Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 983

The two babies yelled at the young master with one voice, "Dad..."

The voices of the two little guys were clean with soft and sticky sweetness. They felt soft and crisp when they heard the voice.

But at this time, the young master was inexplicably panicked. He turned his head and was surprised at the girl behind his upper body, but he also looked envious. "They are your children... You are so young... It's not like..."

"Well, I'm not their father!" The young master pleaded urgently.

Mingming, just along the way, many people misunderstood that he was the father of the two babies. At that time, he didn't feel disgusted, even a little proud.

But now, he is eager to get rid of the relationship between himself and the two babies.

"I'm their little uncle! It looks like it, doesn't it? "

The young master said, and he specially put his face together with the two children's face. He asked the girl who was sitting with his waist with a smile, "how is it? Is it very similar?"

The girl blinked, forced out a smile, "well... It's quite like..."

Beibei probably wanted to thank his uncle for his special gift. He touched Xiaobao's face with his hand full of sugar water, gave him a kiss, and then gave a sweet and greasy cry.


I don't know why, as soon as the young master heard the name, he had a fight all over. He subconsciously glanced at the girl, turned to stare at Beibei, and muttered, "smelly boy, I'm your little uncle!"

In the heart secretly cries bitterly, these two little farts are not usually very clever? How is it that uncle and father can't distinguish in an emergency?

The girl looked at the pleasing picture in front of her eyes, and her bright eyes flashed quickly.

The young master exchanged his eyes with Beibei for a while, then remembered that the girl seemed to have fallen a lot.

"Girl, it seems that you are seriously injured. Don't call an ambulance, call your friend to pick you up?"

The young master intuitively felt that the girl was not very old. At most, she was only 18 or 19 years old.

The girl raised her eyelids and gave him a strange look. Probably, she didn't quite adapt to his suddenly friendly address.

"It's OK, I can rest for a while..." between the words, a trace of caution flashed in my eyes.

But the young master didn't find the obvious difference in her attitude. He still advised her with concern, "you're not going to be OK after a rest."

The young master has always been very indifferent to strangers, especially strange women.

But for the girl in front of him, I don't know if it's because she looks very nice and fits his eye, and she's not old enough, which makes him put down his guard rarely. At the same time, maybe because she didn't deliberately win sympathy because of her injury, which makes him feel good for her again.

The woman pulled out a smile to him, "thank you for your concern. I'm fine. Just have a rest!"

Young master brain a draw, stem a face way, "my name is Ji Huan!"

The girl glanced at him, laughed and didn't speak.

"Dad... Dad..." the two little troublemakers behind suddenly started to make trouble again.

The two little guys seem to know that this name can make the little uncle blow up his hair, or they can't express anything else except this name for the time being, so they can only keep shouting "Daddy, Daddy".

"Beibei, Guoguo! I'm my little uncle The young master yelled at the two little guys with a fierce face.

The two kids giggled, then stuffed the lollipop into their mouth and looked at the young master with smiling black eyes.

The young master had no choice but to give up teaching these two little troublemakers. He turned around and took out the phone and said to the girl, "my home is near here. I know a doctor who is also near here. Shall I ask him to come and check you?"

The cry of pain when the girl fell just now and her pale face now all show that she fell badly. But even if the young master insisted so much and even confessed his real name, which was rarely disclosed to strangers, the girl firmly shook her head and refused him.

"No, sir! I'll have a rest here. My classmates will come later. "

The young master is holding the phone in his hand. He has never been so embarrassed and shameless as he is now. Clearly, he is very kind! Why is this girl so ignorant? Mr. Ji, when did he do such a stupid thing?

"Sir, please accompany your baby to play. Don't worry about me. I'll just wait for my classmates here!" The girl's clean voice sounded in the young master's ear.

The young master scratched his head helplessly and insisted again, "ah, I'm not their father!"

Who knows, his words sound just fell, behind a pair of baby with lollipop vaguely mumbled twice, "Dad... Dad..."

Although the voice is fuzzy, it can make people clearly distinguish the pronunciation.

These two kids, are they here to break down or something?!

The young master had no choice but to glance at the two little boys. He wanted to say something to the girl, but he was interrupted by a rough cry.

"Little bamboo! Why are you here? "

The young master looked up and saw a tall and thin boy Hula Hula Hula sliding towards them. The young master took his eyes back and stared at the girls around him.


Her name is Xiao Zhu?

Immediately, the girl confirmed his idea.

The girl waved to the boy with a smile, "Luo Yuan, I just fell down a lot and I'm thinking of calling you!"

The girl said that the boy named Luo Yuan had slipped over, and the tall shadow moved quickly. When the tall and thin man arrived in front of the girl, the boy's feet were lifted back and accurately stopped in front of the girl.

"Was it a serious fall? Let's go. I'll take you to the hospital! "

The boy didn't seem to see Ji Huan and the two babies at all. He put his hand over her arm and tried to lift her up.

The young master, for some reason, suddenly felt very upset and took over the boy's hand.

"Little friend, your classmate fell miserably. Are you sure your rude action won't hurt her twice?"

That boy slightly a Leng, this just see to small treasure, to small treasure displeased eyes, quite a little doubt ground see to girl student, "is he?"

The girl explained with embarrassment, "Oh, this gentleman is the one who just picked me up when I fell down."

The boy suddenly realized, his face turned to sincerity, and nodded to Xiaobao with a smile, "this gentleman, thank you for helping my classmate!"

Xiao Bao didn't have a good face or a good impression on him, but for the sake of the girl's health, he kindly reminded the fool, "do you have a car?"

The boy was embarrassed, "yes..."

Xiaobao interrupted him, "then you drive the car quickly and help her get on the bus."

"However, it's a bicycle..." the boy added with a red face.