Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 988

The girl is one Leng again, very quickly, subconsciously drew back her feet.

"Nothing... Nothing!"

Xiaobao is dubious and turns her eyes to the girl with horsetail.

Then, without waiting for the two girls to answer, Xiaobao said his opinion, "it's the fifth day. If it's OK, you don't need to come to the infirmary."

Mawei girl was a little wary of Xiaobao, but after listening to him, she seemed to know her friend's injury very well, so she quickly complained to Xiaobao.

"Handsome, you think so, don't you? I would say that if it's just a small injury, it's been a few days, and it's still very painful. It must have hurt a bone or something! The doctor also asked her to go to the hospital for examination, but she refused to go. Handsome boy, you are a little bamboo friend, and you can help to persuade her! "

Xiaozhu bit her lip and secretly pulled her companion's arm to signal her not to talk nonsense. However, the Mawei girl completely ignored her hint and poked out Xiaozhu's pain in one breath.

Xiaobao frowned slightly, thought about it for a moment, then said to Xiaozhu, "I've driven over. I'll take you to the hospital to have a check in the afternoon anyway, so that everyone can be at ease."

Little bamboo looks embarrassed and mutters in her heart. This man looks so handsome and has great taste in his clothes. But why does he make her feel that he likes him?

Could it be that I not only broke my leg, but also my brain that day, which is why I have such a strange illusion?

Or do all married men have the common problem of scum, holding home and looking at the outside? Just like her father, dead?

Thanks to his wife also gave birth to a pair of lovely twins for him, and spread such a big turnip with flowery heart. It's really pitiful!

"No, sir. I know my legs well."

The young master didn't know that he had been classified as a scum man by this little bamboo. What else did he want to say? The phone rang and it was Niuniu.


"Xiaobao, have you arrived yet? The instructor said that she has something to go out in ten minutes. She asked you to get the files as soon as possible. "

Xiaobao takes a look at the girl in front of her. She knows that she is not a soft persimmon. For a moment, she can't persuade her. She says, "Oh, OK, I know. I'll go right now!", In my heart, I have other plans.

Hang up the phone, then said to the girl who combed horsetail, "then you accompany her to the school infirmary, I still need to do something, go first!"

With that, he waved to the two girls, turned and strode to the stairwell.

The teaching director handed Niuniu's files to Xiaobao and asked Xiaobao to pass on some of them to Niuniu. Xiaobao was worried and reminded her several times: Director, don't you want to rush out?

Ten minutes later, Xiaobao finally came to the clinic with the information.

There was no one in the infirmary, only a doctor and a nurse were chatting. When Xiao Bao came in, the nurse's eyes were straight.

The young master, who is always cool to people, rarely smiles at the doctor very charming. "Doctor, I'm the friend named Xiaozhu just now. I want to ask, how is her injury?"

Usually, no matter men or women, as long as the appearance is good, they will get special preferential treatment wherever they go. The doctor had lazily raised his eyelids, on a more handsome than the star smile, subconsciously also returned him a smile.

Hand turned over the medical record on the table, "classmate, you said, is that the female classmate named bamboo light rain just now?"

The young master is tall. When he stretches his neck a little, he can see clearly that the medical record says "director of XX is Zhu Qianyu". He is very proud in his heart: little sample, if you refuse to tell me your name, can you know it as well?!

But I don't know that the young master's pride is too early.

"Yes, that's right. It's Zhu Qianyu. Five days ago, she fell on a sliding pulley. I think she fell seriously, but she always said it was nothing serious. Doctor, can you tell me what happened to her leg?"

The doctor carefully looked at the medical record, "I think she has ligament strain, but she was prescribed some external medicine, and the effect was not very good. She was suggested to go to the hospital for a detailed examination. She said that there were too many classes recently, and she couldn't spare time. Classmates, please help and persuade her. If it's just ligament strain, it should get better after so many days, but her roommate said that she was too painful to sleep at night, I just gave her some painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Since you are her friend, you should pay more attention to her situation. It's really no good. I suggest that she go to the hospital for treatment. "

The doctor seemed to be a good doctor. He spoke in great detail. The young master was very grateful. He turned around and called Dabao.

"Brother, help me find someone."

Ji Dabao was still on the highway at this time

"The XX student of director department of r university, Zhu Qianyu." Young master is not affectable, directly reported the name of the girl in the past.

Ji Dabao a listen to, "ha ha" smile twice, "how, take a fancy to others?"

The young master did not admit it or deny it, but urged, "Ji Dabao, hurry up!"

Ji Dabao laughed a few more times, reported his personal name and telephone number, and asked Xiaobao to contact each other by himself.

In the evening, several members of the Ji family already knew that the young master had a new girl named Zhu Qianyu.

Letong even teases Beibei and Guoguo, "little baby, your little uncle is finally enlightened. I want to find you a little aunt!"

The two kids didn't know if they understood. Anyway, they were very clingy to the young master this evening, and they kept shouting.

"Beibei, take your sister to one side to play, don't disturb my little uncle..."

The young master, who usually revolves around the two little kids, only searches a lot of questions related to the director with his iPad this evening, and asks Niu Niu a few questions from time to time. After all, Niu Niu is a fresh graduate and knows something about the school.

Letong, who is a mother, can't be too busy watching. She pats Beibei's butt, who is holding the young master's thigh and gnawing jubilantly. She says, "Beibei, don't disturb your little uncle. He's helping you find your aunt! Good boy, let's play

Other people, all amused by Letong's words, only the young master, staring at a pile of information on the screen, fingers fast crackling on the keyboard.

Ji Dabao put two bottles of juice in a milk bottle and put them into a pair of children's hands. Then the two children gave up pestering the young master and sat on the carpet happily with the milk bottle.

"Xiaobao, do you want my brother to teach you some moves?"

The young master raised his head slightly and turned his eyes at him, "you? What can you do? You don't have to chase my sister! It's all my sister who makes the confession and proposal. You're just enjoying your life. Do you understand? "