picked him up, ran to the flower bed nearby, pulled off Beibei's pants, "OK, pee quickly!"

Beibei, who was almost suffocated, hissed in the flower bed for a long time before he was finally liberated. When the young master helped him pull his pants, Beibei kicked him in the stomach and cried wrongly, "bad!"

The young master knew that he was in a bad mood. He put the little guy in his arms and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, baby, I'm in a bad mood. I shouldn't take it out on you..."

Beibei is not easy not to toss, obediently by the young master after a few kisses, lying in his arms humming angry.

The young master stood up with him in his arms, turned around and saw that there was one more person on the grass.

"Sister, have you finished recording?"

The young master holds Beibei and walks over. When Beibei, who has just been bullied, sees mummy, she starts to ask mummy to hold her.

Niuniu takes over Beibei. The young master is trying to explain his prank, but Niuniu puts Beibei on the grass, turns around, opens her arms to the young master and holds him in her arms.

"The snack daddy baked last night was put in the oven. You're hungry. Go to eat some food."

"Elder sister..." the young master has an awkward face. Don't think about it. Elder sister has heard all the words he just said to Beibei!

"Go ahead, there are few left. When my brother comes back, you won't have a share." Niuniu rubbed his head, pushed him and motioned him to go back to the house.