Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 982

The young master pushes the two little living treasures along the shade of the sidewalk. Although Ji Dabao, the father of the child, says that the two little ones occasionally have to bask in the sun, which is conducive to the transformation and absorption of calcium in the body, the young master always ignores this.

His precious nephew and niece's skin is white, tender and ruddy. It's pleasant to feel and look at. If he accidentally becomes a black charcoal head, who will compensate him for his two cute children?

The pedestrians along the road saw a tall and handsome young man pushing two beautiful, cute and lovely babies. They pointed out one after another. Some young women who were full of maternal love even couldn't help chatting up and staring at them.

"Oh, are these two babies twins? How lovely, how cute, how q! "

The young master has received numerous eye-catching gifts since he was a child. He has been used to the stars and the moon for a long time. He was ignored by the two babies as a foil, but he was not dissatisfied at all. He asked triumphantly, "it's the twins. How about me?"

The fashionable woman looked up at him, her face turned red immediately. It is estimated that she was blushed by Shuai.

"It's really like that. I thought my son was like my mother, my daughter was like my father, and my sons and daughters were like you!"

The young master is even better, deliberately ignored, he is just a little uncle, not a father!

"Of course, they have my last name!"

Beibei fruit is the essence of Dabao and Niu, and Dabao little treasure has five or six points. So when there is no big treasure, the two little children are very similar to the young master.

In particular, a pair of black shining eyes and the cunning smile inside are even more similar.

As a result, it's only eight minutes' journey from Ji's home to the small park. The young master has successfully let the passer-by mistakenly think that these two lovely little guys are his son and daughter.

The young master didn't think there was any problem with this misunderstanding. On the contrary, he was very proud and had fun all the way. Because he was in a good mood, he sat down in the chair in the park. He took out the lollipop from his backpack, which was originally intended to please the two little kids in two days, and prepared to reward it to the little ancestor.

As soon as the two little guys saw that little uncle took out the colorful box of candy just now, the eyes of the thief turned, the four little hands were waving in the air, and their mouths were crying.

The young master bent his eyebrows with a smile. He was very happy in his heart, but he deliberately raised the lollipop so high that he did not forget to tease the two little ancestors

The two little guys looked at each other, chatted with each other for a while, but left the young master holding the lollipop to amuse them aside.

The young master is a little unhappy!

Is it clear that he is the one who controls the power of angry death? Why do you feel desolate when you are left out by your two little ancestors?


The young master bent down in frustration and wanted to tease the two self talking children. Suddenly, a woman's scream came from behind, "Alas! Alas! Alas! Who's up there! get out of the way! Get out of the way... "

Before the young master had time to look back, he instinctively dragged the pram behind him and protected the two babies with his tall body.

"PATA!" There was a huge noise not far away from him. The young master took care of the baby in the car with one hand. He looked down at the little guy with curious eyes. He was sure that they were not frightened. Then he looked up in the direction of the noise.

Less than one meter away from them, there was a woman lying on her back in a very ugly posture. On her feet, she was wearing a pulley. Obviously, she was a beginner in pulley. She didn't control her direction well and didn't have enough skills, so she fell down.

"Ouch, I'm dead!" That woman not big not small of a curse, in the side looked at the young master wake up, pat beibeiguoguo, "baby, be obedient."

With that, he straightened up and strode to the woman's side, bending over to reach out to the woman.

"Well, didn't you hurt yourself?" Although the young master is usually arrogant, he can't do anything to save him.

The woman twisted her face and held her waist in pain With a cry of pain, he reached for his waist.

"Can you get up?" The young master's hand was still in front of her, but he was a little anxious.

You know, his two little babies are still behind him!

The woman still hung her eyes painfully. Her half short hair covered most of her face. She supported her waist with one hand and tried to support the ground with the other, "it seems that... Can't..."

The young master frowned slightly and glanced at the woman's figure. Her feet were long and thin. She was tall but not heavy!

After such estimation, the young master reached over and picked up the person. He walked back to the chair and carefully placed her on the chair.

"Thank you..." the woman's voice still showed a painful ending. The young master didn't care about her. He turned to look at the two babies in the pram and saw that they were playing with each other's face and hair. He didn't pay attention to his little uncle's short-term abandonment of them.

"Beibeiguoguo, do you want to eat lollipops?" The little master, who was completely neglected, said that he was very hurt and had to take out the best - Lollipop to shake in front of the two kids.

"Eh?" The two little guys exclaimed in unison, and then stared at the young master with big black eyes.

"Ouch..." another cry came from behind the young master. Xiaobao remembered that there was still a patient sitting on the chair. He quickly put the lollipop in his hand into beibeiguoguo's hand, and with one hand, he climbed up the pram and turned to look at the woman on the chair.

The young master couldn't help but be stunned.

I saw that woman with short black hair, face palm size, facial features too delicate, especially the pair of amber apricot eyes, is beautiful unforgettable. Maybe it's because I really hurt. My eyes are covered with a thin layer of water vapor. When I look at Xiaobao, I look very sad.

In addition to his mother and sister, and now the young master who has pity for Guoguo, his heart is trembling with this pair of pitiful big eyes.

Strange and strange feeling filled the air in an instant. He rushed to ask, "where did you fall? I'll call the ambulance for you

Beautiful girl holding waist, small face wrinkled up a ball, sweat on the forehead out of a layer, a look to know the pain.

But she shook her head and denied Xiaobao's proposal.

"No... thank you..."

What else did Xiao Bao want to say? His arm was caught by two little hands. Xiao Bao turned to stare at the two little kids, "what's the matter? Baby

Beibei and Guoguo hold the lollipop in one hand, their lips are full of water, and their eyes are shining. They stare at the young master and open their mouth. Then they shout to the young master with one voice.
