Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 987

Although Letong vaguely knows that her youngest son is trapped by love, she doesn't know anything about it. She is worried, but it's hard to ask.

Besides, emotional things such as drinking water, warm and cold, others gossip again worry, just in vain.

Ji Dabao, a brother, may not feel much at first, but a few days later, he also vaguely noticed that something was wrong with his younger brother. So the two brothers sat in the office to discuss business. Dabao looked at the young master who was drinking tea.

"Xiaobao, have you been working too much recently?"

Dabao also knows that since the two babies were born, a lot of work has been transferred to Xiaobao, especially the business that needs to go out to negotiate. Xiaobao basically takes the initiative to take down.

Xiaobao is a child's nature. It's understandable that he is under too much pressure and heavy burden, and depressed.

Xiao Bao raised his eyelids and glanced at him. "Brother, this is not difficult for me."

Dabao stood up with a stack of materials in his arms, rubbed his head, and asked with concern, "how come you look listless these days?"

It seems to others that Dabao doesn't care as much about Niuniu as he does about his younger brother, but he doesn't care so much about Niuniu.

I don't care much about him because Dabao believes that this boy can handle his own affairs well, from small to large.

"Well, I haven't slept very well these days..." the energetic young master seldom shows some decadence.

Dabao turns around, puts the materials on the shelf behind him, turns around, drags a chair and sits down beside Xiaobao.

"Xiaobao, are you in trouble?"

It's no wonder that Dabao thinks so. Xiaobao has always been an optimistic and upward sunny boy. He is not interested in playing and can't play in the sad spring and autumn.

Xiao Bao hung his eyes, tooted his mouth and blew the floating tea on the tea, "no..."

The tone, with obvious hesitation, was not convincing at all.

Dabao looked at him with concern. "If there's something unhappy or unexpected, tell my brother. Although I may not be able to help you, it may be more comfortable to say it?"

Ji Dabao, who incarnated as a bosom brother, put his hand on Xiaobao's broad shoulder. As a father, he was more tender and warm unconsciously.

"No, brother!"

Xiaobao wants to say it, but he has no face to say such a stupid thing.

When Dabao saw that he would not say anything, he stopped questioning and patted him on the shoulder. "Well, when you want to say something, my brother is willing to listen at any time!"

Fortunately, a pair of living treasures of the Ji family probably also noticed that the little uncle was in a bad mood. After calling his parents, the young master drove back to his home in the evening. As soon as he got out of the car, he rushed to ask for a hug. The two little treasures hugged him, then they were kissing and rubbing. After kissing, they called "Uncle" sweetly!

"Ha ha, Mommy, do you hear me? Babbago will call me! Hahaha, baby, little uncle is the best, right? "

When the two kids saw that their little uncle was about to faint with joy, they repeated the general "Uncle" and kept calling.

The Ji family was relieved to see that the two little boys finally made the young master happy after several days of depression.

Niuniu's violin performance album officially entered the recording stage, because she was reluctant to leave a pair of babies behind. Ji Dabao took several months to cut off half of the place where Ji family used to practice martial arts, and let professionals build a very professional and advanced recording studio.

Niuniu takes advantage of the baby's rest time to record in the studio on the top floor every day. Although the progress is a little slow, she can take care of both, which makes Niuniu very satisfied.

On this day, Niuniu came to record according to her old appointment, but suddenly she received a call from the r university teaching office, informing her to go back and get the files.

Niuniu has a look at the recorder who is ready. After a while, she has to call Dabao and ask him to go to r to help her with her files.

At this time, Dabao was driving on the highway to the neighboring city, but he had no choice but to give it to Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao took the responsibility, dealt with the matter at hand, and drove off.

Although Xiaobao is a B college student, he is very familiar with r university. After all, this is the alma mater of mummy's brother and sister. Moreover, when Niu Niu was studying, he had picked her up many times, so he drove into the school and skillfully parked the car in the parking lot in front of the teaching office without asking for directions.

The instructor was on the second floor. Xiaobao thought that there was only one floor. He didn't bother to wait for the elevator, so he went directly to the stairwell.

On the first floor of this building is the clinic. When passing through the corridor, Xiao Bao frowned slightly, because he had heard from his parents that his brother had been seriously ill and had lived in the hospital for a long time. Therefore, he had no liking for the taste of disinfectant.

Just as he walked quickly to the stairs, he suddenly heard a girl say, "little bamboo, didn't the doctor ask you to go to the hospital to take a picture and check it carefully? Why don't you go all the time? It's not the way to endure like this! "


Xiaobao stepped on the stairs and instinctively turned to look at the sound source.

Only a few meters away from him in the corridor, a girl with a ponytail holding a girl with short hair, from the hairstyle, indeed, very similar to the little girl that day.

And the most important thing is, this girl is also called Xiaozhu. Moreover, her feet seem to be very inconvenient to move. Should she have fallen that day?

Xiaobao didn't think much about it. She took back her feet, turned around and took three and two steps to chase the two girls.

Perhaps his footsteps were too urgent to disturb the two girls in front. They moved to one side consciously to make way for a small piece of road.

"Little bamboo!"

Xiaobao didn't know her real name, so she had to follow others to call her that. Although he didn't see her face at this time, he was basically sure that she was the girl he met in the small park that day.

When the girl with short hair heard someone call her, she turned her head and looked at Xiaobao's black eyes. She was slightly stunned. Then she gave him a smile, "Hello!"

At this time, Xiaobao had come to her and looked down at her, "it's really you. I thought I recognized the wrong person!"

Xiao Bao's joy seeped into the words, so the girl had to stop and look at him, "what a coincidence! Sir, are you here for business

Although, he looks very young and handsome, but she listened to two lovely children call him Dad, certainly, it is not likely to be a student.

Xiaobao nodded, "yes, I came to the teaching office to help my sister with the files." Truthfully finish the purpose of this trip, eyes concerned to move to her calf, "how's your foot?"