Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 978

Two small steamed buns eat much, sleep well, and grow happily. Originally, when the two kids were full moon, Ji Dabao, who was a father, could walk around with one hand in his arms.

But when the two kids are 100 days old, Ji's family and Yang's family hold a 100 day party for the two babies in Ji's mansion, Ji daren't go around with the two toys.

Xiaobao's uncle came and took Guoguo from the baby carriage first. The beautiful little girl danced and giggled in his arms.

"Xiaobao, why don't you hold Beibei?"

When Dabao came to pick up his son, he suddenly thought of a question. It seems that Xiaobao always holds the fruit, but seldom holds Beibei?

"Guoguo, kiss my little uncle!"

The young master said, and gave a kiss on the little girl's red face.

Dabao glanced at him, "little sample, let your wife give you a few girls in the future, don't annoy you to death!"

"Girls are not bothered, but smelly boys are!" The young master smiles and kisses the little girl again.

Both babies have straight black hair. When Beibei was full moon, she cut it into a small board inch, which is very refreshing. Since then, she has kept the small board inch till now.

Guoguo is a girl. At the full moon, she only had a symbolic pruning. On the hundred day, Dabao, the father, helped her cut a lovely mushroom head.

Ji Laozi came over to have a look, ha ha ground laughed to open, "Yo, fruit fruit this little wench, return really resemble big treasure, when you were a child."

Ji Rui and Letong haven't seen their granddaughter's new hairstyle yet. When they look around, they all laugh. They all say it's really similar.

Originally, the fruit as like as two peas, the two little boys both blended the advantages of their parents' facial features. With the growth of both of them, Beibei was a boy. After cutting the plate, the younger men gradually wore some heroic spirit. The fruit cut the mushroom head, and the girls' beauty was more and more beautiful.

Niuniu didn't think much at first. She took pictures of Guoguo grinning and drooling, and then pulled out a similar one from Dabao's childhood photo album to compare it.

"Oh, don't mention it. It's at least eight or nine percent like it!"

Say, the contrast picture of mobile phone is projected on outdoor screen.

When he was a child, Dabao always had a mushroom head. Later, when he was ill and hospitalized, he changed his hairstyle. Later, he lived with Letong. Dabao felt that he should be like a man, so he kept a small size.

"Niu Niu, you also come to take a picture of Beibei, and then compare the pictures of your brother when he was five or six years old."

Letong has already brought Beibei over. Mingming just thought that Guoguo is very similar to Dabao with mushroom head. Looking at Beibei with fingers licking in her arms, she thinks that Beibei is very similar to Dabao when she was five or six years old.

Niu Niu ran over and snapped. According to le Tong's words, she found a small picture of Dabao when he was six years old.

"Tut Tut, it's very similar!"

Everyone looked up at the two groups of contrast photos on the screen, "Dabao, it seems that Beibei and Guoguo are more like you."

Niuniu pinched her son's face, pinched her daughter's chin, pretended to eat and said with a smile, "son and daughter, you two are the meat that fell from Mommy's body. Why don't you look more like Mommy?"

When Dabao heard the speech, he lowered his head and picked up Niuniu's mobile phone for a while. Soon, there was another set of comparison pictures on the big screen. On the left and right sides, Beibei and Guoguo were pigtailed by P, and in the middle, Niuniu was pigtailed when she was a child.

"Niuniu, look, who said Beibei and Guoguo are not like you?"

After Dabao such a P, and Niuniu with the same hairstyle two little guys, with Sihan really have seven or eight points similar.

"So it's the hairstyle that's causing the trouble!"

Finally, it was Xiaobao, the little uncle, who made a precise closing statement.

"Besides, don't you find out? Brother and sister are more and more alike now! "

After Xiaobao said that, everyone's eyes turned from the two little guys' faces to Dabao's and Niuniu's. Xiaobao was very playful. He handed Beibei to Ji Rui's hands and stepped forward to gather them together. "Ji Dabao, please stick your face to your sister and let me have a look!"

Dabao is in a good mood, and usually he connives at Xiaobao. Many times he knows that he likes to play, and let him make trouble. At present, he is also obediently cooperating with him, putting his arm around Niuniu's shoulder and putting his face on her face.

"Don't say, it's really a bit similar. Maybe it's the legendary husband and wife?"

I don't know if Xiaobao's preconceptions have affected my judgment, or whether Dabao and Niuniu are really like each other. Several elders look at the young couple and think they are really like each other.

"Niuniu, when do you take beibeiguoguo to live in Beijing for a while? They are so cute."

Churan is two or three years older than Letong. This year, she is just fifty years old. Originally, Yangliu had been married for several years, but she refused to have children. Churan's dream of holding her grandson is like putting it off again and again.

"Aunt, I may be a little busy later. How about waiting for the summer vacation?"

Niuniu will refuse, not because she is afraid of the journey, but because she does have some plans next.

It's a long story. After the two babies are full moon, Dabao begins to go back to Ji's work. After the confinement, Niuniu begins to take care of her baby wholeheartedly at home.

Occasionally, she would put the two babies on the crib, while she would take the violin and play melodious music for them.

It's said that she was pregnant for three years, but this rumor has not been confirmed by her. Her creative inspiration is not affected by childbirth at all. On the contrary, her inspiration is more active and more open than giving birth to two babies.

During the two months from the baby's full moon to the 100th day, she wrote dozens of songs. Some of them are melodious and warm, which are suitable for hypnosis. Some of them are active and beating. The two babies dance happily when they listen to them

Ningyi Jiahao didn't know where to get the news that Niuniu had made a lot of new songs. He called several times to ask for songs.

But Niuniu thinks that these songs belong to Beibei and Guoguo. Maybe she will never regard them as commercial songs. However, she will consider another way to change it into a violin solo, and it's good to record a pure performance album.

And the reason why she refused Chu ran was because of this album that has not yet been formed.

"Well, it's nearly ten months since summer vacation. It's more convenient to take care of it." Chu ran didn't ask for it.

So, after beibeiguoguo's 100 day party, she mentioned her idea of recording a pure performance album to Dabao, and Dabao agreed without thinking about it.

But when it comes to the implementation stage, Niu Niu starts to worry again.